The Chinese translation below are still in progress.
The Chinese translation below was completed by an experienced translator, and proofreading is still in progress.
However, its linguistic accuracy and theological reliability have not yet been approved by the Orthodox Fellowship of All Saints of China Commission on Translation. Therefore, it should be regarded as a work in progress and not as the final version.
All Chinese translations that have completed quality review with the Commission on Translation are either posted electronically to the appropriate section of this website, and/or if published in print, are listed in the OFASC Store, or in the new book section of this website.
All translations that passed the quality review with the Commission will be endorsed with the following enumeration scheme:
where T is topic, L is language translated from, and DDMMYY is the date passed Commission's review:
Example: 本译文经正教会中华诸圣会翻译委员会审核通过 (2-2-100712), where: