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Text to Speech converters

The following sites can convert any text to speech. This would be useful in hearing how a phrase or name sounds like in the original languages for purpose of reviewing the faithfulness of a target language's transliteration scheme to the original.

Google Translate (http://translate.google.com)
Enter source text (1), select source language (2), and click Listen (3)
ImTranslator translate and speak (http://imtranslator.net/translate-and-speak/)
Enter source text (1), untick Translate (2), select source language (3), and click Speak language (4)
Learn Chinese, Listen to this! http://ecl.iflytek.com/ListenToThis/
You can input up to limit of 200 characters and allows you to save to MP3. You can use the free software from http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ in order to join the 200 character limit mp3 files into one continous file to create an audio book.
InterPhonic 6.0 http://www.iflytek.com/TtsDemo/interPhonicShow.aspx
provides option of reading Chinese text in other Chinese dialect including Cantonese and dynamically replace some written forms with the colloquial Cantonese spoken equivalent making it sounds more natural when listening. The only drawback is this link doesn't provide a way to save the reading to MP3.