
[1] Commentary on Isaiah. SC 304 p. 154

[2] PG 62, col.755-757

[3] J. Romanides: Jesus Christ the life of the world. (A talk in Greek translation), p.28f

[4] J. Romanides:Romainoi I Romioi Pateres tis Ekklisias. Vol.1, p.22f In Greek.

[5] J. Romanides:Romainoi I Romioi Pateres tis Ekklisias. Vol.1, p.27 In Greek

[6] Gregory the Theologian. Or.27, 3. NPNFns, vol.7, P.285

[7] Evagrius. Philokalia 1, p.62, 61

[8] Ladder. Step 30 CWS p.288

[9] Ibid

[10] Ibid. p.250

[11] Ibid. p.262

[12] Philok .2, p.69,26

[13] Ibid. p.108, 64

[14] PG91, 601 C. Letter 20, to Marinos the Monk

[15] Philok.2, p.330, 80

[16] Ibid. p.328f, 62

[17] Philok. 1, p.275, 67

[18] Ibid. p.254f, 9

[19] St. Maximus the Confessor. Philok. 2, p.239, 16

[20] Triads. 1.3, 15

[21] Ibid. 1, 3, 12

[22] Ibid.3, 1, 32. CWS p.87

[23] Romanides: Dogmatic and Symbolic Theology…p.85f. In Greek.

[24] Romanides. Jesus Christ the Life of the World, p.23. In Gk.

[25] Commentary on Epistle to the Romans. PG 74, 788f

[26] Ibid. 785

[27] Homily 51, 10. EPE 11, p.114f. In Gk

[28] Ladder. Step 15. CWS p.185

[29] Philok. 2, p. 91, 53

[30] Ibid. p.76, 64

[31] Ibid. p.88, 34

[32] The monk A. Rantosavlievtis: The Mystery of Salvation according to St. Maximus the Confessor. P. 122. In Gk.

[33] Gregory the Theologian. Or. 40, 37. NPNFns, vol. 7, p.374, 37

[34] Ilians the Presbyster. Philok. 3, p. 34, 4

[35] Isaac the Syrian. Epistle 4. Gk. Ed. Spanos, p.384 (not in ET)

[36] PG 90, 1433-1437

[37] St. Thalassions. Philok. 2, p. 317, 78

[38] St. Diadochos of Photike, Philok. 1, p.258, 19

[39] Instructions 16, 171. SC p.466. CS p. 223

[40] Ladder. Step 1. CWS p.75

[41] Dototheso. SC p. 412, 144. CS p. 197

[42] Diadochos of Photike. Philok. 1, p. 260, 28

[43] Gregory the Theologian. Or, 39, 8. NPNFns, vol. 7, p. 354

[44] Hesychios the Priest. Philok. 1, p.192, 171

[45] J. Romanides: RR vol. 1, p. 18. In Gk.

[46] Philok. 2, p. 72, 39

[47] Philok. 3, p. 261

[48] St Gregory Palamas. To Xeni. Gk. Philok. 4, p. 108, line 27

[49] Ibid. p. 109, lines 10-14

[50] Ladder. Step 25, Cws p. 226

[51] Thalassions. Philok. 2, p.328, 44

[52] St. John of the Ladder. To the Shepherd. Moore 1979, p.232f

[53] Ibid

[54] J. Romanides: RR vol. 1, p. 18f in GK

[55] Ibid. p. 27

[56] Thalassions. Philok. 2, p.319, 8

[57] Practical chapters, Ch. 91

[58] Ecclesiastical Hierarchies, ch.2. CWS p.200

[59] Gregory Palamas. Triads. 2,3,74

[60] Ibid. 2, 3 ,77

[61] Maximus. Philok. 2, p. 107, 56

[62] Issac the Syrian. Ascetical Homilies. P. 42

[63] Thalassions. Philok. 2, p.107, 56

[64] Ibid. p. 328, 48

[65] Gk. Philok. 4, p. 67,3

[66] Maximus. Philok. 2, p.61, 79

[67] Sayings of the Desert Fathers, p. 68, 2

[68] Diadochos of Photike. Philok. 1, p.266, 45

[69] Ladder. Step. 14 CWS p.169

[70] Disdochos. Philok.1, p.267, 47

[71] Ladder. Step 14. CWS p. 169

[72] Issac the Syrian. Ascetical Homilies, p.101

[73] Ladder. Step 20. CWS p.196

[74] To Seni. Gk. Philok. 4, p.20-22

[75] Kadder, Step 27. CWS p.233

[76] Ibid

[77] Sayings of the Desert Fathers p.2,3

[78] Ibid p. 130, 2

[79] Ibid. p. 94, 1

[80] Ibid. p.144, 29