O you people leap for joy and clap your hands,/ and lovingly cry out with radiant gladness./ For the Ever-Virgin Mary/ is about to rise gloriously from earth to heaven./ Let us ever glorify her as the Mother of God.
In the Spirit thou didst foresee the Church of Christ/ as a lofty mountain, O inspired Prophet Micah./ As thou hast foretold, those who have found salvation therein/ are walking in the paths of the Lord,/ ever praising thy glorious memory.
In thy memory the world is spiritually adorned with the immaterial Spirit/ and is gladly shouting to thee:/ Rejoice, O Virgin, boast of Christians.
Illumined by the light of the Holy Spirit,/ thou didst foretell Christ's condescension/ whereby we who honour thee/ are redeemed from corruption,/ O God-inspired Prophet Micah.