1985 trans. | 中文(简) | српски [2]


1 . 神聖的先知馬拉基亞瑪拉基 [ MICHEA ]

Micah was of the tribe of Judah and from the village of Morasth for which he is called the "Morasthite." He was a contemporary of the prophets Isaiah, Amos, Hosea and the Jewish kings Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah. Micah rebuked the vices of his people and rebuked the false prophets who prophesied "of wine and of strong drink" (Micah 2:11). He foretold the destruction of Samaria. He also foretold the destruction of Jerusalem, which will come because their leaders accept bribes, the priests teach for lucre and its prophets tell fortunes for money. "Therefore shall Zion for your sake be plowed as a field and Jerusalem shall become as heaps" (Micah 3:12). But, of all his prophecies, the most important prophecy is that of the Messiah, especially the place of His birth. He mentioned Bethlehem as the birthplace of the Messiah, "Whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting" (Micah 5:2). It is not known exactly whether this prophet was slain by the Jews or whether he died a peaceful death. "Micah the Morasthite prophesied in the days of Hezekiah king of Judah and spoke to all the people of Judah saying, Thus said the Lord of hosts; Zion shall be plowed like a field and Jerusalem shall become heaps and the mountain of the house as the high places of a forest. Did Hezekiah king of Judah and all Judah put him at all to death? Did he not fear the Lord and besought the Lord and the Lord repented him of the evil which he had pronounced against them? Thus might we procure great evil against our souls" (Jeremiah 26:18-19). However, it is known that he was buried in his village and his relics were found, together with the relics of the Prophet Habakkuk, during the reign of Emperor Theodosius the Great according to a mysterious revelation, which Bishop Zevin of Eleutheropolis received.
馬拉基亞瑪拉基有猶太並且從他為其被打電話給的 Morasth 的村莊的部落“ Morasthite 。”他是先知艾賽爾,阿摩司,馬拉基亞瑪拉基和猶太的國王少量火腿, Ahaz 和 Hezekiah 的一個同輩人。馬拉基亞瑪拉基斥責了他的人的罪惡並且斥責了假的先知“酒並且強壯的飲料”預言了 ( 馬拉基亞瑪拉基 2:11 ) 。他預知了撒馬利亞的破壞。他也預知了耶路撒冷的破壞, 哪個因為他們的領導人接受,被來的愿望賄賂, 司祭為收益教並且它的先知為錢告訴財富。“當欄位和耶路撒冷將作為堆成為,因此為你的緣故的天國將被耕作” ( 馬拉基亞瑪拉基 3:12 ) 。但是, 所有的他的預言, 最重要的預言伊伊穌。斯耶穌是那, 特別他的出生的地方。他作為伊伊穌。斯耶穌的出生地提及了伯利恆,“其去向前從舊, 從永久” ( 馬拉基亞瑪拉基 5:2 ) 。是否這個先知被猶太人殺死或他是否死了,不確切被知道和平的死亡。“ Morasthite 在猶太的 Hezekiah 國王的日子預言了並且跟說的猶太的所有的人民說話了的馬拉基亞瑪拉基, 這樣說主機的主;像欄位和耶路撒冷將作為一個森林的高地方成為房子的堆和山,天國將被耕作。猶太和所有的猶太的 Hezekiah 國王根本放他至死嗎?他不害怕主並且懇求了主並且主他對他們讀了的魔鬼后悔了他嗎?這樣我們可能取得對我們的靈魂的大魔鬼“ ( 耶[列爾]密。亞耶利米 26:18-19 ) 。然而, 他在他的村莊裡被埋葬並且他的遺物被發現,這被知道, 和先知馬拉基亞瑪拉基的遺物,在皇帝 Theodosius 的朝代期間大根據神秘的展現,Eleutheropolis 的 Zevin 收到了哪個主教。


2 . 司祭MARCELLUS殉教者 , APAMAEA 的主教

Marcellus was born on Cyprus of wealthy and eminent parents and he was highly- educated. He entered into marriage and had children. When his wife died, Marcellus withdrew to the monastic life in Syria, leaving his children to the Providence of God. He became famous because of his compassion, meekness and spiritual knowledge because of which the Ampamaens elected him as their bishop. As a bishop, Marcellus zealously labored to convert pagans to the Christian Faith. When an idolatrous temple was burned the idolaters seized Marcellus, supposedly as the one who had caused the fire, and burned him in fire about the year 389 A.D. Especially instructive in the life of St. Marcellus is that the blessing of water and the use of blessed water is mentioned there.
Marcellus 在富裕並且著名的父母的賽浦路斯上出生並且他是高度 -- 教育。他進入了婚姻並且有了孩子。當他的妻子死了時, Marcellus 在敘利亞撤退了到修道士生活, 把他的孩子留給上帝的普羅維登斯。他因為他的 Ampamaens 因為其作為他們的主教選了他的同情,溫柔和神的知識變得了著名。作為一個主教, Marcellus 熱心地勞動了變換異教徙到克裡斯琴•法斯。當崇拜聖像的堂被燒時,聖像崇拜者抓住了 Marcellus , 據說作為一個引起了火,並且關於一年在火燒了他在聖 Marcellus 的生活特別有啟發性的 389 A.D 是有福氣的水的水和使用祝福被提及在那裡。




Micah, God's prophet, with the Spirit of God burns,
馬拉基亞瑪拉基, 上帝的先知, 與上帝的神燒,

Salvation speaks and punishment prophesies:

"Hear, you leaders of the house of Jacob" [Micah 3:1],
“聽見, 你雅格布的房子的領導人” [ 馬拉基亞瑪拉基 3:1 ] ,

When fire erupts, the chaff is not saved.

You hate readily and evil, evil you relish,
你樂意地恨並且魔鬼, 魔鬼你風味,

God's people, you heartlessly fleece,
上帝的人, 你無情地毛被,

The prophets of old and the law you have abandoned,

To God you do not harken, to the fortune-tellers you harken!

But misfortune, pain and weeping will come,

To cry out to heaven, in vain and too late,

For the Assyrians, Samaria will be the threshing floor
為 Assyrians ,撒馬利亞將是脫粒的地板

For the rabid Chaldeans, Jerusalem, the threshing floor.
為狂暴的迦勒底, 耶路撒冷, 脫粒的地板。

"And you Bethelem Ephratha small" [Micah 5:1],
“並且你小的 Bethelem Ephratha ” [ 馬拉基亞瑪拉基 5:1 ] ,

To me, you are the dearest, even though you are the least
到我, 你是最親愛, 盡管你是最少的

From you, the Leader whom we need, will come forth
從你, 我們需要的領導人, 將向前來

His coming, from the depths of heaven,
他的來, 從天堂的深度,

Out of burning love, He will come willingly

With His mighty staff, His flock He will tend.

"His greatness [authority] shall reach to the ends of the earth" [Micah 5:3].
“他的偉大 [ 權威 ] 將到達地球的 to the ends ” [ 馬拉基亞瑪拉基 5:3 ] 。

The earth, with the heavens, to Him with mercy shall sing
地球, 與天堂,將與仁慈唱歌到他

And peace will reign, He, that peace will be,
並且和平將統治, 他, 那和平將是,

By Himself, He will glorify the human race.



Beware of a parent's curse for a parental curse is a dreadful thing. Appreciate and seek a parental blessing for it will accompany you throughout your entire life. The all-wise Sirach speaks: "For the blessing of the father establishes the houses of children but curse of the mother rooteth out foundations" (Sirach 3:9 Ecclesiasticus 3:9). The curse by which Noah cursed the descendants of Ham still follows the unfortunate Hamites today. However, to the sons of Jacob, it was the same as their father blessed them in their life. St. Sergius, as a young man, begged his parents for their blessing in order for him to become a monk. But, the aged parents begged their son to wait awhile and to labor around them until their death and after that to become tonsured a monk. Sergius obeyed his parents and was blessed until his death. Bishop Hermogenes relates an incident how a son mistreated his wife. When his mother, with tears, began to scold him because of this, the son attacked his mother, beat her and smashed her head against a wall. The sorrowful mother cried out: "Lord, may my son be cursed and may he not have my blessing nor Your blessing." That same day, the son began to tremble throughout his entire body and for thirteen years he lived in this state of trembling not even able to raise a spoon to his mouth. After thirteen years, he made his confession and received the Sacrament of Holy Communion which made it somewhat easier for him and soon after that he died.
因為父母的詛咒是一件可怕的事情,一個父母的詛咒注意。欣賞並且因為它將在整個你的全部生活伴隨你,尋求父母的福氣。都明智的 Sirach 說話︰“因為父親的福氣外面建立孩子的房子但是母親 rooteth 的詛咒基礎” ( Sirach 3:9 聖經中一書 3:9 ) 。諾亞由其詛咒了火腿的子孫的詛咒今天仍然跟隨不幸的諾亞次子 Ham 的后裔。然而, 到雅格布的兒子,它在他們的生活與他們的有福氣的父親一樣是他們。聖 Sergius , 作為一個年輕的人,懇求了他的父母他們的為他有序的福氣成為一個修道士。但是, 變老的父母懇求了他們的兒子片刻並且到勞動在他們附近等待直到他們的死亡並且在那以後成為噸肯定一個修道士。Sergius 服從了他的父母並且是有福氣的直到他的死亡。主教 Hermogenes 聯系一個兒子虐待了的一個事件他的妻子。甚麼時候他的母親, 與眼淚,開始了因為這責罵他,兒子攻擊了他的母親, 打她並且靠著一面牆打碎了她的頭。傷心的母親驚呼了︰“主, 我的兒子可以被詛咒並且他可以沒有我也不祝福你的祝福。”那同樣的天, 兒子開始了在整個他的全部身體並且有他生活在了的 13 年的時間抖動抖動的這個狀態不甚至能提起湯勺到他的嘴。在 13 年以後,他做了招供並且為他使它有點更容易的神聖的共享領聖餐了並且此后不久他死了。



To contemplate the wondrous assistance of God to Saul in battle with the Ammonites (1 Samuel 11 1 Kings 11):
沉思到在與炸藥的戰斗的 Saul 的上帝的令人驚奇的幫助 ( 1 塞繆爾 11 1 國王 11 ) ︰

1. How the powerful Nahash [Naas], the leader of the Ammonites, threatened to pluck out the right eye of all the Israelites;
1 . 怎麼有力的不灰 [ Naas ], 炸藥的領導人, 威脅了外面拔所有的猶太人的正確的眼睛;

2. How the people of Israel wept before the Lord;
2 . 伊斯[拉爾]。伊利以色列的人民怎麼在主前哭泣了;

3. How Saul and Samuel, with God's help, destroyed the Ammonites for the Spirit of God was upon Saul and Samuel.
3 . 怎麼 Saul 和塞繆爾, 與上帝的幫助,因為上帝的神在 Saul 和塞繆爾之上,破壞了炸藥。



About the prophesied light in darkness


"The people that walked in the darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined" (Isaiah 9:2).
“那在黑暗走了的人民看見了一盞大燈︰他們在死亡的陰影的陸地的那居住, 在他們之上光照耀了的 hath “ ( 艾賽爾 9:2 ) 。

There where it is the darkest, the prophet fortells there will appear the light-bearing Messiah. The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali were considered as the darkest lands. There, the pagans were intermingled with the Jews; the yoke of external and internal slavery is the most difficult; the darkness of the pagans and the darkness of the Pharisees covered the people with the shadow of death. The Light of Heaven shown first in Bethlehem Christ the Lord was born there. That Light was seen from afar by eastern Magi and, in the vicinity, by the shepherds of Bethlehem. But that Light was driven out of Bethlehem by the bloody sword of Herod and the Light withdrew to Egypt. After that, the Light shown in full radiance in this land of darkness and the shadow of death, in the land of Zebulun and Naphtali. In this land, alongside the lake, there lived fishermen whom our Lord chose for His disciples. In this land is the Mount of the Beatitudes from which the Lord proclaimed His first great sermon about the blessed. There, also, is Cana of Galilee where the Lord worked His first miracle. There, He began His work for the salvation of mankind by His powerful word and by His powerful deeds. Men saw this great Light and were astonished. Many were scandalized at the Lord and many mocked Him. But these men of darkness did not kill Him. There was another darker spot in the land of the Jews, which raised its hand against the Creator and killed Him. That is the same spot from which Herod, thirty-three years earlier, raised his bloody sword, to extinguish this great Light by blood, i.e., Jerusalem. Of all the darkness, the darkness of Jerusalem was the darkest. Perhaps the darkest because she [Jerusalem] named herself as the light.
在那裡它在哪兒最暗, 先知堡壘厄爾將出現在那裡忍受光伊伊穌。斯耶穌。Zebulun 的土地和 Naphtali 的土地作為最暗的陸地被考慮。在那裡, 異教徙與猶太人被混合;外部並且內部的奴隸製的蛋黃是最困難的;異教徙的黑暗和君子的黑暗用死亡的陰影蓋住了人民。首先在伯利恆合[利爾]斯托。斯基督被看主的天堂的光出生在那裡。那盞燈從遠方旁邊東方的東方三博士被看見並且, 在鄰近,由伯利恆的牧人。但是那盞燈被希臘王和光的流血的劍從伯利恆駕駛撤退了到埃及。在那以後, 在黑暗的這陸地和死亡的陰影在完整的發光被顯示出的光, 在 Zebulun 和 Naphtali 的土地。在這陸地, 在湖, 吾主為他的門徙選擇了的被生活了在那裡的漁民。在裡面這陸地是主從其宣告了他的第一條大布道關於的至福的山有福氣。在那裡, 另外, 是主工作了的古[羅爾]瑪州名的 Cana 他的第一個奇跡。在那裡, 他由他的有力的詞並且由他的有力的行為為人類的救助開始了工作。人看見了這盞大燈並且被震驚。許多在主被誹謗並且許多嘲笑了他。但是黑暗的這些人沒殺死他。在猶太人的土地有另外的更暗的點, 它對創造者舉手了並且殺死了他。是一樣的從此希臘王的點, 早 33 年, 提起了他的流血的劍, 用血撲滅這盞大燈, 即, 耶路撒冷。所有的黑暗,耶路撒冷的黑暗是最暗。也許最暗因為她 [ 耶路撒冷 ] 作為光命名了她自己。

O Lord, our Great and All-great Light, encompass us by Your light in this short period of time and receive us after death into Your Light, glorious and immortal.
哦!主啊, 我們的大並且都大的燈, 圍繞我們由你的在這個短時期的燈預定並且在死亡以後接待我們進你的燈, 光榮並且不朽。

To Thee be glory and praise forever. Amen.