
The Fifteenth Day of the Month of January


Russian icon circa 1875, 6.5x8.75

Troparion of St. Paul of Thebes Tone 3

Inspired by the Spirit, thou wast the first to dwell in the desert,/ in emulation of Elijah the Zealot;/ as one like the Angels,/ thou wast made known to the world by St. Anthony./ O righteous Paul, pray to Christ our God to grant us His great mercy.

Troparion of St. John the Hut-dweller Tone 4

Thou didst fervently long for the Lord from childhood,/ thou didst abandon the delights of the world and train as an ascetic./ Thou didst build thy hut at thy parents' gates/ and shatter the demon's snares./ Wherefore Christ has glorified thee, O blessed John.

Kontakion of St. Paul of Thebes Tone 3

We gather today and praise thee with hymns/ as an unwaning ray of the spiritual sun;/ for thou didst shine on those in the darkness of ignorance,/ and lead all men to the heights/ holy Paul, adornment of Thebes,/ firm foundation of ascetics and fathers.

Kontakion of St. John the Hut-dweller Tone 2

In longing for Christ-like poverty/ thou didst forsake thy parents' wealth, O John;/ thou didst follow Christ our God with the Gospel in thy hand,/ interceding unceasingly for us all.

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