CHAPTER III Church split in Shanghai A course of a church life in China upon termination of the second world war, its internal collisions and peripetias also are until now poorly known. In the Message from August, 2, 1946 prelate John Shanhajsky wrote to orthodox flock: " In view of a break of messages with other countries we at that time within several years have been torn off the Maximum Church Management of Abroad and from time to time on significant intervals have been cut off from the eparchial center, compelled then independently to supervise over a local church life, but accepting all opportunities to restoration of the relations. During war attempt to create church Management of East Asia under domination of metropolitan Meletija has been made. Then authorities in Harbin rather insisted on that it has been stopped pominovenie metropolitan Anastas whom they counted the ill-wisher. However, having proved many references to canons, Far East hierarches have opposed that and continued to count metropolitan Anastas glavoju Foreign Church. After route of Germany about destiny of the Foreign Synod there were no messages and on that different hearings went. At the end of July of the last year we have received news, that harbinskie hierarches have decided to ask the Most holy Patriarch Moscow about their acceptance in the conducting. We have immediately written to archbishop Victor, that, not having data on destiny of the Foreign Synod and not being have the right to remain outside of submission of the maximum Church authority, we should enter also the relations with the Most holy Patriarch Moscow and at absence of obstacles to obey it " [46]. Since 1941 the orthodox Church in China appeared in isolation from all orthodox world: communication with the Foreign Synod has been interrupted as a result of military actions in Europe and Asia and emancipating struggle of China against Japan. The representative of the Foreign Synod in China was Vysokopreosvjashchennejshy metropolitan Melety living in Harbin. The title of bishop Beijing and Chinese belonged to archbishop Victor, the Chief of 20-th Mission. Harbinskaja the diocese was quite independent in the management. Besides after creation of the puppet state Manchzhou by Japan go with capital in Xinjiang this diocese as taking place outside the Chinese Republic hardly could confer on questions of a church life with the Chief of Spiritual Mission in Beijing. Orthodox tested persecution - the Japanese administration demanded oto all citizens of symbolical worship goddess Amaterasu - rodonachalnitse an imperial house of Japan. Priests Alexander Zhuch and Feodor Bogolyubov, ieromonah Paul have been killed, some clerics have been under compulsion transferred from Harbinskoj to a diocese to Beijing. In the official report from March, 24, 1945 of the priest Bogorodsko-Kazan Tabynskoj a female monastery in Kakagashi near Dajrena (Distant) prot. John Petelina from Harbin addressed to the Patriarch Moscow and all Russia Alex I there is a following description of the situation developed in China: " ? the Japanese administration of edge paralyses all economic life of emigration, are deformed and more than Russian schools are half destroyed.., some of priests have undergone to heavy reprisals, beatings and even death. Available hierarches, namely Vysokopreosvjashchennejshy metropolitan Melety, Vysokopreosvjashchennejshy archbishop Nestor, Vysokopreosvjashchennejshy archbishop Victor, Vysokopreosvjashchennejshy archbishop Dimitry, Preosvjashchennejshy bishop John and Preosvjashchennejshy bishop Juvenaly are not among themselves in the friendly consent ? " [47]. Prot. John further informs and that Episcopal Meeting Harbinskoj of the Diocese at will of metropolitan Meletija has erected Preosvjashchennogo Dimitrija in a dignity of archbishop is an obvious sign on an autonomy of a diocese, more truly, its isolations from the church center - the Foreign Synod. Further in this official report it is spoken about readiness of many emigrants to accept jurisdiction of the Moscow Patriarch. Prot. John addresses to the Patriarch with the offer to direct to Harbin to Far East bishops the appeal about connection to Mother of Church and about submission of the Patriarchal authority. In July, 1945 the Episcopal Meeting has taken place in Harbin concerning acceptance of new jurisdiction. Has been solved to ask Patriarch Alex about transition in the Moscow Patriarchy. However the Beijing diocese should solve this question independently. Prelate John, bishop Shanghai, - the lawyer by formation, the canoniste and the legal adviser of Mission - has convinced archbishop Victor, the ruling bishop, to accept new jurisdiction. On July, 31, 1945 it wrote to the Chief of Mission: " ? After decision Harbinskoj of a diocese and in view of absence of data on the Foreign Synod for a number of years, other decision of our diocese would make its completely independent, avtokefalnoj a diocese. Initial conditions for such independence is not present, as doubts in legality ? the recognized Patriarch are not present. Attitudes with that (Moscow. - Avt.) By church authority also are done possible so the Decree from November, 7, 1920 is inapplicable. Now while there are no bases to remain on position of a self-managing diocese, we should act as Harbinskaja a diocese. Voznoshenie a name of Chairman of the Foreign Synod while should be kept, as on 14 rights. Double Pomestnogo the Cathedral it is impossible to stop autocratically pominovenie the metropolitan. Voznoshenie ? it is necessary for name of the Patriarch to enter your Decree urgently in all diocese " [48]. This absolutely precise and faultless position from the initial point of view has been divided by archbishop Victor who in August, 1945 the telegram asked Patriarch Alex to accept it and vl. John in the jurisdiction. Mladshchaja the sister vl. Victor, O.V.Keping, recollected: " At the end of 1944, even during the Japanese occupation, archbishop Victor has sent in the Soviet embassy in Beijing the relative, the husband of sister Boris Mihajlovicha Kepinga who has attributed there the official official report addressed to the Patriarch Moscow and all Russia with the request for reunion with the Patriarchal Church. The answer was not " [49]. On October, 1, 1945 delegations in structure of bishop Rostov and Taganrog Elevferija and priest Grigory Razumovsky have been given the mandate ? 1263 signed by the Patriarch with the assignment to visit Harbin and " to reunite taking place in split " in territory of Manchuria of bishops. It was simple to make it for the empire Manchzhou-Go appeared by this time it is occupied by the Soviet armies. Actually China to visit it was not possible in connection with military conditions. All hierarches and almost all clergy in territory of Manchuria with pleasure have accepted jurisdiction of the Moscow Patriarch, however this circumstance began to be used by the Soviet authorities for compulsion to accept and the Soviet citizenship (from among outstanding church figures the son of archbishop Dimitrija Hajlarskogo - archimandrite Filaret has not accepted jurisdiction of the Patriarch. It subsequently has headed the Foreign Synod). On December, 7, 1945. The patriarch has sent the following telegram to Harbin to metropolitan Meletiju: " our delegation has safely returned to Moscow. With fatherlike pleasure and ljuboviju we accept returning in a bosom of Mother-church arhipastyrej, clergy and laymen Harbinskoj, the Kamchatsko-Peter and Paul and Kitajsko-Beijing dioceses ? " [50]. On December, 27, 1945. The synod had been issued the Decree ? 39 about connection of Far East dioceses. The regular post and cable message inside China has been complicated owing to military actions, therefore the telegram of the Patriarch sent on January, 11, 1946 about acceptance under omofor of the Beijing diocese, has not been received in Beijing, accordingly, and in Shanghai did not know anything about the decision of the Patriarch. The question on submission of lawful church authority in Shanghai, and in Beijing remained open, however lord John even before reception of news from Moscow itself started to remember the Patriarch. As has acted also lord Victor in Beijing. In the meantime, on September, 28, 1945 Preosvjashchennyj John Shanhajsky has received the telegram from Geneva from metropolitan Anastas - Pervoierarha Foreign Church - with the notice that the Foreign Synod operates (the telegram it would be impossible to send vl. To Victor to Beijing from Geneva therefore she also has been directed it vikariju to Shanghai). From Shanghai on September, 29, 1945 vl. John has transferred to Beijing the cable message on inquiry of metropolitan Anastas - probably, this telegram and is not cunning. And the most reasonable in such situation the decision accepted vl was natural. John - understanding necessity of submission of the maximum church authority, bishop John has renewed the former attitudes with the Foreign Synod, receiving from him separate orders and carrying out them. In October vl. Victor could inform to Shanghai, that he makes the application to the Most holy Patriarch about submission of the Moscow Patriarchy. The exact maintenance of the application vl. Victor informed vl. To John personally after arrival to Shanghai in January, 1946. In the official report to the Most holy Patriarch from July, 21, 1946 vl. Victor writes, that has arrived to Shanghai in February, 1946, already having the answer from the Patriarch from Moscow. However it is known, that the first telegram of the Patriarch and has not been received vl. Victor, therefore it could not know about the decision of the Patriarch by time of arrival to Shanghai. In Shanghai vl. John has declared the Chief of Mission as the message with Foreign church authority is restored, to proceed in conducting other church authority it is possible only under the order of metropolitan Anastas, differently it would be initial infringement, especially if to take into account, that the episcopal faculty in Shanghai, and in Beijing has been founded by the Foreign Synod. The chief of Mission, essentially did not object to it as there was a decision of the representative of the Synod - metropolitan Meletija - about transition in submission of the Moscow Patriarchy. However there was a hope that will be possible to solve the problem without infringement of canons. All hoped for the positive decision on the part of metropolitan Anastas, besides in the winter of 1946 the decision of the Patriarch on the Beijing diocese was not known yet - the repeated telegram has been received only in April, on Great Saturday 1946. In the reference quoted above to flock of Shanghai bishop John wrote: " Foreign church management has recognized useful to Church to continue and to have further about us spiritual care on what has informed us, and we about that had been put in popularity Vysokopreosvjashchennyj the Chief of Mission. By virtue of that we do not consider possible to make any decisions on semu to a question without the instruction and approval of Russian Foreign church authority. On the Cathedral of 1938 in which w e took part, was postanovleno, that when nastanet hour of homecoming, hierarches of Abroad should not operate is isolated, and all Foreign Church should present the All-Russia Cathedral the acts accomplished during compelled separation ? of the Message on unobstructed restoration of kanonicheski-prayful dialogue with the Moscow Patriarchy, received by archbishop Victor to Great Saturday in reply to his reference to the Most holy Patriarch Alex in August of the last 1945., iskrenno us has pleased, for in that we have beheld the beginning of mutual understanding between two parts of Russian Church divided by border, and an opportunity of mutual support of two uniting Russian people of the centers, inside and outside of our Fatherland. Aspiring to a uniform overall aim and operating separately depending on conditions in which each of them is, Churches inside Russia and abroad, as the general, and the special problems available at each them, yet nastanet an opportunity of their full association more successfully can reach. Now the Church inside Russia should heal the wounds put to it militant godlessness and to be released from uz, interfering internal and external completeness of its activity. A problem of Foreign Church is protection from dispersion a smoke of Orthodox Russian Church and preservation of the cultural wealth brought by them from the Native land, and also distribution of Orthodoxy in the countries in which they live. To semu have been directed also the act of the Cathedral of the Foreign hierarches which were taken place in anniversary of defeat of Germany in the city of Munich borrowed with allies " [51]. However already by this time the division led later to split was outlined. On May, 31, 1946 from Beijing to Shanghai by the American plane on affairs of Mission there has arrived the Chief of Mission, archbishop Beijing and Chinese Victor. It was accompanied with archpriest Valentine Sinaisky and hegumen Nikodim. About arrival vl. Victor it has been beforehand printed in Russian newspapers. Lord John and the Shanghai clergy it has been informed on arrival vl. Victor. Lawyer Penkotsi through which news about arrival vl has been received. Victor, on May, 30 was at vl. John and long talked personally to it about forthcoming visit of the Chief of Mission. Having received this news, bishop John has called all clergy and at meeting has told, that will not meet vl. Victor. Protopresviter Ilija Ven recollected subsequently: " On arrival from Beijing to Shanghai, archbishop Victor accompanied by eight komsomoltsev was directed to the Cathedral " [52] In 6 one o'clock in the evening vl. Victor has arrived to the Cathedral where it was waited with members of Advice of Mission. In the Cathedral the lord has met with over. The Cross the Dean protopresviter Michael Rogozhin. The most part of clergy led by vl. John has not come on a meeting. Since time of arrival to Shanghai vl. Victor moved accompanied by protection - groups of employees from Genkonsulstva the USSR in Shanghai. On Saturday on June, 1, before nightlong vigil vl. John has visited vl. Victor: it was necessary to solve the problem on joint service. The problem was that vl. John has blessed to serve forbidden vl. Victor of priests. A night service Michael Rogozhin served protopresviter, both bishops prayed in an altar. In Sunday on June, 2, an early liturgy in the Cathedral with the forbidden priests served vl. John, late - vl. Victor. Before the Trinity, on June, 8, in the Cathedral bishops made a night service in common. After polieleja archpriest Ilija Ven, threatening with a fist in an altar to lord Victor and, naming his deceiver, reproached that it humiliates the Chinese clergy. It has supported protodiakon Elisej CHzhao. A late liturgy for the Trinity both lords also served together. On June, 11 vl. Victor with employees Genkonsulstva the USSR in Shanghai has gone to Nanking for representation to commanding persons of the Chinese government. During stay vl. Victor in Nanking bishop John has promulgated the telegram of the Foreign Synod about his erection in a dignity of archbishop and granting to it of the rights of independent bishop (the Decree ? 108 from June, 9, 1946). On June, 10 vl. John has issued the Decree ? 109 in which called Bozhie blessing on clergy and flock of the diocese. These Decrees the beginning was necessary to life of an independent Shanghai diocese - on time before, other decisions in Moscow have been rather than accepted. On a question protopresvitera Michael Rogozhina about, whether submits vl. John Nachalniku Missii and to the Patriarch, it has answered, that does not submit legally, but recognizes the Patriarch. On June, 14 vl. John in conversation with arrived from Nanking vl. Victor has emphasized, that it independent bishop of the Shanghai diocese. In the meantime on June, 11, 1946 the Most holy Patriarch Alex I has issued the Decree ? 665 which has decided to transform the East-Asian district Mitropolichy in East-Asian Ekzarhat the Moscow Patriarchy. Ekzarhom has been appointed vysokopreosvjashchennyj Nestor with assignment of a title of metropolitan Harbinskogo and Manchurian (in a kind of death of metropolitan Meletija). The same decree vikariem Harbinskoj dioceses is determined to be on postrizhenii in monashestvo to archpriest Leonid Viktorovu with a title of Bishop Tsitsikarskogo. On June, 15 vl. Victor has declared the decree clearing vl. John from management vikariatstvom and purpose vikariem vl. JUvenalija - vl. Victor 2 more June has sent about that the request to the Patriarch to Moscow. On June, 16 vl. John after lecture on a late Liturgy has declared praying, that it has received the decree about clearing of management Shanghai vikariatstvom, but to this decree it will not be subordinated: " I shall obey to this decree, only in the event that to me will prove the Holy Writ and the law of any country, that kljatvoprestuplenie there is a virtue, and fidelity to an oath there is a heavy sin " [53]. On June, 20 vl. John has declared the Decree from June, 19, 1946 where it is spoken, that with the radiogramm from Arhierejskogo the Foreign Synod which has gathered on May, 20, 1946 in Munich is solved to allocate the Shanghai district into an independent diocese led by vl. John, and archbishop Victor to resolve from management of the Shanghai diocese. It is important to notice, that the Foreign Synod in territory of the Beijing diocese without the consent and it is conducted the ruling bishop has opened independent Shanghai faculty in infringement of church canons. Since this moment joint service of two bishops became impossible. The question on the Shanghai diocese was not essentially new question. In 1938 archbishop Nestorom had been submitted to the Foreign Synod the detailed project of distribution of dioceses on the Far East - in it borders of the Shanghai diocese were defined. Lord John, at that time the representative of the Chief of Mission in the Synod, did not consider possible to agree to this project, and it has been sent on a response vl. Victor and vl. Meletija, soon personally arrived on the Cathedral. Cable news from Munich, announcing Shanghai vikariatstvo an independent diocese, was unexpectedness for vl. John, but it has apprehended the purpose for this faculty as church obedience and has not refused him. On July, 7, in day of the 25-anniversary of service vl. Victor, vl. John has originally agreed to, that vl. Victor served in a cathedral. Having learned, however, that on divine service 10 000 Soviet citizens, living in Shanghai (they have already accepted the Soviet citizenship), from fear of possible disorders and excitements in flock vl will come. John at support of mayor of Shanghai has refused the consent. Vl. Victor had to serve both a liturgy, and thankful moleben in the Piously-Nikolaev temple, instead of in a cathedral, than has been offended. On June, 20 vl. John has issued the decree about clearing of duties of the prior Piously - Bogoroditskogo the Cathedral of Shanghai protopresvitera Michael Rogozhina and about purpose of the time acting as prior of archpriest Ilii Venja. O.Michael informed about this decree vl. To Victor also has declared, that does not submit to it as serves in the Beijing diocese, and the decision discharged from management vikarnogo has no bishop of force. On June, 22 archpriest Ilija Ven and protodiakon Elisej CHzhao have not admitted protopresvitera Michael to service of Nightlong vigil in the Cathedral. On June, 29 under the order vl. John church head Bogomolovym and archpriest Ilieju had been withdrew cash department of the Cathedral. The decree ? 715 from June, 28, 1946 vl. John protopresviteru to Michael Rogozhinu charged to head Advice on eparchial affairs, the Decree ? 727 from August, 2 it was offered to it to present the reasons under the decree ? 715. O.Michael in any way did not answer these decrees, consequence of that became the Decree ? 728 from August, 2 about clearing about. Michael " from all his duties across Shanghai " with the offer to transfer all affairs, documents and property to archpriest Ilie Venju. On all these decrees about. Michael has declared, that cannot obey decrees discharged from management vikariatstvom vl. John. In July vl. John has accepted the Chinese citizenship (the passport ? 91). On August, 16 vl. John has addressed to Minister of Internal Affairs of the Chinese Republic with the request to ratify it in a post of the Chief of orthodox churches of Shanghai, on what authorities gave the consent. On August, 18, 1946 at the request of orthodox inhabitants Vejsajda (zarechnyj area of Shanghai) in rented for a name vl. Victor a premise the temple has been consecrated in honour of Kazan icon Bozhiej of Mother where served subsequently vl. Victor and the clergy who has not obeyed vl. To John. On blessing vl. Victor at this temple vicarial rates were open. They were ended subsequently six person from which two have been imposed in priests, by two in diakony and two in ipodiakony. Vl. John and true to it clergy served in Piously - Bogoroditskom cathedral, four house temples at establishments of Mission, namely: churches at a refuge for aged women, church in a building of commercial school and a temple in a building of a shelter him. svt. Tihona Zadonskogo and churches in a female grammar school. In structure of a new Shanghai diocese have come voluntary farmstead Harbinskoj of a female monastery in Shanghai with a temple and a part of arrival on Vejsajde (last three temples were in hired premises). From 11 priests of Shanghai true vl. Victor still had protopresviter Michael Rogozhin, archpriest Alex Filimonov (the prior of the Piously-Nikolaev temple), archpriest Sergy Borodin and ieromonah Herman. In a diocese of lord John have consisted in clergy of 12 priests and three protodiakona. With the announcement of a new diocese the orthodox population of Shanghai was divided into two jurisdictions: the Patriarchal - up to 10 000 and vl. John - up to 5 000 person. The first all have consisted in citizenship of the USSR, the last remained emigrants. On August, 25 vl. John has declared, that it makes the Liturgy in the Piously-Nikolaev temple in which till this moment served vl. Victor. This temple has been constructed on the rented site and term of rent by time of church distemper in Shanghai has already expired. Under the contract the site could be redeemed, but it could not be made within the Japanese occupation of Shanghai, and vladelitsa a site began to demand through court transfer to it a temple. At this time the part of members prihodskogo advice of this temple has concluded with vladelitsej a site the new lease agreement, having recognized, thus, its right on possession of a temple. At support of police of Shanghai this temple has been given to supporters vl. John. Vl. John has issued and has promulgated in foreign newspapers of Shanghai the decree that it is the unique lawful chief of orthodox churches in Shanghai that is why cancels all orders of archbishop Victor, for again issued orders will pursue it under the law. Finishing the official report to Patriarch Alex concerning these events, vl. Victor wrote: " This split is anything other as aspiration of bishop John to leave from submission ? By promises of different advantages on service it through the Chinese clergy of city of Shanghai began to achieve otobranija from the Beijing diocese and Mission church and Missijskogo property. About all these illegal actions of bishop John ? me it is informed to the General Consul of the USSR in Shanghai and to the Extreme Ambassador in China with the request to protect my rights, as the Chief of Mission and property of Mission and church as property of Russian Orthodox Church in China, consisting in charge of Russian State, i.e. The USSR ? 80 % to true me of flock from citizens of the USSR in Shanghai and fidelity to yours Svjatejshestvu and me as to the Chief of Mission though also not numerous, but rather authoritative clergy, are a pledge safe izzhitija church split. Restoration of my rights as the Chief of Mission in China, will put an end yet to the not generated new Shanghai diocese " [54]. Lord John in the same occasion with the following words addressed to the Shanghai flock: " we shall obey those arhipastyrjam as which our Maximum Church authority recognizes us for the blessing to subordinate or we shall leave from all has put church if successors rukopolagavshih us bishops will remove from us the responsibility for local flock though and then we shall not cease to pray for what sii years spiritually sponsored. We ask the Lord, yes it will speed up approach of that desired and expected hour when Pervosvjatitel all Russia, vzojdja on the Patriarchal place in pervoprestolnom Uspenskom the Cathedral, will collect around of itself all Russian arhipastyrej, from all Russian and the another's grounds sshedshihsja " [55]. The part of the Russian clergy, not desiring to go in the USSR (this quite explainable unwillingness in 40th years) considered, that, remaining outside Russia, she will be in jurisdiction of metropolitan Anastas. However the reason of church distemper was not only aspiration vl. John to keep a life of the Shanghai flock, but also aspiration of the Soviet diplomats to convince the Chief of Mission and the majority believing in China that in the USSR there is a full freedom of worship. The Chinese clergy expected to borrow arrivals released in Shanghai and to come nearer to management of a diocese, and at an opportunity and to seize all Russian Spiritual Mission. The Chinese clergy having access to authorities, used this circumstance. It is known, that else at archbishop Simone all Chinese orthodox clergy led by archpriest Sergiem the Tub at support of the government took measures to capture of Mission in Beijing. Vl. Victor in one of official reports wrote to the Patriarch: " On death of Archbishop Simona I have entered a post of the Chief of Mission and I in the first days of management had to meet extreme aggression of orthodox Chinese clergy. Struggle for Mission has caused me many heavy and "tart" troubles so, that legs were took away from me even and I had to be treated in Beijing Rokfellerovskom institute. By means of kind people I and this time have managed to protect Mission from capture ? now orthodox Chinese and manchurians have again risen against me " [56]. In the official report archpriest Valentine Sinaisky from Beijing wrote to the Most holy Patriarch Alex: " ? Separate group of Chinese in Shanghai ? the smallest, but also the most dangerous and strong for she puts svoeju the purpose to grasp property of Mission and has an opportunity widely to use the national court and carriers of authority. Bishop John is necessary for them only temporarily as they understand, that the Church without bishop is inconceivable ? Chinese go gregariously for the priests. If Mission will be seized by Chinese missionary business in China will quickly come by the end as old Chinese clerics are decrepit, and young, not in condemnation by him will be told, insufficiently proniknuty Christian spirit and look at the service as on earnings. Mission will become their ancestral lands and a source of the income. Changes to old clergy, and in general the Chinese clergy are not present " [57]. This official report has been written concerning unprecedented event. In the morning on October, 19, 1946 the Chief of Mission archbishop Victor in the apartments in Arhierejskom the house in Shanghai has been arrested by the Chinese authorities and forwarded in prison on Vard the Sort in the general chamber with the Chinese criminals, on his cassock has been put arestantsky number. There was it on navetam the Chinese clergy of Shanghai. Next day about it in detail informed all newspapers. Then the order of Chairman of Advice of the Russian Spiritual Mission Taking up a place in China protopresvitera Michael Rogozhina that all orders concerning Mission, its property and the arrivals, proceeding not from his person, are void has been published. Thus, Mission has found time vozglavitelja. The assistant in Beijing about. Michael has appointed archimandrite Gabriel, and in Shanghai - archpriest A. Filimonova. The Chinese authorities incriminated vl. To Victor participation in Antikominternovskom the union of Northern China and Russian fascist organizations, and also co-operation with the Japanese occupational authorities. It has been showed about 15 items of charge. On a question on the organization vl. Victor of anticommunistic committees in Northern China the Chief of Mission answered, that his ways coincided with ways of anticommunistic committees and the Japanese militarians only in questions of ideology. As to the former imperial officer, vl. After communistic revolution of 1917, certainly, it was hurt to Victor to see a shame of Russia at signing the Brest world and decomposition of army. During revolution vl. Victor has lost native and two cousins. It lived all years of emigration by memory of vague revolutionary time. Undoubtedly, it was the anticommunist, but - ideological as his church dignity did not allow it to participate in actions of practical organizational character. It, certainly, was not the chief of anticommunistic committee but only his honorary member, that, however, delivered many efforts of Mission. Japanese and members of anticommunistic committee wished to subordinate the Chief of Mission and missijskih priests to themselves, to take hold of church property. And in general they frequently operated against Church: occupational armies of Japan had been destroyed a temple-monument in Tianjin, Paul is killed in CHzhalajnore ieromonah, the prior of a temple in Kalgan is tortured to death about. Alexander Zhuch. Japanese and a part missijskogo property have grasped: in Tianjin at Church the school, hospital, the house of mercy and library have been selected. During occupation of Manchuria vl. Victor has been compulsorily caused by the Japanese military authorities to Harbin where to it under fear of the announcement the military criminal have offered temporarily, before the termination of war, to transfer clerics of churches and the farmsteads of Mission which are taking place in Manchuria, under jurisdiction Harbinskoj of a diocese. The power of attorney on management of property metropolitan Melety, living on missijskom has received a farmstead in Harbin. Anyway the Chief of Mission did not use neither trust, nor respect of occupational authorities. Further vl. To Victor charge in formation and vozglavlenii the armed Cossack group in a village near Tianjin has been showed. The chief of Mission besides answered, that was only its honorary member because of the patrimonial Cossack roots, but further honorary membership his activity did not reach. On a question why the lord it is photographed in many photos with the Japanese militarians, it has noticed, that as the official borrowing certain position, has been obliged to be present on all official celebrations, representing all Russian colony. The lord did not suppose an opportunity that orthodox clerics - Chinese have been officially invited to celebrations Antikominternovskogo of committee. However it has not refused authorship of the speech made by his subordinate during first anniversary Antikominternovskogo of committee in Tianjin (she carried obviously kollaboratsionistsky character), and rather regretted for this event: As a result of this assembly prior Tjantszinskogo Piously - Pokrovskogo a temple archimandrite Gabriel who was urgent administratively has suffered is sent to Shanghai. The lord also accused and of formation of groups in Shanghai for protection of railways in Northern China, on what it has answered: " ? they were formed by other secular people. These people typed here have moved on the north with the families. To them promised all blessings of the ground and krov and when they arrived on the north, them have inflated, have given up to them in a premise, and once have brought weight of women and children to a gate of Mission and have left. The administration of Mission was included in a distress unfortunate and has placed them in buildings and under library " [58]. Concerning the award - awards Antikominternovskogo of committee - the lord has explained, that has received it right at the beginning of activity of committee, " for official position ", instead of for merits. The lord has rejected charges in the edition of Shanghai proJapanese newspaper Savintseva, having told, that never was the newspaper worker, that all is well-known. Archbishop Victor has answered a question on why the building former missijskoj mills in Beijing has been leased to Japanese, that it has been made under compulsion, and militarians have selected this building at the civil person which rented a mill earlier. One of questions has touched a case with beating in territory of Mission of children of the Chinese clerics accused Russian in larceny, but the lord that day was in Bejdajhe, having returned, it has found out, that victims are not guilty. To be responsible for another's fights it, certainly, could not. After interrogation the public prosecutor has taken with vl. Victor a word of the cleric which has obliged it to remain in Shanghai up to court. Vl. Victor should leave the passport to the public prosecutor and present the monetary guarantee of two trading establishments. On October, 24 at active intervention of the Soviet diplomats and the help of the son Tub Kajshi - TSzjan TSzingo [59] vl. Victor has been released without the passport on freedom on the security in 5 000 american dollars without the right of departure Shanghai up to military court. The magazine of the Russian Spiritual Mission in China informed: " On an example with arrest of Archbishop Victor all citizens of Soviet Union had to make sure once again in vitality of the Great Stalin Constitution - the Organic law, the Law which there lives our Native land. Notwithstanding what the Church also is separated from the state, but all citizens of Soviet Union, irrespective of their position and activity, always and everywhere have support and protection of the Government " [60]. After an output from prison the lord some time was in hospital (a consequence of a microinsult), and after an output from it - under public prosecutor's supervision. On January, 15, 1947 vl. Victor wrote to the Patriarch: " Against us, as Russian Spiritual Mission in China and as Soviet citizens, narrow, fanatical chauvinism of local Shanghai Chinese orthodox clerics has risen. This chauvinism is cultivated and strong supported by the Government of China " [61]. Only to the middle of April, 1947 archbishop Victor has been officially notified by the public prosecutor of the Shanghai court that investigatory bodies have not found possible to raise action of proceeding behind absence of any materials, able to confirm guilt of the lord in co-operation with Japanese. For prevention of possible transition of flock of Beijing in jurisdiction vl. John archbishop Victor in June, 1947 has arrived to the residence in Beijing - Bejguan. Moscow and all Russia Alex I for ? 1424 from October, 22, 1946 archbishop Beijing and Chinese Victor has been authorized by the decree of the Most holy Patriarch in a post of the Chief of the Russian Spiritual Mission in China. The similar maintenance the decree for ? 2544, charging to act as the Chief of Mission to archbishop Shanghai John, has been issued Arhierejskim by the Synod of Russian Orthodox Church Abroad on November, 26, 1947. The Chinese government in Nanking has recognized as the lawful Chief of Mission vl. John. Vl. John openly spoke, that it as the lawful Chief of Mission recognized as the Chinese Government thinks of capture of church property a little: missijskoe and the eparchial property should proceed to it by the right as his legal status is precisely determined and authorized. The Shanghai church property vl. John already owned. The purpose vl. John there was a preservation of church property subsequently to take out it for limits of China. In connection with a complex political situation in China and a coming nearer victory of communistic revolution emigrants ran from cities of Northern China. They a little that could take or keep with themselves. It was possible to expect, that with arrival of atheistic authority many church relics will be selected or simply destroyed. So subsequently also happened. The atheistic Soviet authority tolerated destruction of temples of Mission and plunder of its property and library. Aspiring to keep church property, in August, 1948 vl. John has arrived to resort city Tsingtao and as recognized as the Ministry of Internal Affairs gomindanovskogo the governments the Chief of Mission has lodged in svjashchennicheskom the house of the Piously-Sofia arrival to Tsingtao. About half of parishioners it is a temple have refused the Soviet citizenship and were going to leave in the near future China, other half has decided to accept the Soviet citizenship. Nevertheless conditions in arrival was peace in many respects due to the sustained and peaceful character of the prior of arrival about. Sadoka which recognized as the eparchial bishop vl. Victor, but did not refuse in hospitality and vl. To John. Between the parishioners rather respecting vl. John for it really selfless works, ascetism both many others surprising and rare presently features of spiritual shape, and priests of this temple have arisen dispute on initial submission of the Piously-Sofia arrival. Dispute has been solved with the help of police - keys from a temple appeared in a police station and were given out for service vl. To John or the new prior of a temple appointed by him about. To Cyril Zajtsevu. The special decree archbishop John has declared dissolution of the Piously-Sofia church brotherhood in Tsingtao and vosstanavil the old church organization: " Russian Christian Emigrant Society in Tsingtao ". Its members did not recognize as the Chief of Mission of archbishop Victor and submitted vl. To John. The property has been re-registered. It has rescued subsequently property of a temple from destruction. Divine services in the Piously-Sofia temple of Tsingtao were made serially by the priests subordinated vl. To John and vl. To Victor. So proceeded before departure of emigrants from Tsingtao to Philippines in 1949. Thus the most part of property and archives of a temple has been taken out by emigrants to America and Australia. Too happened and with the most part of the Shanghai church property, taken out vl. John from China. What has served as the reason of such division among clergy and laymen of Shanghai, Qingdao and Tianjin? One of indispensable conditions of acceptance omofora the Patriarch was necessity of that the decision of church questions did not depend on political trends in Russia. Calling vl. Victor to obey the Moscow Patriarchy, vl. John on July, 31, 1945 wrote: " At present the conditions of the ideological order which has served by the reason of our change in church management abroad are not put to us. If unacceptable conditions again will be put, preservation of the present order of church management becomes a problem of that church authority which will manage to be created depending on external conditions " [62]. Unfortunately, the Soviet authorities have tried these conditions to create. Hundred thousand emigrants in China, torn off the Native land within thirty years, at all did not represent, that there occurs. They continued to live memory of route of Church and murder of Tsar, the policy of authorities led to signing of the Brest world as a result of which Russia and could not take advantage of fruits of a victory over the first world war, atheistic ideology and much the friend that has forced people to leave the Native land. Very few people knew something about Stalin certain. Knew only, that Germany poverzhena, the new grounds the Patriarchate is attached, restored, seminaries are open. In newspapers and films which strenuously distributed the Soviet consulates, words about happy Soviet people which has all freedom were spoken. Emigrants were intentionally misled to decline them to acceptance of the Soviet citizenship. Many fondly believed, that, as well as in former Imperial Empire, the Church is protected and protected by the state. It seemed to them natural, having obeyed the Patriarch to accept and the Soviet citizenship. What destiny of those who has returned to Russia till 1956 was? Metropolitan Nestor arrested in 1948 by the Chinese communists in Harbin on charge in co-operation with the Japanese invaders as the military criminal has been deported in the USSR where as his biographers inform, 8 years was on "rest" in settlement JAvas Mordovian ASSR. Actually it have condemned for this term, having accused of a spelling of the book " Execution of the Moscow Kremlin ", and also have charged with fulfilment of requiems by him in 1920 in Harbin above bodies alapaevskih martyrs - Grand dukes of the House of Romanovs. Others, them especially frequently became laymen, were rasstreljany, are banished, have suffered in camps. Has been entered into error and the Chief of Mission, vl. Victor. In one of letters it wrote to the Patriarch to Moscow, that the Orthodox Church - not a small community, and 220 million would be time to declare the Chinese authorities, that. The person - it, probably, assumed, that in the USSR all still freely go to temples ? Lord Victor has received the Soviet passport in February, 1946 in Shanghai Genkonsulstve. The chief of Mission after arrest in Shanghai on a question of the Chinese public prosecutor on why it, the anticommunist, became now the citizen of the USSR, quite sincerely answered: " the Person fair cannot recognize two authorities, mutually excluding one another. In the USSR orthodox dioceses now are restored, temples, monasteries, spiritual schools open everywhere. The clergy actively participates in the general state construction after Great Domestic war. The social order of the USSR in any way does not contradict the doctrine of St.. Orthodox Church. Authorities of the USSR after all horrors of war only also think of that our Native land was great and nice " [63]. It was the truth. But the truth vl. Victor, perhaps, did not know. As, probably, did not know its and many, convincing emigrants to accept the Soviet citizenship and to come back home. The flock went for the bishops - not knowing that, went frequently on death. But not all. Vl. John in many respects was perspicacious - remembering the Most holy Patriarch behind divine service (and also serving thankful molebny about a victory of the Russian weapon over the second world war and collecting donations for Russia), it has not been going to accept at all the Soviet citizenship, declaring in vseuslyshane that a similar step yet the certificate of patriotism. The Shanghai clergy was on the party of the of the lord, laymen were divided in sights. 5 000 shanhajtsev subsequently have emigrated to America and have remained are alive, about destiny 10 000 left in the USSR it is possible to guess only - the some people have left alive Stalin camps ? For vl. John the Soviet citizenship was just that unacceptable ideological condition of which it warned vl. Victor. Attempt of the Soviet authorities to put pressure upon hierarches, and also not quite authentic data on a full freedom of worship in the USSR became a principal cause of church split in Shanghai - and it happens at intervention of secular authority in affairs church.