To search for this name in pre-revolutionary theological dictionaries and encyclopedias it is useless. In 1-st volume of " the Orthodox encyclopedia " clause " Avvakum (Fair) " borrows only one noieaao.1 Its name is almost forgotten, and of activity of this outstanding missionary and kitaeveda remind pages of the book " the Frigate a Pallada " I.A.Goncharov. In fact archimandrite Avvakum took part in global cruise by a frigate in structure of expedition. Century Putjatina, and Goncharov has devoted to the satellite many kind words. Only in 1899 in " the Tver eparchial sheets " the compressed biography has been published about. Avvakuma, belonging a feather of its fellow countryman - the senior lecturer of St.-Petersburg Spiritual academy I.P. Nieieiaa.2 However the data resulted in this clause, are insufficiently full and contain discrepancies.
Already date of a birth of Dmitry Semenovicha Chestnogo, specified in " the Russian biographic dictionary " and " the Tver eparchial sheets ", - on September, 18th, 1801 - raises the doubts. In the certificate which has been given out by the St.-Petersburg Spiritual academy in 1829, to Dmitry Chestnomu of 30 years, that is year of a birth-1799.3 However according to student's sheets Staritskogo of district school and the Tver theological seminary year of a birth of Dmitry Chestnogo - 1804; in " the Year sheet about pupils Staritskogo of spiritual district school for 1818 " to Dmitry Chestnomu of 14 years 4, and in " the Year sheet about pupils of the Tver theological seminary for 1822 " - 18 eao.5 " This date is represented to the most probable as the year of a birth specified in the certificate of the St.-Petersburg Spiritual academy, most likely, speaks the spiritual rules existed at that time according to which ieromonahom it was possible to become only having reached thirty-year age, - marks modern issledovatelnitsa S.A.Vasileva. - Dmitry Chestnoj became ieromonahom in 1829, that is under documents it was necessary to specify year of a birth not later than 1799, as has been made (such practice was widespread; so, to teacher Avvakuma to father Iakinfu (Bichurinu) it has been added with the same purpose of the whole eight years) " 6.
One more certificate confirming Was kept, that Dmitry Chestnoj was born in 1804 On the back of one of letters Avvakuma from China there is a record made by the unknown person: " 1869 year. For memory. 1). The brother our father Archimandrite Avvakum was born 1804 year in February, - in world Dimitry Fair. Upon termination of the Academic rate of 1829 of November 19-ai7 day, postrizhenets Aleksandronevskoj St.-Petersburg Laurels ". Further in record data on brother Dmitry - Alexey Chestnom are resulted. " Numerous details testify that the author well knew both most Avvakuma and its family, therefore it is necessary to recognize most probable date of a birth of Dmitry Chestnogo February, 1804 " 8, - such conclusion does S.A.Vasileva.
The Birthplace about. Avvakuma from existing sources also it is not absolutely clear: " the Russian biographic dictionary " names " country churchyard Rodik " 9 districts Ostashkovskogo of the Tver province. But settlement with name Rodik in district Ostashkovskom was not. Apparently publishers of the Dictionary have through an oversight passed a typing error. I.P. The Sokolov, the native of the Tver province, in clause devoted about. Avvakumu (1899), results the correct name: " country churchyard Rozhok " 10 same districts Ostashkovskogo. And it is valid, there was country churchyard Rozhok located in 30 versts from Ostashkov on lake Seliger, on the right party of the Old Russian path. In this small, but a country churchyard had church, also Dmitry Chestnoj.11 was born
Following data on Dmitry Chestnom concern to 1817. It is mentioned in the lists sent from district schools in the Tver theological seminary, among " acted in the maximum branch nizshago branches " 12.
On this leaf the district school which has presented data is not specified, but the previous record contains data about pupils Staritskogo of district school, and it is written by the same handwriting and on the same paper, as interesting us. Then Dmitry Chestnoj is mentioned in " the Year sheet pupils Staritskogo of spiritual district school for 1818 " In the list of the maximum branch the first number appears: " Dmitry Chestnoj Staritskogo of district of village of Babin of priest Simeon Dimitrieva the son. Years - 14, has acted in pupils - September of 1-st day 1815, behaviour fair, abilities good, diligence fair, successes very good " 13.
From these records follows, that to 1815 the family of priest Simeon Dmitrievicha Chestnogo has moved to district Staritsky. At that time there were some settlements with the name "Babino", but the village only Babino (subsequently Nikolskoe), located in 50 versts from Staritsy on Ostashkovskoj to trading road, had church where father Dmitry Chestnogo.14 could serve
On September, 1-stst, 1819 Dmitry Chestnoj acts in the Tver theological seminary where it is trained most advantageously: in all kept sheets good abilities and diligence, excellent successes and "perfectly fair" iiaaaaiea.15 are marked
During examinations in 1823/1824 educational year when Dmitry Chestnoj is trained already on the maximum branch (in 1822/1823 uch. - an average ioaaeaiea16), it shows good knowledge, of what testify estimations: on a class of church history - perfectly, well enough, perfectly; on a class of the Greek language - perfectly, very well, perfectly; on a class of the Jewish language - very well, perfectly; on a class of divinity - ioee?ii.17 Besides Dmitry Chestnoj opens " the List of the Tver seminary of pupils, excellent on good conduct " 18.
Data on family Fair it was kept a little, and almost all of them concern to the period of training of Dmitry in the Tver theological seminary. In the application submitted to seminar board by Dmitry Chestnym and considered on October, 28th, 1822, the request " on poverty and multifamily of its father contains, to accept it in number kazennokoshtnyh pupils ". The board has passed the decision: " the Pupil Fair, for the reasons registered in its application and on respect of very good successes in the doctrine, at perfectly fair behaviour, on opened in the seminar case kazennokoshtnuju vacancy to define " 19.
From student's sheets it is known, that together with Dmitry in the Tver theological seminary its younger brother - Alexey Chestnoj was trained (it is enlisted on September, 12th 1819 g., 20 that is all for twelve days after Dmitry) which, the truth, did not differ such successes as Dmitry: " behaviour good, abilities - sredstvennyh, it is diligent, is in time sredstvenno " 21.
" The Surname Fair is mentioned in sheets of the Tver theological seminary some more time - in lists of pupils of the lowest 2-nd branch, for 1823/1824 Peter Chestnoj appears, - informs S.A.Vasileva. - However that Peter Chestnoj is brother Dmitry and Alexey at us is not present instructions " 22.
Having ended the Tver theological seminary in 1824, Dmitry Chestnoj acts in the St.-Petersburg Spiritual academy which finishes in 1829, and on September, 25th the same year " akademicheskoju konferentsieju with the statement of the commission of spiritual schools is erected on a degree of the senior candidate with the right to receive a degree of the master after one year if its service will be approved by the eparchial heads " 23.
But Dmitry Chestnoj has not taken advantage of this right: the certificate has been signed on November, 21st 24 (obviously then it is received), and on November, 9th 25 it has accepted postrig and name Avvakum, having decided to go in Beijing the missionary-ea?iiiiaoii in structure of 11 Russian missions.
In 1829 stay in China 10-th Beijing mission has ended and formation of structure of next, 11-th mission has begun. According to Kjahtinskomu to the treatise from 1728, in structure of mission entered: 1 archimandrite, 2 ieromonaha, 1 ierodiakon, 2 clergymen and 4 students. By 26 Chief of 11-th mission archimandrite Veniamin (Morachevich), already served 10 years in a dignity ieromonaha in previous mission has been appointed. In number of missionaries-ea?iiiiaoia has been appointed and Dimitry Fair. As it has already noted been, before departure to China, on November, 9th, 1829 it was postrizhen in monks with name Avvakum, and on November, 21st is imposed in ieromonaha. Transfer in the Beijing mission was the important step in a life about. Avvakuma. It has predetermined its further destiny, has defined character and a direction of all of its subsequent activity. All its further works have been anyhow connected with its ten years' stay in capital Median eiia?ee.27
In structure of 11-th mission sent to China have been included also: ieromonah Feofilakt (Kiselevsky), ierodiakon the Polycarp (Tugarinov) (both is from S.Peterburgskoj of Spiritual academy), doctor Porfiry Kirillov, E.I.Sychevsky's students and Kurljandtsev. By police officer of mission the lieutenant colonel of M. of Century Ladyzhensky has been appointed. This mission was accompanied abroad up to Urgi (Mongolia) with the professor of the Kazan university on faculty of the Mongolian language And. Century of Priests, " travelled to destination the governments " across Eastern Siberia and on kochevjam the Buryat and Mongols in Transbaikalian edge. 28
Change of structure of mission should be carried out in Beijing. The chief of 10-th mission - about. Peter (Kamensky) - has received from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs the message (from February, 6th, 1830) in which the following instruction contained: " popechitelnosti it is given to yours, that during stay in Beijing former members with new, the first have informed this experiences of the employment in the Chinese and manchurian languages, prepodav to them verbal and written manuals to the most successful these to studying and in general to passage of their duties with desirable advantage " 29.
Bases of the Chinese language about. Avvakum in 1830 has started to study in Kyakhta under direction of known kitaeveda - about. Iakinfa (in the world - Nikita Jakovlevich Bichurin) which has impressed favourably: " Among new missionaries the young man of years of twenty five, little bit painful, but mind sharp and reasons fast was allocated, perhaps, ieromonah Avvakum Fair. It seized explanations hurriedly and remembered them, apparently, strong " 30.
The Basic purpose of Russian mission in Beijing divine service, propovedanie the Gospel made, maintenance of belief in professed Orthodoxy albazintsah (the descendants of Russian inhabitants of fortress Albazin taken in a captivity by Chineses in 1685 a.31
However in due course mission has expanded a circle of the activity. To initial cleanly vicarial service of its members were added also scientific obedience - studying of China, its languages, histories and religions. Up to 1863 members of mission carried out as well diplomatic functions in intermediary at the relations of Russian government with China. (Only since the specified year in Beijing diplomatic Russian mission) has been founded separate from spiritual. And about. Avvakumu it was necessary to work at all mentioned fields.
Vicarial service of the Beijing missionaries at that time had the limited character: maintenance of Orthodoxy and vicarial care about those few descendants of Russian captives who on the another's ground not absolutely have still lost belief of the ancestors. Missionary activity among " natural inhabitants " was not resolved by the Chinese authorities up to 1858 Therefore members of mission should follow the instruction ordered " to avoid the immodest jealousy, able to make more harm, rather than true advantage " 32.
The Instruction given in a management to members of mission, made it a duty fulfilment of divine service, propovedanie the Gospel, the reference and the statement in belief albazinskih Christians, translation into the Chinese and manchurian languages of a liturgy, prays and katihizisa, and also education at mission of several boys albazinskogo sorts which then could become preachers of orthodox belief in Eeoaa.33
Having arrived to Beijing on November, 30th, 1830, about. Avvakum to execute there were honesty new duties, despite of some adverse circumstances. In the letter to the fellow countryman and comrade on S.Peterburgskoj of Spiritual academy it describes conditions of the life in the Chinese capital. (the appendix № 1). It went there, on its expression, as on a visit, in advance admiring both the local nature, and the Chinese exotic life, and a variety of subjects for employment. After arrival, however, in many respects it had to be disappointed. The main reason for that was unbalanced character of the chief of mission, archimandrite Veniamin. (see the Appendix 1). Physical health about. Avvakum too could not boast. Soon after arrival it has caught a cold, and cold, because of the bad device of its dwelling, has passed in rheumatism. To live in Beijing about. Avvakumu it has been certain in albazinskoj a mouth, in severovostochnom the end of city (in 6-7 versts from an initial arrangement of mission - Sretenskogo a monastery was the center of Beijing). There, on surburb of Beijing, shortly before that the ancient orthodox church erected still at first albazintsah and devoted all over again of Sofia of Knowledge Bozhiej, and then - to prelate Nikolay has been restored and consecrated in honour of Uspenija Bozhiej Mothers. Parishioners of this church were "albazintsy", that is descendants withdrawn in 1685 Chineses in a captivity of Russian citizens, inhabitants of fortress Albazin.
Bogdyhan Kansi, surprised by bravery from what Russian protected the jail, has enlisted captives in the guards, under the name " Russian mouths ", has allocated it dwelling, has appointed the monetary salary, has ordered even to give them wives-Chinese women, the truth, " from smiritelnogo at home where they contained for provisional debauch " 34.
Since then though Orthodoxy and iiaaep?eaaeocu among albazintsev Russian missions, but in the life they, because of isolation from the native land, have undergone deep moral iop?a. " From Russia they have absolutely kept away spirit ", - E.Timkovsky who has visited China per 1820-1821 - Even accepted wrote a christening " on relationship and dependences poddannicheskoj have approached with manchurians that it is rather difficult to distinguish them so much: speak one language, t. e. Chinese, identical with them carry clothes and in the way of life have accepted all rules poor, prazdnoljubivogo the manchurian soldier, the superstitious admirer to the law shamanskomu " 35.
" Albazintsy it is perfect okitailis ", - wrote per 1844 from Beijing ieromonah Gury (Carps) (subsequently archbishop Taurian) to the Saratov bishop Iakovu (subsequently - archbishop Nizhniy Novgorod). " Except for an appearance and any courage, in them it is appreciable Russian nothing. They do not know any craft, even, on service; in imperial guards, consider any employment, able to deliver to them a daily bread unworthy. They are poor, poor excessively - poor, despite of the huge salary, convenient apartments and the ready maintenance; wasteful, borrowed by the nobleness, idle, uneducated, crafty, perfidious, sick dushoju and a body, they in irredeemable debts at local, otkupshchikov and steel pritcheju people. The woman, in general, it is better than men.., but at smaller perversity of heart show readiness to accept and execute the evangelical doctrine no more. It is the deteriorated grape juice of which not only it is impossible to make wines, but even vinegar. The doctrine about the future life, requital for goods and angrily, about reconciliation of the God with the person by means of iskupitelnoj Jesus Christ's victims not only was not included into their life, but is badly was friends and of their memory... Most zealous of our Christians is very unreliable, at the first refusal to it in something it will forget both christianity and a farmstead " 36.
It is clear, that vicarial activity about. Avvakuma among such parishioners could not be easy. Their reference in Orthodoxy was uneasy business. Lord Gury (Carps) tells about two cases from vicarial practice of the predecessor - about. Avvakuma.
" Somebody albazinets Varnava, long prayed pred ikonoju (I do not remember kakoju) for that its son has received the full salary of the Guards soldier. The god did not need to hear such pray, and Varnava, only has heard, that to the son is given up in the salary, has seized a knife and has chopped up an icon in fine pieces. O.Avvakum, having heard about it, has told coming albazintsam, that Varnava will die for such heavy sin. I do not know, what death foretold about. Avvakum: on-eeoaenee it is possible to understand both time, and eternal; but Varnava, without any preliminary illness, has died in severe flours, not further, as for the third day! This circumstance in fresh memory at all and so has strongly worked on albazintsev, even on the pagans near living, that dares to sneer nobody, or to talk scandal Russian belief. Still an example. About. Avvakum, talking with albazintsami, has learned from them, that somebody Peter, does not wish to christen the son, has told at this case, that Peter in that case will lose more, rather than it thinks: its son will die. Peter when have told to it about the answer about. Avvakuma, has looked at the son (it was healthy, beautiful) and has told, that if it will die, will go by all means to church. Soon the boy has fallen ill so, that the father has despaired of its life, and has sent to ask: whether precisely its son will recover, if will be christened? To it answered, that Christians never lgut; that let it will test, will see, that they believe in Allmighty! The Boy has been christened and has recovered " 37. But even after its recover Peter, contrary to the promises, all the same did not begin to visit church ".
In 1831 in Beijing lived nearby 100 albazintsev; kreshchenyh only 53 ?aeiaaea.38 O.Avvakum did everything of them, that could, for nauchenija to belief and for " mitigation of customs " the parishioners. It on a regular basis made divine services in church Uspenskoj of the Mother of god. Gradually it has known the Chinese language so, that since 1836 could speak on it sermons. On Sundays, having served a liturgy, it addressed to parishioners with a word of edification. References to the text from the read through Gospel in several copies about. Avvakum distributed to listeners. (still two sermons were stored in the end of XIX century in library of the Beijing mission about. Avvakuma in the Chinese language for holidays of Introduction in temple Presvjatoj of the Virgin and Christmas Hristova) .39
In 1835 about. Avvakum has been appointed by the chief of the Beijing mission, - to a place of the obligatory ten years' term of archimandrite Veniamin dismissed through illness up to a period of service. When archimandrite Veniamin through illness, asked it to dismiss from a post before the expiration of 10-years term on its application the consent has followed. Ieromonahu Avvakumu the instruction of the Asian department from June, 3rd, 1835, it was entrusted to enter a post of the chief of mission before the termination of term of its stay in Iaeeia.40
From now on the circle of its activity has extended; on about. Avvakuma the management of other members of mission and management of its all affairs have been assigned. But at the same time about. Avvakum could give more time of translational activity and scientific researches.
For reading to the parishioners it translated into the Chinese language of lecture, church church chanting and prays, has translated on Chinese I.D.Mansvetova's composition " Features of the active doctrine of belief " (1839), and on the Tibetan language - the Gospel from Onions (1840.) (the Tibetan language about. Avvakum has learnt by means of Tibetan llamas and translated the evangelical text under its management). It learned children of the parishioners in the Chinese language to orthodox dogma, arithmetics and geography. Employment passed in the school arranged for children at the chief of 10-th mission - archimandrite Peter (Kamensk) (1820-1830).
Missionary works about. Avvakuma attracted attention of its direct heads - the Asian department of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. On representation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in 1837, " in attention to excellent diligence and zealous works " 41, about. Avvakum was nagrazhden p Anna's award of 2-nd degree, with payment of 120 roubles by silver in a year.
Each member of mission, under the instruction, should develop what or a theme, concerning ancient and a modern history of China, and the report on the employment to represent to the Asian department. O.Avvakum has been obliged, " having received sufficient knowledge of the Chinese and manchurian languages, to be engaged in researches of belief Foevoj (the Buddhism - and.) and beliefs Loudzyja (Lao TSze - the founder daosizma - and.), translations of books in which rules of these beliefs express, and preparation necessary on onyja objections " 42. However inquisitive ieromonah, had special propensity and abilities to linguistics, has gone in the scientific employment much further these requirements.
Except for two obligatory languages - Chinese and manchurian, it, under direction of scientific llamas, has studied still the Mongolian and Tibetan languages. With knowledge of these of 4 languages (subsequently and Korean) it has had an opportunity to get acquainted with the extensive literature and pocherpat from it valuable data in different areas of knowledge. O.Avvakum was interested in various religions of East Asia, studied history, geography, ethnography of Manchuria, Southern Siberia, Korea, Indochina. Special interest was caused in it with those data which even indirectly concerned to Russia or to distribution of christianity to Asia. So, it collected data on campaigns of Mongols in Russian grounds and to Hungary, about preachers of christianity up to OVI century, was engaged in studying of the Asian East and, " on a unanimous response of all Russian orientalistov, personally its known, became one of zamechatelnejshih scientists of time " 43.
the encyclopaedic knowledge about. Avvakum has shown in China when the ancient inscription there has been found in a monastery of the city of Baodin-fu, made on a stone. Not having managed to decipher the text, the Beijing scientists have addressed for the help to about. Avvakumu which has offered a variant of perusal of this Mongolian text on the basis of similarity of some letters to the Tibetan alphabet. It has borrowed in decoding of an inscription, has translated it all from the beginning up to the end. It has appeared written on the Mongolian language an ancient square font and contained the letter of the widow of emperor the aa?ia-balls, given in 1321 Soon after that in the state archive has been found ancient Chinese translation of this inscription, and soon found out, that a variant offered about. Avvakumom, completely to it nioaaonoaoao.44
However about the opening about. Avvakum also did not think to declare; only after announcement of this fact in 1846 the member of Russian Geographical Society of Century of Century Grigoriev, had been fixed a priority of the Russian orientalist.
What place was about. Avvakuma in history domestic kitaevedenija? We shall ask to speak to its biographer - to senior lecturer SPbDA And. Item to the Sokolov. " Certainly to judge business of the expert what merits and demerits of scientific works about. Avvakuma, printed both hand-written, and what place is borrowed with it among Russian orientalistov-neiieiaia. From responses about it of persons competent we can conclude, however, that about. Avvakum surpassed the predecessors sinologov (which almost everyone were from members of the Beijing spiritual mission) and shirotoju the knowledge and greater scientific character of the receptions. It knew, how is told already (except for new European) east five languages with their paleography and the literature, whereas most well-known of its predecessors about. Iakinf in perfection knew only one Chinese language. The first pycneee sinologi, being formed almost exclusively in Ieeeia, involuntarily submitted " to influence of spirit Chinese " and found out lack of the critical attitude to a material, making necessary property of a true science. Wide learning and natural talents about. Avvakuma together with an opportunity for it to use works of the predecessors, cleared road for the latest researchers, have protected it from similar odnostoronnosti. Under the remark known orientalista and archeologist P.S.Savelyev, it " applies on studying China already European view " 45. In this respect about. Avvakum is to a certain extent the predecessor of new school of Russian sinologov with its such representatives, as Vasilev and georgievsky " 46.
Last 5 years of the stay in the chapter of 11-th Beijing mission about. Avvakum should execute and diplomatic duties - intermediary at negotiations with the Chinese officials, translation into the Chinese language of official papers, gathering of data on the Chinese authorities, their actions and intentions. Translations of different papers took away from it a lot of time. O.Avvakum was not only the translator in the true sense words, but also the adviser at the negotiations, known character and customs of Chineses. In the chapter of mission about. Avvakum remained up to the end of the 10-years stay in Beijing, - till 1840.
In 1841 about. Avvakum has come back from Beijing in S.Peterburg. To it the salary at a rate of 1200 roubles which it received now in the form of pension has been kept. Except for that to it 800 roubles more - as the salary on service of the Asian department as which it has been ranked as ia?aaia?eea.47 In the following, were paid to 1842, " for excellent diligence with which about. Avvakum within several years managed affairs of mission ", it was nagrazhden p Vladimir's award of 3-rd degree, - " in requital of its useful works by a scientific part " 48. In the same 1842 about. Avvakum has been selected by the full member of Conference St.-Petersburg aeaaaiee.49
Soon after returning from China about. Avvakum, on behalf of the Asian department, has borrowed in the description, analysis and ordering of books of library of this department. In 1843 hard work has come to an end; the Catalogue to books, manuscripts and cards in the Chinese, manchurian, Mongolian, Tibetan and Sanskrit languages, being in library of the Asian department " (102 p.) has been made ". The products of east writing described here in quantity of 609 units made the most valuable and, probably, unique assembly in the Europe. The products described here gradually were got by library of the Asian department; subsequently they have been transferred in library of East department of an imperial academy of sciences.
The Catalogue made about. Avvakumom, it was published twice, and both of time without the instruction of a name of the composer. In 1843 it has been printed with the name of manuscripts and books in Russian transcription, and again - with the instruction of names in the original. The manuscripts described in the catalogue have been divided into 6 departments; five - on languages of a writing: Chinese (395 units), manchurian (60 units), Mongolian (42 units), Tibetan (75 units) and Sanskrit (16 units). 6-th department contained the list of geographical and astronomical cards (19 units) 50. For drawing up of "Catalogue" about. Avvakum, under the petition of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in 1844 has been erected in archimandrites, with purpose as a member of the St.-Petersburg Spiritual consistory and spiritual oaico?u.51
For the scientific orientalist these honourable posts were in burden. The affinity to the maximum church hierarchy involved about. Avvakuma in pustejshie the intrigues distracted from scientific activity. Here a characteristic episode from a life capital "zmejushnika".
The Late protopresviter armies and fleet (or as then this post was called, the iaa?-priest) Kutnevich has transferred persecution. It wished remote and found a new rank - archbishop of army and fleet. This idea was supported by the iaa?-public prosecutor of columns Protasov (in this post with 1836 for 1855) On this place it was supposed to appoint Athanasius, rector S.Peterburgskoj of Spiritual academy. On trust to archimandrite Avvakumu lived then on rest in Aeaenaia?i-Neva laurels, this plan has been informed to it. A pretext to removal Kutnevicha was a lack available it of " the passing sums ". Vojtsehovichu it was entrusted obrevizovat its account books. Good-natured person Avvakum has not born, has gone to Kutnevichu and all to it has transferred.
Kutnevich has simply told Vojtsehovichu: " Yes that you here try? I have not enough ten thousand. Yes there will be will Bozhija and the heads; I am ready to accept punishment ". All this has been brought to the notice of Sovereign (Nikolay 1), apparently, by prince Gagarinym. Sovereign has sent Kutnevichu 10 thousand for updating a defect and when in two-rub days of columns Protasov has presented the report, its Sovereign oie?oi?ee.52
Same hlopotnym, distracted about. Avvakuma from kitaevedcheskih works, there was also a membership in acceptable Committee. In a post of the spiritual censor about. Avvakum 1849 consisted up to the end (In a hand-written department of the Russian National library the document in which about was kept. Avvakum it is mentioned in a post of the censor) .53
But on December, 31st, 1849 Over the Synod it has been dismissed by the decree from a post of a member of acceptable Committee. The reason of it was approval about. Avvakumom compositions of the rector of the Kharkov theological seminary of archimandrite of Israel entitled: " the Review of false religions ". This book has been printed in Kharkov in 1849 and has caused censures from some hierarches. Echoes of it of " literary scandal " contain in one of Philaret's letters (Gumilevskogo), bishop Kharkov (with 1859 - archbishop), to Innokentiju (Borisov), archbishop Kherson and Taurian. " O.Izrailju is to be declared no retaliatory will; but - what to do? It is audible, that it has still ended printing the book, - informed lord Philaret. - I Am afraid, there would be no that similar and for it. On hearings, it has printed in it history any Irkutsk the ea?iiiiaoa-mysticism, occured about October, 1834. Ranenko, is not that so? Time odd " 54.
O.Avvakumu pretili posts " crafty tsaredvortsa " which should " otiratsja in pokojah ", and it, despite of time disgrace, continued the employment in the field of kitaevedenija. During stay in China about. Avvakum has studied some languages that enabled it to use almost all literature available in China. Having familiarized in China with the Mongolian paleography, about. Avvakum, after returning to Russia, in 1846 has disassembled and has translated an ancient Mongolian inscription on the silver plate found the same year in Eastern Siberia, on a picture, sent to it on consideration. " With feeling of national pride which, we hope, will divide with all of us to whom the name Russian is dear, - the orientalist of Century of Century Grigoriev wrote in this occasion, - we inform, that an inscription about which there is a speech, is disassembled, read through and translated absolutely well by our compatriot arhim. Avvakumom fair. And as still there was a business: today have sent from department this inscription to about. Avvakumu on consideration, and tomorrow it already has presented there its translation! Besides, - has presented, and has forgotten about it, it is exact as though has made the most simple, easy business. Still a sample of humility and talent of the Russian person " 55.
Later about. Avvakum has read through some more similar inscriptions cut on stones and coins. It had been opened the first kjuchzhukskaja an inscription and some letters kidanskogo ienuia.56 are found
Data on these monuments of east writing about. Avvakum has informed well-known sinologu to archimandrite Iakinfu (Bichurinu) which, in turn, has acquainted with them a scientific world in the " the Statistical description of China " (1842). Absence of ambition and modesty caused that purchase of knowledge and their practical application were its main purpose. For about. Avvakuma the contribution to development of a science, instead of personal popularity as scientist was important only. Here that the secretary of an imperial Russian Geographical Society baron F. R.Osten-Saken wrote in this occasion: " Indifferent to own popularity, about. Avvakum, as one would expect from the person of such high intellectual and moral advantages, all treasures of the learning was ready to share and shared with everyone who has addressed to it for advice, the instruction, the information; was ready, under the request of the first comer, to write the whole scientific treatise and to give this work to the full order of the applicant, not caring at all that it will take advantage of its work for own glorification. More disinterested fidelity to business of knowledge and is difficult for imagining greater cleanliness of soul " 57.
1 Orthodox Encyclopedia, o.1, I.2000 (on no№.87).
2 Sokolov I.P. Archimandrite Avvakum Fair // the Tver eparchial sheets (TEV), 1899, on April, 1st, № 7, a part informal; on April, 15th, № 8, a part neofits.; on May, 1st, № 9, a part neofits.
3 State archive of the Tver area (GATO). F. 103. Ii.1. The Unit hr. 2645. Hereinafter references to archival data are resulted on: Vasileva S.A.Predislovie to: Archimandrite Avvakum (Fair). A diary of global cruise by a frigate "Pallada" (1853). Letters from China (1857-1858). Tver, 1998.
4 GATO, F. 575. Op. 1. The Unit hr. 27. L. 167.
5 In the same place. F. 575. Op. 1. The Unit hr. 43. E.43 about. - 44.
6 Vasileva S., the decree. soch., N.6. See about it: Krivtsov of Century Father Iakinf. L. 1978, N.54.
7 Has ended academy on September, 25th, 1829, the certificate is given out on November, 21st, 1829 (GATO. F. 103. Op. 1. A unit hr. 2645).
8 Vasileva S., the decree. Soch., N.7.
9 Russian biographic dictionary, o.1, NIa.1896, N.22.
10 Sokolov I.P., the decree. soch. // TEV, 1899, № 7, With. 184.
11 Vasileva S., the decree. soch., N.7.
12 GATO. F. 575. Op. 1. A unit hr. 24. L. 167.
13 In the same place. F. 575. Op. 1. The Unit hr. 27. L. 167.
14 Vasileva S., the decree. soch., N.8.
15 See in the same place. F. 575. Op. 1. The Unit hr. 43. L. 43 about. - 44; a unit hr. 50. L. 3 about. - 4.
16 In the same place. F. 575. Op. 1. The Unit hr. 43. L. 208-209.
17 In the same place. F. 575. Op. 1. The Unit hr. 55. L. 17, 34, 54, 76, 200, 284, 324.
18 In the same place. F. 575. Op. 1. The Unit hr. 55. L. 57.
19 In the same place. F. 575. Ii.1. The Unit hr. 41. L. 140.
20 In the same place. F. 575. Op. 1. The Unit hr. 43. L. 210.
21 In the same place.
22 Vasileva S., the decree. soch., N.9.
23 GATO. F. 103. Op. 1. A unit hr. 2645.; CHistovich Ilarion. History of the St.-Petersburg Spiritual academy. SPb. 1857, with. 447.
24 GATO. F. 103. Op. 1. A unit hr. 2645.
25 one date specified on different - julianskomu and Gregorian - to calendars Probably means. On other data it took place on November, 19th (GATO. F. 103. Op. 1. A unit hr. 2643. L. 19 about.).
26 Nikolay Adoratsky, ieromonah. History of the Beijing spiritual mission. Kazan, 1887, With. 109.
27 Sokolov And.., the decree. soch. // TEV, 1899, № 7, N.185.
28 Mozharovsky Apollo. Peter Kamensky, archimandrite, the chief of 10-th Russian-imperial mission in Beijing // Russian olden time, 1896, t. 85, January-March, With. 592, primech. 1.
29 In the same place, N.605, primech. 1.
30 Krivtsov, the decree. soch., with. 530.
31 About history of Russian mission in Beijing of sm: CHistovich Ilarion. History of the St.-Petersburg Spiritual academy..., With. 282-283.
32 Gury (Carps), ierom. Russian and Grekorossijskaja church in China // Russian olden time, 1884, t. 43, With. 657.
33 CHistovich, the decree. soch., with. 382.
34 Gury (Carps), arhiep. ?occeee and Grekorossijskaja church in China. (the Letter ieromonaha Gurija, dyed archbishop Taurian, to the Saratov bishop Iakovu who has dyed in S.Peterburge by archbishop Nizhniy Novgorod. 1844) // Russian olden time, 1884, t. 43, p. 660. About the first albazintsah in Beijing see also: eepoi. Nikolay (Adoratsky). Ecoopey the Beijing spiritual mission. Kazan, 1887, With. 33-43.
35 Timkovsky E.Puteshestvie to China through Mongolia in 1820 and 1821. №.2, N.181-182
36 Gury (Carps), arhiep., the decree. soch. // Russian olden time, 1884, t. 43, With. 659-660.
37 In the same place, With. 659.
38 Nikolay (Adoratsky), ierom. O.Iakinf Bichurin. // the orthodox interlocutor, 1886, t. 1, With. 264.
39 See Alex, ierom. The Chinese library and scientific works of members of Imperial Spiritual and diplomatic mission in a Beijing or the aye-jing (in China). SPb. 1889, with. 29.
40 Russian biographic dictionary. t. 1, SPb. 1896, with. 22.
41 GATO. F. 103. Op. 1. A unit hr. 2646.
42 CHistovich, the decree. soch., N.383.
43 Report of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society for 1866 (It is made by the secretary of the Society, baron F. R.Osten-Sakenom). SPb. 1867, with. 3.
44 See Grigoriev of Century of Century the Explanation of the ancient Mongolian inscription found in Siberia // Magazine of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. 1846. CH. 16, With. 142.
45 Savelyev of Item East literatures and Russian orientalisty // the Russian bulletin, 1856, t. SH, With. 37.
46 Sokolov And., the decree. soch. // TEV, 1899, № 8, on April, 15th, a part neofits., N.218.
47 Russian biographic dictionary, o.1, With. 22.
48 GATO. F. 103. Op. 1. A unit hr. 2646.
49 CHistovich, the decree. soch., with. 393.
50 Bibliographic notes about "Catalogue" see the Contemporary, 1843, t. 31, With. 102 and a trace.; 1844, t. 35, with. 203 and a trace.
51 Russian biographic dictionary, o.1, With. 22.
52 It is stated on: Stories from recent olden time // Russian archive, 1878, kn. 3, № 12, With. 517. (It is informed by Ivan Stepanovichem Listovskim).
53 RNB. F. 1000. Sobr. Otd. A post., op. 2, № 536. Izvolsky N (ikanor?) Petrovich, the student (SPb the Theological seminary?). " About the attitude of the Word Human to Word Bozhiju ipostasnomu ". From the acceptable sanction arhim. Avvakuma from June, 1st, 1848
Philaret's 54 Letters, archbishop Chernigov, to Innokentiju, to archbishop Kherson and Taurian. The letter 25, from January, 20th, 1850 // Christian reading, 1884, № 7, July, With. 132.
55 Grigoriev of Century, the decree. soch., with. 129.56 Iakinf (Bichurin), arhim. The statistical description of China // Magazine of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 1846, ch. 16, With. 140.
57 Report... For 1866. SPb. 1867, N.4.
(Continuation see in following number)
The Belgorod Orthodox Theological seminary (with a missionary orientation 2004