Prayer Books
Canon & Prayers for Holy Communion
(trans. by Archim. Gury, 1863)
Morning & Evening Prayers
(trans. by Archim. Gury, 1864)
Daily Prayer Book
(translation reprinted late April 1879)
Prayer Book
(1910 First Ed.) with blessing of Bishop Innokenty (Figurovsky) of Beijing
Catechetical Prayer Book
(1948 revised edition) with blessing of Archbishop John (Maximovich) of Shanghai
Fr Michael Li's Prayer Book
Fr Elias Wen's Prayer Book
translated by Reader Jeremias
Daily Prayer Book
Akathist to our Lord Jesus
class="navlink" target="CONTENT"Prayers before Holy Communion
Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom
Divine Liturgy
(1979 Catholic tran.)
Penitence Canon
Chinese Calligraphy of the "Our Father"
by Sbdn Papi Fu (2006)
Prayer against Internet pornography
A Pocket Prayer Book for Orthodox Christians