中文(繁) png: 第12345678

Sunday Oktoechos
or the Book of Eight Tones

掌院修士法剌韦昂 敬译
translated by Archim. Flavian

修士司祭尼阔赖修士司祭阿列克些 参考
examined by Hieromonks Nikolai and Aleksy
司祭密特啰方 参订
proofread by Priest Mitrophan
天主降生一千八百八十四年 岁次甲申孟夏 镌
Published by Holy Virgin Church, Jingdu
(Dormition Monastery, Beijing), First summer month of 1884

This Sunday Oktoechos is prepared from a scan of a photocopy provided by late Rdr Jeremias Norman who copied it with the permission of the late Fr Gregory Zhu of the Pokrov Church in Harbin. The original has the name of the priest LEE Xunyi stamped on the first page. The first four tones was prepared in typeset, while the latter four tones was hand-written in brush calligraphy. The Troparia and Kontakia contained herein also appeared in the 1909 and 1913 Horologia.

A scan of volume 2 (tones 5 to 8) prepared in typeset has been contributed by Fr Dionisy Pozdnyaev. The original is located under call number 3B 2-13/139 at the Russian State Library in Moscow.

A pdf scan of another original copy of volume 1 and 2 located at the state library in Irkustk diocese has been contributed by Fr Dionisy Pozdnyaev. This copy has the original title page and translator acknowledgement page unlike all the other previous copies known to date. Also the copy from Harbin uses the modern Chinese Orthodox term Shangdi to refer to God, whereas the copies from Irkutsk and Moscow uses the earlier classical Chinese term Tianzhu.

There is also another copy of the 1884 edition located in the library of the Institute of World Religions at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing (中国科学院世界宗教研究所图书馆藏书), which have been reprinted on pages 25-224 to 25-361 in volume 25 of their hardcover 东传福音 (Dong chuan fu yin) on October 2005 (ISBN 7-80707-295-4).

Beijing Normal University also has a copy at their library under call number 3494 and 3495.

The electronic text has been transcribed by the dilligent efforts of the Holy Trinity parish of Taipei from the scanned copy from Harbin. Volunteers are need to proofread the electronic text, and the OCR UTF8 text of Tone 7 still needs to be brushed up. This classical Chinese Orthodox translation, in addition to the original Greek, will serve as a reference for a modern Chinese translation of the Sunday Oktoechos. If you are interested in helping with this initiative, please contact OFASC.