AFANASY (Athanasius) Yu, 21 yrs., studied in the Mission school since an early age and was a chorister. In May when the public disturbances began, he went to Innokenty (now Bishop). Having calmed the Christians, Archimandrite Innokenty returned to Beijing, but Afanasy remained in with Fr. Mitrophan's son Sergy who lived there at the church. But on the evening of May 25 the church was burned by the Boxers, and Afanasy with Sergy fled to Beijing. Then on June 10, Afanasy endured a martyr's death in his father's house (near the southwest corner of the women's monastery. Others who died there in addition to Afanasy: his grandmother Olga A, a widow of 75 yrs.; his aunt Agafia He, Olga's 50 yr. old daughter; his father Sergy Shuan, Olga's 47 yr. old son; his 40 yr. old mother Anna; his brothers: Pavel, 17 yrs., Evgeny, 8 yrs., and Kir, 4 yrs. (And his sister Maria, who was the bride of Fr. Mitrophan's son Isaiah, died at the Mission site; she is mentioned in part I.)
(东定安) together with Archimandrite