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歲次己卯 天主降生一千八百七十九年

仙台教區的塞拉芬(辻永昇)主教 准網提供
Online version published with blessing of Bp Seraphim of Sendai

Published in 1879 by Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Beijing when Archim. Flavian was appointed head of the Mission. This Psalter is a translation of Russian (! Not Slavonic/ Greek LXX) text of Book of Psalms, which appeared in Russian Synodal Bible (1876).

The original is located at the library of Osaka Church of the Protection of the Theotokos. Eiichi Katoh has made a scanned version from a photocopy provided by the priest-in-charge Fr. David Mizuguchi. Scan was missing for pages 67-68 and pages 113-114, which was provided to Fr Dionisy Pozdnaev during his visit to Japan in January 2008. Electronic transcription contributed by Fr Dionisy Pozdnyaev on December 26, 2015. Volunteers who are interested in proofreading, please compare carefully with the scanned pages and send the revised Word doc with track changes enabled to mitrophan@orthodox.cn.

志願者需要與掃瞄頁仔細對照校對,並將任何改正發送到mitrophan@orthodox.cn 。校對完畢後,皆可免費共享簡體和繁體漢字電子文檔。


第一分 第 聖詠 榮光贊詞

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