Now available for download: Word doc
May 9, 2004 Sunday of the Samaritan WomanFor more information about the Chinese Orthodox Translation Project, see or contact Project Coordinator, Nelson Mitrophan Chin at
Chinese Translation of the Prologue from Ohrid Now Under Way
A Chinese translation project is under way of the Prologue from Ohrid by St Nikolai of Zica from the recently published new English translation done by the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Western America with blessing from his Grace Bishop Jovan of the Serbian Church.
The translation project of this famous collection of the lives of saints plus hymns, reflections, contemplations and homilies by the recently glorified St Nikolai is envisioned as a mission to the general Chinese population to get involved in the preliminary translation. Hopefully in the process they will get inspired by the lives of the Saints, and learn more about the Orthodox Faith, and be drawn closer to Christ and what the Orthodox Church has to offer. Already, a Hong Kong Protestant is helping with translating the Lives of Saints section of the Prologue because he is interested as he says, "in participating in works related to Christ, hoping to help the spread of His Kingdom." Chinese Orthodox readers will be involved throughout the whole process in editting and retranslating the text to conform to Orthodox understanding and style.
This translation will also be a vital catechetical tool for the Chinese Orthodox community and new converts both in China and overseas to strengthen their daily spiritual growth given the persecutions that the Chinese Orthodox have to endure the past century.
The project is also looking for donations to help defray project expenses and to compensate our translators. You can even sponsor a specific day for the good health or in memory of loved ones for their names day, wedding anniversary, day of repose, or any other special occasions, which will be noted on the bottom of each entry of the prologue, and those reading the daily devotion for that day can pray for your loved ones. Just email Nelson Mitrophan Chin at for availability of a requested day.