(This chronology is arranged in order by dates of birth. I've added the calculations for the lifespan of each person for the dates I've been able to gather, neither of which I absolutely guarantee.)

Besides being interesting (at least to me), it illustrates the principle that it is how well one lives, not how long that is important both for time and eternity. I've been unable to draw any other conclusions from this data. (Of course, some of these people were weakened by asceticism, others were martyred, and both Charles Spurgeon and D.L. Moody were obese.)


Lifespans of Leading Personalities in Church History
(Divisions are of course somewhat arbitrary)

A. The Ancient Church (A.D. 1-590)

1. Peter (N.T.)
2. James (N.T.)
3. John (N.T.)
4. Paul (N.T.)
5. Ignatius (A.D. 30-107) 77
6. Polycarp (A.D. 70-156) 86
7. Justin Martyr (A.D. 100-160) 60
8. Irenaeus (A.D. 125-203) 78
9. Tertullian (A.D. 160-220) 60
10. Origen (A.D. 183-254) 71
11. Cyprian (A.D. 200-260) 60
12. Novatian (A.D. 230-265) 35
13. Eusebius (A.D. 263-339) 76
14. Athanasius (A.D. 296-373) 77
15. Basil of Caesarea (A.D. 320-379) 59
16. Gregory of Nazianzen (A.D. 330-389) 59
17. Gregory of Nyssa (A.D. 330-395) 65
18. Ambrose (A.D. 339-397) 58
19. Jerome (A.D. 345-420) 85
20. John Chrysostom (A.D. 347-407) 60
21. Augustine (A.D. 354-430) 76
22. Cyril of Alexandria (A.D. 380-440) 60

B. The Medieval Church (A.D. 590-1517)

1. Gregory the Great (A.D. 540-604) 64
2. John of Damascus (A.D. 675-749) 74
3. Anselm (A.D. 1033-1109) 76
4. Bernard of Clairvaux (A.D. 1091-1153) 62
5. Peter Lombard (A.D. 1095-1159) 64
6. Peter Waldo (d. ca. 1217)
7. Francis of Assisi (A.D. 1181-1226) 45
8. Thomas Aquinas (A. D. 1225-1274) 49
9. Meister Eckhart (A. D. 1260-1327) 67
10. John of Ruysbroeck (1273-1381) 108
11. Johann Tauler (A.D. 1290-1361) 71
12. William of Occam (A. D. 1300-1349) 49
13. John Wycliffe (A.D. 1328-1384) 56
14. Julian of Norwich (1342-1428) 86
15. St. Catherine of Siena (1347-1380) 33
16. John Huss (A.D. 1369-1415) 46
17. Thomas A Kempis (A. D. 1380-1471) 91
18. St. Catherine of Genoa (1447-1510) 63
19. Girolamo Savonarola (A.D. 1452-1498) 46
20. Desiderius Erasmus (A.D. 1466-1536) 70
21. William Tyndale (A.D. 1494-1536) 42

C. The Modern Church (A.D. 1517 - Present)

1. Martin Luther (A.D. 1483-1546) 63
2. Ulrich Zwingli (A.D. 1484-1531) 47
3. Hugh Latimer (A.D. 1485-1555) 70
4. Miles Coverdale (A.D. 1488-1568) 80
5. Thomas Cranmer (A.D. 1489-1556) 67
6. Ignatius Loyola (A.D. 1491-1556) 65
7. Philip Melanchthon (A.D. 1497-1560) 63
8. Menno Simons (A.D. 1496-1561) 65
9. Conrad Grebel (A.D. 1498-1526) 28
10. Francis Xavier (A.D. 1506-1552) 46
11. John Calvin (A.D. 1509-1564) 55
12. John Knox (A.D. 1513-1572) 59
13. St. Teresa de Avila (1515-1582) 67
14. Jacobus Arminius (A.D. 1560-1609) 49
15. Thomas Cartwright (A.D. 1535-1603) 68
16. St. John of the Cross (1542-1591) 49
17. Robert Browne (A.D. 1550-1633) 83
18. Johann Arndt (A.D. 1555-1621) 66
19. Jon Amos Comenius (A.D. 1592-1670) 78
20. Jean Daille (A.D. 1594-1670) 76
21. Oliver Cromwell (A.D. 1599-1658) 59
22. Roger Williams (A.D. 1603-1683) 80
23. Brother Lawrence (1611-1691) 80
24. John Owen (A.D. 1616-1683) 67
25. John Bunyan (A. D. 1628-1688) 60
26. Philip Jacob Spener (A.D. 1635-1703) 68
27. Miguel de Molinos (1640-1697) 57
28. Madame Guyon (A.D. 1648-1717) 69
29. George Fox (A.D. 1642-1691) 49
30. Francois Fenelon (1651-1715) 64
31. August Hermann Francke (A.D. 1663-1727) 64
32. William Law (A.D. 1686-1761) 75
33. Johannes Albrecht Bengel (A.D. 1687-1752) 65
34. Count von Zinzendorf (A.D. 1700-1760) 60
35. John Wesley (A. D. 1703-1791) 88
36. Jonathan Edwards (A.D. 1703-1758) 55
37. George Whitefield (A. D. 1714-1770) 56
38. David Brainerd (A.D. 1718-1747) 29
39. Francis Asbury (A.D. 1745-1816) 71
40. William Carey (A.D. 1761-1834) 73
41. Charles Finney (A.D. 1792-1875) 83
42. John Nelson Darby (A.D. 1800-1882) 82
43. John Henry Newman (A.D. 1801-1890) 89
44. George Muller (A.D. 1805-1898) 93
45. David Livingstone (A.D. 1813-1873) 60
46. Andrew Murray (A.D. 1828-1917) 89
47. Hudson Taylor (A.D. 1832-1905) 73
48. Charles Spurgeon (A.D. 1834-1892) 58
49. Dwight L. Moody (A.D. 1837-1899) 62
50. Oswald Chambers (A.D. 1874-1917) 43
51. Karl Barth (A.D. 1886-1968) 82
52. Watchman Nee (A.D. 1903-1972) 69
53. Billy Graham (A.D. 1918 - )
