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Pinyin — Pallady System
Pinyin Pallady System
a a
ai ай
an ань
ang ан
ao ао
ba ба
bai бай, бо
ban бань
bang бан
bao бао
bei бэй
ben бэнь
beng бэн
bi би
bian бянь
biao бяо
bie бе
bin бинь
bing бин
bo бо
bu бу
ca ца
cai цай
can цань
cang цан
cao цао
ce цэ
cen цэнь
ceng цэн
cha ча
chai чай
chan чань
chang чан
chao чао
che чэ
chen чэнь
cheng чэн
chi чи
chong чун
chou чоу
chu чу
chuai чуай
chuan чуань
chuang чуан
chui чуй
chun чунь
chuo чуо, чо
ci цы
cong цун
cou цоу
cu цу
cuan цуань
cui цуй
cun цунь
cuo цо
da да
dai дай
dan дань
dang дан
dao дао
de дэ
dei дэй
den дэнь
deng дэн
di ди
dia дя
dian дянь
diao дяо
die де
ding дин
diu дю
dong дун
dou доу
du ду
duan дуань
dui дуй
dun дунь
duo дуо, до
e э
en энь
eng эн
er эр
fa фа
fan фань
fang фан
fei фэй
fen фэнь
feng фэн, фын
fo фо
fou фоу
fu фу
ga га
gai гай
gan гань
gang ган
gao гао
ge гэ
gei гэй
gen гэнь
geng гэн
gong гун
gou гоу
gu гу
gua гуа
guai гуай
guan гуань
guang гуан
gui гуй
gun гунь
guo го
ha ха
hai хай
han хань
hang хан
hao хао
he хэ
hei хэй
hen хэнь
heng хэн
hong хун
hou хоу
hu ху
hua хуа
huai хуай
huan хуань
huang хуан
hui хуй, хуэй, хой
hun хунь
huo хо
ji цзи
jia цзя
jian цзянь
jiang цзян
jiao цзяо
jie цзе
jin цзинь
jing цзин
jiong цзюн
jiu цзю
ju цзюй
juan цзюань
jue цзюе, цзюэ
jun цзюнь
ka ка
kai кай
kan кань
kang кан
kao као
ke кэ
kei кэй
ken кэнь
keng кэн
kong кун
kou коу
ku ку
kua куа
kuai куай
kuan куань
kuang куан
kui куй
kun кунь
kuo ко
la ла
lai лай
lan лань
lang лан
lao лао
le лэ
lei лэй
leng лен, лэн
li ли
lia ля
lian лянь
liang лян
liao ляо
lie ле
lin линь
ling лин
liu лю
long лун
lou лоу
lu лу
luan луань
lüe люэ
lüan люань
lun лунь
luo ло
ma ма
mai май
man мань
mang ман
mao мао
me мэ
mei мэй
men мэнь
meng мэн
mi ми
mian мянь
miao мяо
mie ме
min минь
ming мин
miu мю
mo мо
mou моу
mu му
Pinyin Pallady System
na на
nai най
nan нань
nang нан
nao нао
ne нэ
nei ней, нэй
nen нень, нэнь
neng нен, нэн
ni ни
nian нянь
niang нян
niao няо
nie не
nin нинь
ning нин
niu ню
nong нун
nou ноу
nu ну
nuan нуань
nüe нюэ
nun нунь
nuo но
ou оу
pa па
pai пай, по
pan пань
pang пан
pao пао
pei пэй
pen пэнь
peng пэн
pi пи
pian пянь
piao пяо
pie пе
pin пинь
ping пин
po по
pou поу
pu пу
qi ци
qia ця
qian цянь
qiang цян
qiao цяо
qie це
qin цинь
qing цин
qiong цюн
qiu цю
qu цюй
quan цюань
que цюэ
qun цюнь
ran жань
rang жан
rao жао
re жэ
ren жэнь
reng жэн
ri жи
rong жун
rou жоу
ru жу
rua жуа
ruan жуань
rui жуй
run жунь
ruo жо


sai сай
san сань
sang сан
sao сао
se сэ
sen сэнь
seng сен, сэн
sha ша
shai шай
shan шань
shang шан
shao шао
she шэ
shei шэй
shen шень, шэнь
sheng шен, шэн
shi ши
shou шоу
shu шу
shua шуа
shuai шуай
shuan шуань
shuang шуан
shui шуй
shun шунь
shuo шуо, шо
si сы
song сун
sou соу
su су
suan суань
sui суй
sun сунь
suo суо, со
ta та
tai тай
tan тань
tang тан
tao тао
te тэ
teng тен, тэн
ti ти
tian тянь
tiao тяо
tie те
ting тин
tong тун
tou тоу
tu ту
tuan туань
tui туй
tun тунь
tuo туо, то
wa ва
wai вай
wan вань
wang ван
wei вэй
wen вэнь
weng вэн
wo во
wu у
xi си
xia ся
xian сянь
xiang сян
xiao сяо
xie се
xin синь
xing син
xiong сюн
xiu сю
xu сюй
xuan сюань
xue сюэ
xun сюнь
ya я
yan янь
yang ян
yao яо
ye е
yi и
yin инь
ying ин
yong юн
you ю
yu юй
yuan юань
yue юэ
yun юнь
za цза
zai цзай
zan цзань
zang цзан
zao цзао
ze цзэ
zei цзэй
zen цзэнь
zeng цзэн
zha чжа
zhai чжай
zhan чжань
zhang чжан
zhao чжао
zhe чжэ
zhei чжэй
zhen чжэнь
zheng чжэн
zhi чжи
zhong чжун
zhou чжоу
zhu чжу
zhua чжуа
zhuai чжуай
zhuan чжуань
zhuang чжуан
zhui чжуй
zhun чжунь
zhuo чжо
zi цзы
zong цзун
zou цзоу
zu цзу
zuan цзуань
zui цзуй
zun цзунь
zuo цзо
Pallady's system and Pinyin:
How to write Chinese in Cyrillic script
English Translation by Igor Radev


Pinyin - a system of writing in the modern Chinese language, based on Latin script. It is accepted in mainland China, but in practice it is not used in Taiwan. It plays the roll of a basic system of transcribing the words of the Chinese language in the countries where Roman letters are in use.

Pallady's System - a system of recording Chinese words and phrases, based on Cyrillic script. It is recognized in Russia as an official system of writing Chinese names and titles. It has been developed during the second half of XIX century by Archimandrite Pallady (Kafarov) - one of the establishers of Russian Sinology.


The most used way in the modern Chinese language of recording words is hieroglyphics. However, with the aim of simplifying the recording of Chinese words, using as a tool in the process the Roman script, a system consisted of 422 syllables was worked out - Pinyin, which unequivocally corresponds to the standard phonetic system of the Chinese language of the official dialect - Putonghua (i.e. to every single syllable of Putonghua corresponds only one Pinyin syllable). In Russia a similar system has been developed for the same purposes on the basis of Cyrillic script. Below is the table of their concordance.

Chinese names

In Chinese names, as well as in Japanese, the first place belongs to the family name (consisted of one syllable, or in rare cases - two), and afterwards — the personal name (usually two syllables) follows. However, when written in Russian, they do not change places in order to conform to the rule of writing down Russian names. Thus, in the name “Mao Zedong” “Mao” is the surname.

Disyllabic Chinese names in Russian are written together (unlike Vietnamese, Korean and Indonesian). Sometimes they are written using dashes — “Мао Цзэ-дун”. However such writing has become outdated.


It is important to have in mind that all of the aforesaid does not have much connection with the real pronunciation of Chinese. It is just a system of writing Chinese words in Cyrillic script, which tries do describe their articulation in Russian. If you are interested in how those words really sound in Chinese, then you should engage yourself in a serious study of that language.

Archimandrite Pallady—biographical note

Archimandrite Pallady (in the world - Peter Ivanovich Kafarov) was born in 1817. He studied at the Kazan Seminary, and after finishing it, at St. Petersburg Spiritual Academy. In 1840 he was tonsured as a monk and then sent to China being a member of the Spiritual Mission there. In 1849 he was ordained as a hieromonk.

In the forthcoming period Archimandrite Pallady visited China many times, where he headed the Spiritual Mission in Beijing and studied the languages and the culture of the Far East. In 1878, returning from a regular expedition, he died.

As a scientist, Archimandrite Pallady was interested primarily in the history of China and Mongolia, Buddhism and Chinese literature. His life long work, the “Chinese—Russian Dictionary”, was finished by another member of the Spiritual Mission in China, P. S. Popov, and then published in Beijing in 1889.