These are user contributed supplemental files for the Menologion program.

The Scripture modules are dedicated to the
Public Domain.
This is an updated public domain Old Testament module to conform to the LXX. This is
a work in progress by Nelson Mitrophan Chin. This Old Testament is being restored to
the LXX order according to H.B. Swete using the English translation
of Brenton (1851). All Hebrew Masoretic additions and variations are bracketted and noted as such. KJV chapter and verse numbering are preserved in parenthesis for easy referencing.
All instances of the name Eliu is replaced with the more familiar Greek 'Elias' also known as Elijah. Suffer is replaced by give
in Ps 15(16):10 to preserve the Greek verb dwseiv. For the Greek term 'sitw',
corn is used instead of oil in Hosea 7:14.
The Song of the Three Holy Children and the Prayer of
Azariah has been restored back to the LXX order of Daniel 3:24-90,
inserted between verses 23 and 24 of the King James Version. Dn
3:24-30; 4:1-3 KJV are renumbered to 3:91-101. Daniel 4:4-37 KJV to Dn
4:1-33. The History of Susanna and the History of the Destruction of
Bel and the Dragon, cut off from the end of Daniel in the KJV, has
been restored back to the LXX order of Daniel as chapters 13 and
The Greek Additions to Esther is restored to the LXX order with
additions from Brenton's:
Es 11:2-:6 KJV (Add. A) is prepended to Es 1, as Es 1:1-17.
Es 1:1-22 KJV as Es 1:18-39.
Es 13:1-7 KJV (Add. B) is inserted between Es 3:13 and 3:14 KJV,
and renumbered as Es 3:14-20.
Es 3:14-15 KJV is renumbered as Es 3:21-22.
Es 13:8-14:19 KJV (Add. C, D) is appended to Es 4 as Es 4:18-47.
Es 15:1-16 KJV (Add. E) is prepended to Es 5 as Es 5:1-10 using
Brenton's text and verse division, and replaces Es 5:1-2 KJV.
Es 5:3-14 KJV is renumbered as Es 5:11-22.
Es 16:1-24 KJV (Add. E) is inserted between Es 8: and Es 8:13 KJV, as Es 8:13-36.
Es 8:13-17 KJV as Es 8:37-41.
Es 10:4-11:1 KJV (Add. F) is appended to Es 10 as Es 10:4-14.
Jeremiah is
rearranged according to the LXX. Any vesperal readings taken from
Jeremiah or Proverbs may be off-aligned in the Menologion, as it is hard-coded to
the KJV chapter and verse ordering.
This is an updated Anaginoskomena (Apocrypha) module by Nelson Mitrophan Chin using the King James Version with updates from Brenton's English translation of the LXX including the Prayer of Manasses, Psalm 151, 3 Maccabees and 4 Maccabees.
376 MB
Mitrophan's Orthodox Revised Edition (MORE)
Last Updated: Aug 16, 2013
This is an updated New Testament module to conform the Textus Receptus (TR) to the
Byzantine Majority text. Work in progress by Nelson Mitrophan Chin using the King
James Version with amendments to the language in 1833 by Noah
Webster, America's first grammarian and founding father of American
education, who in 1828 published the "American Dictionary of the
English Language".
The Greek term 'Hades' is kept instead of translating it to 'hell'
in Mt 11:23; Mt 16:18; Lk 10:15; Lk 16:23; Ac 2:27,31; 1Co 15:55;
Re 1:18; Re 6:8; Re 20:13-14.
The Greek term 'Pascha' is kept instead of translating it to
'Passover' or 'Easter' in Mt 26:2,17-19; Mk 14:1,,14,16; Lk
2:41; Lk 22:1,7,8,11,13,15; Jn 2:13,23; Jn 6:4; Jn 11:55;
Jn :1; Jn 13:1; Jn 18:28,39; Jn 19:14; Ac :4; 1Co 5:7;
Heb 11:28.
Since the Greek term 'nous' can also refer to the eye of the
heart or soul or center of attention, 'nous' is kept instead
of translating it to 'mind' or 'understanding' which refers
only to intellectual reasoning, in Lk 24:45; Ro 1:28; Ro 7:23,25;
Ro 11:34; Ro :2; Ro 14:5; 1Co 1:10; 1Co 2:16; 1Co 14:14,15,19;
Ep 4:17,23; Phil 4:7; Col 2:18; 2Th 2:2; 1Ti 6:5; 2Ti 3:8; Ti
1:15; Re 13:18; Re 17:9
The Greek term 'Jesus' when referring to the son of Nun in He 4:8,
'Jesus' is annotated with the clause [of Nun] following the Slavonic.
To conform TR to Byzantine text of Hodges and Farstad (HF) except
where supported by Antoniades 1904/12 Patriarchal text or Robinson and Pierpont (RP) as follows:
MT 1:20 add 'behold,' before 'the angel' to reverse Webster's amendment
MT 3:8 fruits -> fruit
MT 3:11 baptize with -> baptize in; omit '[with]' before 'fire';
kai G2532 pyr G4442 in Patriarchal text and TR
MT 4:10 Be gone -> Get thee behind me
MT 4:18 omit 'Jesus', add 'he' before 'saw'
MT 5:27 tois G3588 archaiois G744 in Patriarchal text and TR
MT 5:47 brethren -> friends
MT 6:18 openly -> [openly] in Patriarchal text
MT 7:2 omit 'again' after 'measured to you'
MT 7:7 'the door' -> 'it' to reverse Webster's amendment
MT 7:8 'the door' -> 'it' to reverse Webster's amendment
MT 7:14 Because -> How
MT 8:5 Jesus -> he
MT 8:8 the word -> a word
MT 8:15 to them -> to him
MT 8:23 a boat -> the boat
MT 8:25 mathitai G3101 autou G846 in Patriarchal text
MT 9:4 knowing -> seeing; idon G1492 in both Majority and TR
MT 9:5 [thy] -> thy; omit 'thee' after 'forgiven'
MT 9:36 eklelymenoi G1590 G5772 in Patriarchal text
MT 10: add ', saying, Peace be to this house.' after 'salute it'
in Patriarchal text (cf. Luke 10:5).
MT 10:8 nekrous G3498 egeirete G1453 G5720 in Patriarchal text
MT 10:25 ekalesan G2564 G5656 in Patriarchal text and RP
MT 11:16 'and calling' -> 'who call' in Patriarchal text and WH;
etairois G2083 in Patriarchal text and RP
MT 12:8 kai G2532 tou G3588 savvatou G4521 in Patriarchal text
MT 12:21 in -> [on]
MT 12:23 add 'the Christ,' before 'the son of David' in Patriarchal text
MT 12:32 this world -> the present world
MT 12:35 omit 'of the heart' after 'good treasure'
MT 12:47 'speak with thee' -> 'see thee' in Patriarchal text
MT 13:2 'a boat' -> 'the boat'
MT 13:14 add ', lest at any time they should be converted' to end
previous verse (cf. Mk 4:12).
Change 'And in them is fulfilled' to 'And then unto them
shall be fulfilled' in Patriarchal text
MT 14:22 mathitas G3101 autou G846 in Patriarchal text; a boat -> the boat
MT 15:4 omit 'thy' before 'father'
MT 15:6 move 'And honor not his father or his mother, [he shall be free].'
to end of 15:5 with KJV versification in parenthesis
MT 15:27 "master's table" -> "masters' table" to reverse Webster's amendment
MT 15:39 'took a boat' -> 'went up into the boat' in Patriarchal text
MT 18:6 'about his neck' -> 'to his neck'
MT 18:19 add 'verily' before 'I say to you'
MT 18:28 what -> if anything
MT 18:29 omit 'all' after 'pay thee'
MT 19:19 'Honor thy father and [thy] mother' -> 'Honor father and mother'
MT 20:15 add 'Or' before 'Is it not lawful'
MT 20:21 'the left' -> 'thy left hand'
MT 20:22 'and to be baptized' -> 'or to be baptized'
MT 20:23 add 'hand' after 'my left'
MT 20:26 'let him be' -> 'shall be'
MT 21:1 Bethphage -> Bethsphage
MT 21:7 'they set [him]' -> 'he sat'
MT 21:14 'blind and the lame' -> 'lame and the blind'
MT 22:7 akousas G191 G5660 de G1161 in Patriarchal text and TR;
'the king' -> 'that king'
MT 23:13 swap with MT 23:14 with KJV versification in parenthesis
MT 23:21 dwelleth -> dwelt
MT 23:25 excess -> unrighteousness
MT 24:17 'any thing' -> 'the things'
MT 24:20 omit 'on' before 'the sabbath'
MT 24:27 estai G2071 G5704 kai G2532 in Patriarchal text with kai bracketted in RP
MT 25:44 apokrithisontai G611 G5700 auto G846 in Patriarchal text and TR
MT 26:35 add 'But' before 'Likewise'
MT 26:38 'saith he' -> 'saith Jesus'
MT 26:39 proelthon G4281 G5631 in Patriarchal text and TR
MT 26:52 perish -> die
MT 26:70 '[them] all' -> 'them all'
MT 27:35 omit 'that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the
prophet, They parted my garments among them, and upon my
vesture they cast lots'
MT 27:41 elders -> presbyters and the Pharisees
MT 27:42 believe him -> believe on him
MT 27:46 Eli, Eli, lama -> Eli, Eli, lima
MT 28:19 omit 'therefore'
MK 1:8 'baptized you with' -> 'baptized you in';
'baptize you with' -> 'baptize you in'
MK 1:16 'his brother' -> 'the brother of Simon'
MK 2:9 '[Thy]' -> 'Thy'; omit 'thee' after 'forgiven'
MK 2:26 'in the days of Abiathar the high priest' ->
'when Abiathar [was] high priest'
MK 3:32 omit 'kai G2532 ai G3588 adelfai G79 sou G4675' in Patriarchal text and TR
MK 4:4 omit 'of the air' after 'fowl'
MK 4:9 autois G846 in Patriarchal text and TR
MK 5:1 Gadarenes -> Gerasenes in Patriarchal text and WH
MK 5:5 'on the mountains and in the tombs' -> 'in the tombs and on the mountains' in Patriarchal text and WH
MK 5:11 mountains -> mountain
MK 5:38 kai G2532 klaiontas G2799 G5723 in Patriarchal text and TR
MK 6:2 omit 'that' before 'even such mighty works'
MK 6:15 omit 'or' after 'prophet'
MK 6:33 'the people saw' -> 'they saw'
MK 6:44 omit 'about' before 'five thousand'
MK 7:3 'often' -> 'with the fist [diligently]'
MK 7:16 Verse bracketted and marked not in lection. Verse omitted in Patriarchal text.
MK 7:30 'the demon had gone out, and her daughter laid upon the bed'
-> 'her daughter laid upon the bed, and the demon had gone out'
in Patriarchal text and WH
MK 8:3 'came from' -> 'come from'
MK 8:13 retain 'the' before 'boat' in Patriarchal text and TR
MK 8:34 'come' -> 'follow'
MK 9:7 retain 'saying' before 'This is my' in Patriarchal text and TR
MK 9:40 'against us, is on our' -> 'against you, is on your'
MK 9:47 'to be cast' -> 'to go' in Patriarchal text
MK 10:2 retain 'the' before 'Pharisees' in Patriarchal text and TR
Mk 10:14 retain 'and' before 'forbid them not' in Patriarchal text and TR
MK 10:16 'put [his] hands upon them, and blessed them' ->
'and blessed them, laying his hands upon them' in Patriarchal text and WH
MK 10:21 add 'If thou wilt be perfect,' before 'go, sell' in Patriarchal text (cf. Mt 19:21)
MK 10:25 'go through' -> 'enter through'
MK 10:28 'Then Peter' -> 'Peter'
MK 10:29 add sake after gospel's
MK 11:1 Bethphage -> Bethsphage
MK 13:9 'be brought' -> 'stand'
MK 13:32 'and [that] hour' -> 'or [that] hour'
MK 14:45 'Master, master' -> 'Hail, master' in Patriarchal text
LK 17:36 omit 'will be' after 'Two [men]'; omit 'the' before 'one'
in Patriarchal text
JN 1:28 Bethabara -> Bethany
JN 2:17 'hath eaten' -> 'shall eat'
JN 2:22 omit 'to them' after 'said this'
JN 3:2 'came to Jesus' -> 'came to him'
JN 3:25 'the Jews' -> 'a Jew'
JN 3:28 retain 'me' after 'bear' in Patriarchal text and TR.
JN 4:3 omit 'again' after 'departed'
JN 4:30 retain 'Then' before 'they' in Patriarchal text and TR.
JN 4:31 'his disciples' -> 'the disciples'
JN 5:1 'a feast' -> 'the feast'
JN 6:15 retain 'again' after 'departed' in Patriarchal text and TR.
JN 6:24 omit 'also' before 'took boats'
JN 8:10 'and saw none but the woman' -> [and saw none but the woman] not in Patriarchal text
JN 8:10 'where are those thy accusers?' -> [where are those thy accusers?] not in Patriarchal text
JN 16:3 omit 'to you'
JN 7:16 add 'then' after 'Jesus'
JN 7:29 omit 'But' before 'I know him'
JN 7:33 omit 'to them' after 'said Jesus'
JN 7:41 'But some said' -> 'Some said'
JN 7:50 'to Jesus' -> 'to him' in both Majority and TR.
JN 10:30 '[my] Father' -> 'the Father'
JN 20:29 omit 'Thomas'
AC 8:37 whole verse in Patriarchal text
AC 9:5 omit '[It is] hard for thee to kick against the goads.'
AC 9:6 omit 'And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou
have me to do? And the Lord [said] to him,'; add 'But' before 'Arise,'
1J 5:7 bracketted '[, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one]'.
Displayed as small italics in Patriarchal text.
1J 5:8 bracketted '[And there are three that bear testimony on earth,]'.
Displayed as small italics in Patriarchal text.
Rev 19:1 'to the Lord our God' -> 'belong to our God'
Rev 20:12 'small and great, stand before God' -> 'great and small, stand before the throne'
Rev 21:2 'And I John saw' -> 'And I saw'
Rev 21:24 omit 'of them who are saved' after 'nations'
Rev 22:5 'holy prophets' -> 'spirits of the prophets'
To convey the Greek term 'Hierourgeo' in Ro 15:16, 'ministering' is
annotated with the clause [in priestly service]. For the Greek term
'Leitourgeo', 'minister' is annotated with the clause [the liturgy] in
Act 13:2. For the Greek term 'Leitourgikos', ministering is replaced
by the term 'liturgical' in Heb 1:14. To convey the Greek term
'Sunergeo', the clause [in synergy] is annotated in Mk 16:20; Ro 8:28;
1Co 16:16; 2Co 6:1; Jas 2:22. To convey the Greek term 'En' in Lk
23:42, 'into thy kingdom' is replaced with 'in thy kingdom'. To convey
the Greek term 'Chrisma', the clause [of chrism] is annotated in 1Jn
2:20,27. For the Greek term 'Chrio' in Lk 4:18; Ac 4:27; Ac 10:38;
2Co 1:21; Heb 1:9, 'anointed' is replaced with 'chrismated'. For the
Greek term 'presbuteros' and 'presbuterion', 'presbyter(s)' and
'presbytery' is used instead of 'elder(s)', with 'an' replaced with 'a'.
For the Greek term 'Eikon', 'icon' is used instead of 'image'.
For the Greek term 'dwseiv', 'give' is used instead of 'suffer' in
Acts 13:35.
Taking the original KJV New Testament one step further and to be
consistent with the Greek Old and New Testament, Greek names are used,
such as Jeremias for Jeremiah or Jeremy, Elias for Elijah, Osee for
Hosea, Jonas for Jonah, Eliseus for Elisha, Timotheus for Timothy, Noe
for Noah, Judas for Judah, Urias for Uriah, reversing Webster's
amendments, whose intentions was to help correlate with the KJV Old
Testament Hebrew names.
| This is the online version of the fixed feast days of the Menologion, with additional lists of saints commemorated each day and user-contributed Troparion/Kontakion and links to their lives and icons. You can copy and paste the additional text from this site to your Menologion program. |