Download Instructions

From this site you can download a ZIP file containing the files necessary to install DISMISSAL 1.2.2.  Click on the download link below and save the file to your Desktop.  Extract the contents of the file, noting the destination folder, and from that folder run Setup.exe.

If a previous version of DISMISSAL is installed on the destination computer, use Windows’ Add or Remove Programs utility to remove it before installing the current release.

This application is freeware. But if you love DISMISSAL and would like to make a donation to help defray development costs, feel free!


Download DISMISSAL 1.2.2

About DISMISSAL 1.2.2

Read the FAQ.

This application was created by Deacon David B. Keim in Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 as a project for the St. Stephen's Course in Orthodox Theology.  It is designed to generate the dismissal proper for a variety of the divine services of the Orthodox Church for any given day of the year.

In general, this application automates the rules for the construction of the dismissals set forth in The Liturgikon: The Book of Divine Services for the Priest and Deacon (Antakya Press, 1989), as such rules have been supplemented and amplified by the materials published on the website of the St. Raphael Clergy Brotherhood of the Diocese of Wichita and Mid-America (Antiochian Archdiocese), as well as in the weekly Typikon Notes that at one time were published by the Brotherhood.

Release notes for this version can be found in the README.TXT file included in the installation file downloaded from this site.

See an example of the formatted output in Microsoft Word.  The application also permits output to be directed to an unformatted text file. 

Known Issues

The first time DISMISSAL runs on a system, the program may appear sluggish.  This is because the program has to “learn” the location of various system files and components.  Application speed will increase when it has run a few times.

If it appears that the program has opened an instance of Microsoft Word but no text appears, select another date and click the “Create Dismissal” button again.  This should prod the text out of memory and into a document.  This generally only happens on the first run after installation; after the application has run a few times this problem seems to go away.

The program generally runs better if it opens an instance of Microsoft Word or Notepad on its own.  Close all instances of these programs before starting DISMISSAL.

DISMISSAL requires Microsoft Scripting runtime file scrrun.dll, which is not bundled in the startup package.  Most current MS Windows installations will already have this file and updating it through the VB setup utility can be problematic.  If a runtime error is generated indicating that this DLL is absent or out of date, the latest version can be downloaded directly from Microsoft.  Users of Windows 98, ME, and NT can download the scripting package containing scrrun.dll here.  Users of Windows XP and 2000 can download the same package here.

System Requirements

DISMISSAL requires Microsoft Windows 98, ME, 2000, NT, or XP and Microsoft Word.  You must also have the Microsoft Visual Basic runtime DLLs and certain ActiveX files installed on your computer for this program to run correctly.  Other than as noted above, the setup program should automatically install the required files, but Visual Basic has been known to have some problems installing on computers with certain customized environments (for instance, if the target computer has more than one hard drive or more than one partition on its hard drive).  For best results, run Windows’ update utility before installing to make sure you have the latest Windows components installed.

Terms of Use and Distribution

Use and redistribution of DISMISSAL is governed by the terms of the README.TXT file included in the installation file downloaded from this site.