Русский | St Petersburg Metropolitanate. The Church Bulletin №4, 2003 | English Machine Translation

History of the Port Arthur Icon of the Theotokos "CELEBRATION OF THE MOST HOLY MOTHER OF GOD"

Port Arthur
Icon of Our Lady
Mother of "Triumph
Our Lady "

In December 1903 the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, among other pilgrims came to the gray-haired old man, a sailor from the province of Bessarabia. On the breast of his shining silver Cross of St George. It was one of the last living members of the glorious defense of Sevastopol. The best years of my life warrior gave the sovereign naval service, sailed under the command of Nakhimov, went through the entire harvest Sevastopol, was seriously injured, miraculously survived. And now, in response to that vow, came to venerate the relics of saints of the Caves and thank you for saving from enemy bullets during heavy war.

But he had another important mission. He told the Kiev-Pechersk fraternity of extraordinary vision, which he won.

One night, an old sailor was awakened by a strange noise, as of a mighty wind. Waking up, he saw the following: The Mother of God surrounded by angels, led by Archangel Michael and Archangel Gabriel.

Russian-Japanese War.
Mukden battle.
Friendly Putilovskaya hills.
From a drawing thin.
B. Ataburina. 1905

She was standing on the bank of some of the Gulf, with his back to the water. In her hands was a white board, framed by a blue border, and in the middle of the web was not made with hands depicted Lick Savior. The Virgin was dressed in a blue tunic, covered upper garment brown. On the shore of the bay in the fog was visible city with fire on this city, and were eager gaze of the Lady bless him without hands of the Savior. Above her head in the clouds of blinding light angels holding crown topped by another crown of two intersecting rainbows. At the top of the crown was a cross. Above the angels and crowns, on the throne of glory, the Lord of hosts, sat surrounded by a dazzling radiance, in which could be seen the words: "Let there be one flock and one shepherd." Virgin trampled with your feet a double-edged sword drawn. Shocked by what he had seen everything, an old sailor has experienced the strongest confusion, but the Mother of God, to encourage him, said, "Russia will soon hard war on the banks of the distant sea, and many expect her grief. Manufacture a way, just showing my appearance, and send it to Port Arthur. If the icon of my root in the walls of the city, the Orthodox triumph over paganism and the Russian army will win, help and protection. " Then the dazzling white of great beauty light illuminated the room an old man, and the vision disappeared.

In Kiev-Pechersk Lavra faithful enough to tell stories about the "miracles" and "visions", so the story an old sevastopoltsa caused wariness. But it took just over a month, and the phenomenon of the Mother of God began to speak not only in Kyiv, but throughout Russia.

Russian-Japanese War.
In the mountains Tyurenchena.
From a painting by ML Maimon. 1905

On the night of January 26, 1904 attack on the Japanese destroyers Russian ships at Port Arthur began Russian-Japanese War. January 27 was declared the highest manifesto about the beginning of the war. Theater of operations covered, this time, the vast territory of the Far East, including Port Arthur, Manchuria and Vladivostok, Sakhalin and Kamchatka. The war recalled the behest of the Mother of God to write her an icon.

"Of course - he wrote later, one of Kiev, - at the scarcity of funds, with which possessed retiree-Sevastopolets, ordering a large church icon had nothing to think. <...> But, apparently, that's the wonderful providence of God, was that the case is attracted thousands of Orthodox people, and became truly popular now. "

Already the very first day, the number of donors for the next image has reached several hundred, and because the pilgrims were hastily established a special committee, which held: in order to comply with the full equality between donors, to continue to take from each person exactly five cents - no more, no less! When the number of sacrificial dimes reached 10,000, the collection of funds has been discontinued and the Committee proceeded to find a suitable artist. The question, as everyone knew, was extremely important, pilgrims tried a number of different candidates, and, in the end, it was decided to entrust the work of the famous painter Kiev PF Shtronde. Artist willingly volunteered their consent, and when sent to him by delegates brought it about the size of future royalties, said firmly: "I will not take a penny. The money will be spent only contributors to the necessary materials. "

Cathedral of the
Dormition, where
dwelt Port Arthur
Icon of the
Mother of God

The work lasted about four weeks, and almost all the time around the artist bezotluchno remained veteran Sevastopolets. Night vision old man remembered surprisingly accurate, and the same precision he demanded from the iconographic wizard. At times, unable to explain in words, the old man quietly took away Shtronde pencil, and then an artist with amazement saw it stuck, and gnarled fingers sailor suddenly took on a truly professional and easy to slide freely on the image, causing no apparent effort finest dashed contours.

On the sixth week of Lent artist job done. "The image is written on a gold background chased, - informed readers of the magazine" Russian pilgrim. " - The height of it with a yard and a half Ramah 2 inches, unframed - 1.75 a yard. Width - 1.5 a yard, unframed - 1 yards 1.5 inches. The composition of all icons, shapes, colors, clothing items and details surrounding the Virgin of the situation given in the exact form in which they were remembered Sevastopol veteran. Along the edges of the image enameled lettering inscription: "The Triumph of the Holy Virgin." In a blessing and a sign of the triumph of Christ-loving host of far-off Russia from sacred monasteries of Kiev and 10,000 worshipers and friends. " "The artist, - concluded the reporter - especially the eyes of Our Lady failed - they're alive..."

On Holy Week in the vast concourse of people, and the image was consecrated in the evening of the same day, accompanied by a special deputation sent by rail to St. Petersburg, in order to entrust to the care of him there, Admiral Verhovskogo. By way of a letter was attached to many tens of signatures, in which Kiev citizens expressed the hope that "His Excellency will use all the possibilities for the speedy and safe Delivered icons in Port Arthur."

Port Arthur. 10 company
Kwantung land
artillery. 1905

At first glance, all the pilgrims have done quite well. Full admiral and a member of the Admiralty Board, Vladimir Pavlovich Verkhovskii belonged to the highest elite navy and, of course, his power would be enough for a "speedy and safe Delivered" icon to its destination. In addition, as stated Vladimir Pavlovich was a pious man and a connoisseur of fine arts.

"At Pascha - one contemporary wrote, - the image was already in the house of Admiral Verhovskogo." Now, apparently, it was just for a little - immerse the icon in the next, fast train, or even military train, and within 17-18 days it would have been in the location of the Port Arthur position, but Vladimir Pavlovich haste in matters did not like. The next few days, his house resembled a fashionable art gallery. Admire the unusual icon came the generals, senators, representatives of the city authorities and old colleagues at work. One day, the admiral visited the apartment Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga, Anthony (Vadkovsky). Vladimir Pavlovich immediately asked for his blessing to put the icon ("at least a week") in the Kazan Cathedral, but the Lord gently reminded him that the rightful place of the icon is not in the Kazan Cathedral, and Port Arthur, and that with the execution of the will could Vladychnaya b and a bit of hurry. The admiral replied to this that he was instructed not only delivering early icons, and a safe one, and that for the sake of winning seven or eight days is unlikely to put an icon road to chance. (Subsequent events have shown that the fate of the "Port Arthur" icon just decided these same seven or eight days.)

A war between continued. March 31 (Wednesday Bright Week) from the East came the tragic news: at the exit from Port Arthur raid hit a mine flagship battleship "Petropavlovsk", and with him met his death Fleet Commander Admiral Stepan Makarov Osipovich - the person to find an adequate substitute who was impossible. All Pacific Fleet experienced his death as a personal catastrophe, and the Tsar Nikolai left of their daily records such: "The whole day could not recover from this terrible disaster. <...> In all of God's will be done, but we must ask the Lord for mercy for us sinners. "

Perhaps if I had Verkhovskii more subtle spiritual intuition, he perhaps would have taken the tragedy of the 31st as a menacing sign and fails to dispatch icons. But no! The image of "The Triumph of the Blessed Virgin" still continued to decorate the apartment admiral, Vladimir Pavlovich thought up now to order a detailed list of his, and for this work (which is perfectly fulfilled the Novodevichy Convent nuns) were spent a few precious days. And as time went on! In place of the deceased Makarov had to intercede Admiral Nikolai Illarionovich Skrydlov, revoked on this occasion from the post of commander of the Black Sea Fleet.

The once minonosnik, earned in the war with the Turks, "George", now it posolidnel, and looks more reminiscent of doctor of medicine, rather than naval commander. The order of his appointment on 1 April, day after Skrydlov left Sevastopol, the 6th arrived in St. Petersburg, and lasted until nearly week-long series of all relied on his rank of meetings and audiences, custody of the "Port Arthur" icon decided to entrust over the Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna. In its order of the image of "Triumph of the Blessed Virgin" left, finally, Admiral House, and after a brief prayer service in a private residence of Her Majesty (Anichkovom palace) was delivered to the parlor car Admiral Skrydlova. Nicholas Illarionovich solemnly kissed the icon and made a promise that he would personally bring it to Port Arthur Cathedral.

Admiral train departed from St. Petersburg on the 12th. But to the surprise of many, the commander outlined his route is not right on the East, and again in Sevastopol. There, he spent a few days on the transfer of cases to his successor, another day suited for traveling with their family baggage, and only the 20th set sail again. Unfortunately, he did it too late.

Port Arthur.
Garrison church of
St.. Nicholas, where
would be delivered
the miraculous image

April 22 the governor of His Majesty in the Far East and commander of all naval and land forces, Admiral Alekseyev left Port Arthur. The next day, the Japanese landed amphibious assault forces in the vicinity of Far, who defended by Arthur less than 50 miles away. Now they had to deliver the final blow, and the line of the CER, linking Port Arthur with Russia, would be cut. 26th "unknown Spiridonov, in the company of two Russian writers, Dmitry Yanchevetskogo and Vasily Nemirovich-Danchenko, undertook to deliver to Port Arthur a huge train with ammunition. The Braves took the steam train and rushed forward, crushing the Japanese on the rails, writers vowed that will blow up the train and die yourself if you stop them. " It was the last train to Port Arthur. Writers were able to break through, Skrydlov - I could not. In Harbin, he learned that in the Far railroad finally cut through, and when he reached the station Mukden, was forced to deploy his admiral's train north - Vladivostok.

It is believed that the story does not tolerate the subjunctive mood. Maybe so, but it often happens that it is impossible not to ask: "what would happen if?" What would it be like if the Laura pilgrims did not pin their hopes on Verkhovsky and would not entrust 'advice princes, "and firmly put all their hopes on the all-good and all-perfect will of God? Then, perhaps, the story of the war would have turned out very differently.

Corporate "Siberian Express" (and they break up to the posts went right on schedule) overcame the distance from St. Petersburg to Port Arthur for 17 days. The image of "The Triumph of the Holy Mother of God", as we know, was taken to St. Petersburg on the day of the Passover, that is, on March 28. If the icon continued to walk the next day (or at least before the end of Bright Week), then, of course, to the dropping of the Japanese troops, it would already be in the location of the Port Arthur fortress. But it happened otherwise. After a two-week stay in St. Petersburg, and after nearly a month walks with Admiral's saloon car icon, after all, was the same place where the admiral himself - in Vladivostok.

What happened next? Here's how to write about it a contemporary of the events: "The mysterious and wonderful in its origin icon, known as" The Triumph of the Virgin ", was intended to Port Arthur. Due to the cancellation message to the latter, the icon with the permission of the Supreme Empress Maria Feodorovna, the admiral requested NI Skrydlovym, August 2, 1904 has been temporarily placed in the Vladivostok Cathedral (with the right choir, next to the column). "

Thus, the icon was displayed in the cathedral at the personal request of the commander of the fleet Skrydlova, which certainly does him honor. And it would be great if it had not been introduced in the confusion one detail - date. After Skrydlov is known, arrived in Vladivostok in early May, the icon also been exhibited in the cathedral only on August 2, ie almost 90 (!) Days later. Why? A contemporary evaded the question delicate silence, but it seems that no particular mystery is not here, and the reasons are all very simple. Apparently, many of the works and cares Nicholas Illarionovich simply forgot about the icon - just like in the 50 years before him Sevastopol Prince Menshikov "forgot" about to send him a list of the icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness".

Date August 2nd, too, is quite remarkable. Apparently, the rumors about the alleged "cover-up" of the team, "Port Arthur" icon has long been wandering around the city, causing among believers of legitimate grievances. And you can imagine how aggravated the feeling (especially among the wives and mothers of sailors), when the three Vladivostok cruiser went to sea in an unequal battle with the Japanese fleet. It happened on July 30, 1904. Probably in the same day, the admiral had to endure a very unpleasant conversation with believers who demanded his right to put an icon for public worship. In order to somehow save face, Nicholas Illarionovich hastened to shift the responsibility on the shoulders of the Dowager Maria Feodorovna - they say that he can not solve anything, and the Highest guidelines have not yet been reported. In the end, telegraphic request was sent, the response is received, and the image of "The Triumph of the Blessed Virgin" moved out of the admiral's home in the Assumption Cathedral.

Hardly when the cathedral walls have heard so many sincere and warm prayers as they magnify themselves in front of the "Celebration of the Blessed Virgin Mary" in those August days. "We have repeatedly witnessed - wrote an eyewitness - as the icon in front of this door, bending the knee, with deep faith, with tears in his eyes praying people (men and women), belonging to the upper class of society, were witnesses of how marine and terrestrial ranks from a simple soldier and sailor and ending admiral or general who hath caused this door down before the icon and fervent prayer were seeking consolation, encouragement and help from the Holy Virgin. "

August 6th, the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, in the presence of the Vicar and other marine and terrestrial ranks of Bishop Eusebius, Bishop of Vladivostok, after the Divine Liturgy for the first time served as a prayer before the sow extraordinarily origin icon, prefacing it with the following speech: "These chariots and these by Conejo, we do in the name of the Lord our God will call. Tia and padosha dippy things were made, and we're vostahom ispravihomsya. These words of the Holy Prophet and King David's appropriate we, brethren, as often as possible bring a souvenir at present troubled times. David was a king to the heart of the Lord. But the Lord to him in the days of his reign tried many times to fight and with internal and external enemies. <...> Our current enemies - the Japanese, like the enemies of David, too, hope solely on the strength of his arms and his courage. But they are only the first time to seriously try their strength, and proved victorious strength and courage of the Russian army is after him for more than 1000 years old. We will not, like the Japanese, their only hope for power, and as David will rely first and foremost on the help of God and the intercession of the Mother of God. It's always been in our Orthodox Russia in previous wars, let it be now. <...> And let no heart be troubled, an old soldier who had a vision, and all of the facilities and a willing heart, which built the holy icon that she did not get to Port Arthur.Merciful and all-powerful God, and His Most Holy Mother can help arturtsam and all Russian soldiers being His image and in Vladivostok, and we, the residents of Vladivostok, let us rejoice and be glad, having at this very sacred. <...> And let our enemies boast of his strength, and courage, and we will glory in the power of God and the intercession of the Mother of God. These are in chariots and on these Conejo, but we are in the name of the Lord our God will call - and we exclaim with Saint King and Prophet David, and He may grant us the Lord comfort together with him as soon as possible to exclaim: TII are sleeping and padosha things were made, but we are vostahom and ispravihomsya. Amen. "

These words of Reverend Eusebius and his assertion that, even here, with the removal of a thousand miles from the trenches Arthur, the icon is still able to file a host of Russian help of grace, at the time made some comfort in the heart of Orthodox believers, but - only for a while. In addition, a sense of wrongness of what is happening not only experienced vladivostoktsy, but almost all Russian Orthodox people. To the Editor of "Church Bulletin" came every day dozens of letters from all parts of the Empire. "Where did the icon? - Asked of believers. - Whether it was delivered to Port Arthur? Why us nothing about this report? "The news of the finding of the image in Vladivostok little to console the people of the church, and the then his mood perfectly illustrates one letter sent to the days of a certain" orthodox military "Admiral Verkhovsky.

"Once the icon is in the city of Vladivostok and has not reached to the destination - the author writes - it can not supply the grace by believing in the intercession of the Virgin. These days our ordeal especially blagovremenno seek the help of Heaven against the cunning and strong and brave enemy, and if the aid is promised to us under certain conditions, it is impossible to stop halfway to what is required of us. Many, perhaps, have forgotten about the icon sailor, and just the way from Vladivostok to Port Arthur cut off, perhaps, will consider this sufficient basis to ensure that the stay cares about the delivery of the icon to the destination. But the soul of a Christian can not leave it at that. Do not plead anyone to the point of origin of the icon in Port Arthur? Let the icon was entrusted to risky method of delivering it in place if it really was the intention of the Mother of God through it (the icon) to reveal their wonderful help in Port Arthur, her image comes to Port Arthur, if he will not come - will obey the will of the Mother of God, and on our soul will not rebuke for inattention to the fact that, through a simple sailor mouth utters the Queen of Heaven. "

Among vladivostoktsev also matured conviction that the icon must be shipped to Port Arthur. But - how to do it? After the fight in the Korean Strait (1 August 1904) under the three admirals Vladivostok had only two combat-ready cruiser - "Russia" and "Thunderbolt". And so it was absolutely impossible to imagine that suddenly Skrydlov dare to risk half of all their forces, sending one of the vehicles on the breakthrough Japanese blockade. Besides, even if he is really faithful man, his duty obliged him to think in terms of a purely practical - such as stroke units, inches and millimeters caliber armor. And it is in these sites and inches kept the enemy behind him overwhelming.

It would seem that breaking the Japanese blockade of the sea was a matter entirely hopeless, but... There were people who did not. At the headquarters of Skrydlova composition of the group of young officers-conspirators, the soul and the main figure which was 23-year-old warrant officer Paul Ottovich shot. It was a warrant officer in the Japanese own account: his younger brother served on the battleship "Petropavlovsk" and with it the same on March 31 went to the bottom. The plan "conspirators" were bold and simple at the same time. To break the blockade is not proposed to use cruiser and even not a warship, and an unarmed cargo ship manned by volunteers. In the opinion of staff officers, the course of its route should pave around the Japanese Islands, and the release date exactly agree with moon phases - with that purpose to come to Arthur during the darkest nights. Of course, a risky plan gave only chance, the success was not guaranteed, but do not know from experience that sometimes accompanies the audacity amazing luck? Skrydlov approved the plan, but to entrust the sea randomly "The Triumph of the Blessed Virgin" flatly refused. "The place of it, - he said - in the Cathedral of the Assumption."

Further contemporary described as follows: "With a copy of the icon was removed in photos in triplicate. With the thus obtained a copy of a resident in the port painter was removed another copy, written on a tree oils in a reduced size. Thus, a copy of the icon of Our Lady came out of two kinds: in the form of a photographic image (cards) in multiple copies and in the form of icons painted with oil paints. Photographs were expected to send the mail by land in the name of Chefoo Russian consul requested at the first opportunity to send their junks in Port Arthur, and send a copy of a tree in Port Arthur on the ground, the waste there with different supplies, transportation. Volunteered to take her volunteer sailor by the name of films ".

Named trucks and was thus "Blockade", an idea conceived Paul Shishko. He imagined himself an old Danish steamer, bought the former owner of the Navy Department and renamed "Songhua River". It was built in the 1880s, it does not exceed the capacity of 2000 tons, maximum stroke barely reached 8 knots. Was appointed to command the boat flagship navigator Staff Lieutenant komflota AM Veselago, and the entire crew - four lookouts head (including Midshipman Shishko), 2 mechanics and 45 enlisted men (including "trustee" on a copy of "The Triumph of the Virgin" Sailor film) - is staffed solely by volunteers.

Naval historian writes, "not only laden with flour, but also medium-caliber ammunition, medical supplies, warm clothing and even strong drink, transportation, going from Vladivostok on October 4, successfully passed the ocean La Perouse Strait and rose to about parallels. Yokohama. ' And here it was said then the sailors began "shaped nightmare" - "Songhua River" met a typhoon on the way, and not some, but rare in strength! For three days the ship was trying to "scrape" against the huge waves, but has not moved forward either by a mile. Old body began to "let a tear," pump worked nonstop. "Water - wrote historian - flooded the car, the bridges were destroyed, damaged wheel." AM Veselago persisted to the end, but seeing that the case is hopeless, gave the order to go in the opposite direction. At the last remnants of coal, with a crew of up to 20%, "the maimed and wounded" (among them was a sailor and a film with a serious injury of the chest), "Songhua River" back to Vladivostok.

Believers perceived failure as a severe learning. "So will not you Mistress, so arturtsam got a copy - they said. - So, we must take very image! "And yet valiant A. Veselago decided to try again. "In the middle of December - says historian - the same transport back out to sea <...>, and, going around Japan, went to a Chinese bank. After going Shantungsky peninsula and following between the shore and islands, <...> Pechiliysky he entered the bay and by turning east, around midnight on December 17 approached the shore Kwandung on the parallel of Port Arthur. Already seen the fire was heavy guns of the fortress, and the purpose of the campaign was threatened when four Japanese patrol vessel stationed at the southern tip of Lyaoteshanya, began to shine spotlights. Deviating from them to keep and make again rounded to the south of the island Miao Tao. "Songhua River" went straight to Port Arthur, but was seen released from the islands of small patrol boat, started to shine a spotlight. Seeing that he discovered, AM Veselago decided to go to Qingdao, hoping to finish loading coal there and then try to break less clear night. But the next day there were come to break out of Port Arthur destroyers that had reported on the fall of the fortress. "

Thus ended the last attempt to deliver arturtsam copy of "The Triumph of the Holy Virgin." And what happened at the time of the original image?


In those days, when the "Songhua River," went on his first expedition, between believers Vladivostoktsy there has been a very significant division. Some of them, according to a contemporary, "reassured himself with the thought that, if not the original icon of Our Lady, at least copy of it <...> Arthur will bring comfort and encouragement to the soldiers." Others, on the contrary, "the measure of this door were not satisfied and they want to go there (in Port Arthur) was delivered to the original icon."

Possible breakthrough success "Songhua River" only strengthened their conviction. "In fact - they reasoned - if it is possible to deliver a copy of Arthur, why not bring back the original image and the most" Celebration of the Most Holy Mother of God "? The more so that the icon is in Port Arthur somebody, and Samoyu Most Pure Virgin, and, therefore, it is to save money and find it among all sorts of undesirable circumstances. So it's now just a little behind - our faith and our resolve! "

Meanwhile, the news from the seat of war became increasingly anxious. In early October, Port Arthur suffered the cruelest attacks by sea and land, after which the Japanese attempted to general assault. Within two weeks, the defenders held off a powerful enemy onslaught, and only the 21st of Port Arthur Commandant General Stoessel could finally report to the command that "thanks to the Lord, <...> all enemy attacks our brave troops bravely repulsed with heavy his loss. "

All the while, the Assumption Cathedral was packed Orthodox people. An eyewitness said: "before the icon" The Triumph of the Virgin "is as much was praying and weeping, as in the beginning of August, after returning from the battle of our cruisers. <...> And these days, at the end of October, here in the cathedral, could often be heard as if from reproach pronounced question: why has not sent icon to Port Arthur? Why is not found so far a man ready for love of country and its defenders, the heroes take on the dangerous, but at the same high goal - to bring to Port Arthur Icon of the Mother of God? "

Such a person is found. His name was Nikolai Fyodorov. Member of Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, a retired captain of the Life Guards Lancer Regiment of His Majesty, Nicholas served by the court administration, consisting of office clerk Imperial hunting. Age it was not long draft (over fifty), about any military feats he did not think of himself and lived silently in Gatchina (Blind Lane, 28), until I read in the newspaper one day that the icon of "The Triumph of the Virgin" has been almost half a year remains in Vladivostok and it seems no one is seriously going to deliver it to the destination.

The evening went on reflection, the decision was taken in the morning. The first thing Nicholas spoke of his intention to his wife. Then I went to the station, boarded the train at St. Petersburg and in the evening of the same day was already in Kronstadt. Later, one of his friends wrote: "From conversations with NN I carried the belief that this man really believes in what she Holy Mother preserve him, and accompanied them to the icon unharmed, it will save them from drowning and other ills, and misfortunes. And indeed, if Fedorov had this deep faith, he would hardly, a middle-aged man suffering from rheumatism, having a wife and get a pretty decent salary, he decided on a life-threatening enterprise. I say "dangerous" because, after delivering an icon in Port Arthur, he was determined to stay there until the lifting of the siege. " Nicholas himself said that all the way his wanderings, in St. Petersburg, Vladivostok and other places with him constantly the case of "small miracles", all of the most difficult issues resolved at a surprisingly quick and painless, as if by themselves. "However, - he concluded - surprise here is just nothing. After all, I first of all my cases asked for a blessing from Kronstadt Shepherd, the great prayer book of the Russian land. "

To a match in a long journey Fedorov spent literally a matter of days. During this time he managed to make the service a long vacation, had a "sympathetic conversation" with a number of people "very high" and received a letter from the Minister of Marine to Admiral Skrydlovu with the requirement "to render every assistance, the Fedorov in his important and noble cause." Then Nicholas plunged into the train and having traveled in less than three weeks, 8,000 miles away, in the morning Nov. 7, 1904, arrived in Vladivostok. (Coincidentally or not, but in that same day, Admiral Skrydlov received a telegraphic dispatch from Copenhagen, the Dowager Empress, who Imperially allows him "to entrust the care of the way" The Triumph of the Blessed Virgin "Mr. Fyodorov.")

"So - a contemporary wrote, - NN remained now only take the icon and go with her to Port Arthur. But there was a question as to go and on what? "Shipping Info icons by land through Manchuria had nothing to think. The Mariners were advised to wait for the next trip to Fedorov "Songhua River," but Nicholas was not inclined to spend time in a fruitless idleness. In the end, he decided to get on any vessel to Shanghai and then to act according to circumstances.

A suitable vessel was found. It was a Norwegian steamer "Eric", wandered in Vladivostok knows what fate. His team were Malays, the captain was listed as a British citizen, was addressing the goods to the port of Shanghai, and the scheduling of the flight was scheduled for November 22.

"All the time until the 22th of the - written local" Diocesan Gazette ", - Mr. Fedorov has used to prepare themselves for the great and dangerous enterprise: for example, he fasted, confessed and received communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ."

November 21, the day of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, after the Divine Liturgy for the last time before large crowds before the icon of "The Triumph of the Virgin" was served a solemn Te Deum. The same evening, before this door has been served as an icon of prayers for "traveling and wanting to sail on the waters." An eyewitness, who had taken refuge under the pseudonym of "Faithful", later wrote: "You should have seen with what tenderness with which he prayed in faith Nikolai! After the service, the icon was enclosed in a specially prepared for her store, and sent to the steamer, which was to depart in the morning from Vladivostok to Shanghai. <...> As a consolation to the city have a copy of the icon (life-size), hand-written on a copper board with oil paints. "

The ship left. With hope and trepidation sincere believers across Russia waited though any news about Fedorov, but waited in vain - there was no news. The days passed after day, week, took shape in the months...

December 20, 1904 Port Arthur fell. This news came to Vladivostok very late - only on the third day, ie 22 th. VN Malkovsky so began the "Legend of the icon" The Triumph of the Virgin "(1906)":

"The unprecedented in the annals of world history and in the annals of military art in its extremely difficult conditions for us and his terrible victims of Russian-Japanese war was over, and it became a part of history. Is hard on the soul, when you think, what shame undergone our long-suffering Mother Russia in these fateful years of testing! This terrible and unprecedented in its size war has claimed tens of thousands of lives, swallowed up hundreds of millions of people's wealth. Brought down so suddenly, with all its bloody horrors, it was God's punishment for their disbelief, for the moral laxity that prevailed in our sectors of society. "

What happened to the Port Arthur way? A contemporary of the events, said: "With the surrender of Port Arthur naturally contacted the thought of the Port Arthur icon and Fedorov. He got, and with it, an icon to the fortress? And if you do not got it now where he and the image of the "Triumph of the Blessed Virgin"? One could not believe that such a wonderful in origin (though not miraculous), the icon could have died without getting into Port Arthur. <...> But, if it has reached the fortress, the way everyone was convinced, Port Arthur would not give up so soon. If then, at last, she fell into Japanese hands, then they are unlikely to b quick to proclaim it to the world. " But the Japanese were also silent. Rumors about the fate of the icon wandered around Vladivostok very different. Someone claimed that the icon is stuck in Shanghai, others said that in Chefoo, and a respectable gentleman almost swore that he would like an icon of the recently transported to Beijing, and keep it there monks Russian Orthodox Mission.

"It is understandable, therefore, - said one of the authors of the journal" Russian pilgrim "- with what vladivostoktsy eagerly awaiting any news regarding the exact icons. <...> When members of the clergy of the cathedral went on to parishioners on Christmas with St.. Cross, and in the feast of the Epiphany with St.. water, then in a rare home they did not ask: what is not known whether, where there is now the Port Arthur Icon? And then, without waiting for an answer, themselves added: "It is clear from getting in Port Arthur, is somewhere in the Chinese port. At least quickly brought her back to us, to Vladivostok. "

The first precise news came Jan. 7, 1905. On this day, one of the members of the clergy of the cathedral received a telegram content is extremely brief: "Please send me my things Harbin on demand. Fedorov ".

Departure was dated the 4th number, and the top is quite clearly stamped return address any station "The first outpost" on the Liaohe River. However, vladivostoktsev these geographical niceties are now less worried about everything. The main thing is that Nicholas is alive and well, and that the icon is also observed them in perfect integrity and, God willing, will return soon to her home near the Cathedral. Now the townspeople had only to be patient and wait for news of more detailed Fedorov.

The wait was not long. 4 days have passed, and the same father, Deacon got a custom packet sent from the port of Chefoo on the day after the fall of the fortress, that is, December 21, 1904. Fedorov wrote: "You're probably all in awe of me to expect a hearty news. Since I spent a week in Shanghai and 8 December came in Chefoo. There were the Chinese, who had taken me to deliver junk to Port Arthur, and December 14 at 9:00 pm I got into the boat, but drove about 10 miles. Weak tail wind shifted, blowing the strongest, nasty north wind, and the Chinese said they could not go further. Anchored at one of the island and stood there for more than 40 hours. Wind is getting stronger, and 16 December, about 2 pm, we were back at the big excitement in Chefoo. December 19 I was going to leave again at 6 pm, but by this time quite weak tail wind subsided, and come after me the Chinese have said that it is impossible to go again. The 20th in the morning came four destroyers from Port Arthur, and I was delighted, hoping that one of them shall reach to Port Arthur. What was my grief that I learned on the destroyer "angry" that they are in Port Arthur did not return, because the fortress surrendered. Thus, the icon was not to get to Port Arthur. Inscrutable are the ways of God. Tailwind - from God, and if I did not get to Port Arthur, it is clear that it was not the will of God. "

"Honor and glory to Mr. Fedorov! - Would say later head of the Russian Orthodox Mission in Korea Archimandrite Paul. - And, thank God, that was found in Russia a man who revealed that Christian courage and the faith in which - alas! - Many of us are now weakened. <...> Glory and honor to him! And what is up to us, we who call themselves faithful children of the Church, must above all this serious thought. <...> The history of "Triumph of the Blessed Virgin" gave us all the obvious and significant admonition. It was a test of our common faith (I emphasize - total, not individuals), and most of its origin in Kiev as unusual as the one lesson that taught us with such force in Port Arthur. "

Meanwhile, an icon of "The Triumph of the Virgin" in Russia regained more and more popularity. Millions of Orthodox Christians firmly believed that even now, after the fall of Port Arthur icon still appears to represent a "victorious banner", that it was through her Russian troops fed a special grace, and that heave in front of her prayers have a special power. Most believers, however, had never seen firsthand the miraculous icon. Copies are literally numbered units, verbal descriptions were sketchy and inaccurate, and therefore inevitably raised the question of the mass distribution of copies of the image of "The Triumph of the Holy Virgin."

On this occasion the editors of "Russian Pilgrim" tells the reader: "Copies of this icon, which enjoys a reverent homage not only in the Far East, but also within the Empire, we promised to send to all my subscribers, but the obstacles encountered by the Holy Synod. Once again, we note that since the icon was sent to the Far East with the permission of the Empress Maria Feodorovna, we have addressed in the name of Her Majesty to humbly petition for helping us to promote the production of the said resolution. <...> In what position is the case at present - we are, unfortunately, still in the dark. "

The fate of the original "The Triumph of the Holy Virgin" did not have any specific information. By thinking Fedorov icon ought to be in the forefront fighting Russian forces, and therefore Nicholas decided to take her to the location of the Manchu army. "Request to St. Petersburg I had sent - he wrote - and wait for an answer now."

Apparently, the answer Petersburg has not slowed down, because in the beginning of January Fedorov had already left Chefoo. But what was the further route of the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary? This one does not know. Fedorov dispatch the request to forward it to Harbin things too do not make particular clarity, as the Harbin railway junction opened the way to the three directions (in the "mainland" Russia, Vladivostok and in Mukden), and in accordance with the decision of the Empress, Fedorov could have chosen any of the them. But which one?

Every day, in all 79 provinces and Russian regions and two dozen people eagerly unwrapped the morning papers, hoping to find at least some news about the Port Arthur icon. But to no avail. Newspapers silent.

"The general lack of information about the fate of the icon" The Triumph of the Virgin "is understandable - wrote Archimandrite Paul. - It is explained by the known area of ??our daily press and its indifference, with few exceptions, to what is the shrine of the Russian people - to the realm of faith. The interest in what happened to the Port Arthur Icon of the fate that befell the "home victorious banner of the Russian army" in some cold skepticism is suppressed, while the other is limited to <...> Latent area of ??the heart. "

First the silence on the icon broke the popular newspaper "The Light", which published a former officer of the General Staff Vissarion Vissarionovich Komarov, who fought in 1876 in Serbia in the ranks of Russian volunteers, has earned it the rank of general, and later discovered a talent publicist. In a May issue of the newspaper notifies readers: "On behalf of the Right Reverend Eusebius, with all we lovingly announce that <...> desire NN Fedorov enforced. At present the icon "The Triumph of the Virgin" is in the Gun-Chzhuline in the field church in chief. "

Thus ended the first and last attempt to deliver the image of the "Triumph of the Virgin" by his direct purpose.

Based on the book by VN Malkovsky "Legend of the icon" The Triumph of the Holy Virgin. " Tver, 1906.

From an article by V. Chistyakov, "The story of the icon of the Mother of God" Celebration of the Blessed Virgin Mary. " / / Almanac, "Marino". MY. 5, 2000.

© The Journal "Church Bulletin" 2003.

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