Today is Oct 5 (Oct 18 Gregorian Cal.)15:00 GMT, the 19th Wednesday after Pentecost - Tone 8 (Plagal of 4)

Fast day

19th Wednesday after Pentecost

Philippians 1:12-20; St. Luke 5:33-39

Daily Troparia/Kontakia
A Small Octoechos - Weekday Vespers
Greek Octoechos
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O Lord, save me from temptation;
The Fifth Day of the Month of October

The Fifth Day of the Month of October


20th c. Greek icon at Dormition Monastery, Parnethon, Greece

Kontakion of St. Charitina Tone 2

Thou didst arm thy soul with faith and knowledge/ and put the enemy to open shame./ Thou didst stand before Christ in a robe dyed with thy blood/ and art now rejoicing with the Angels./ Pray for us, Martyr Charitina.

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Troparion. Tone 1.

O Lord, save thy people and bless thine inheritance, granting victory to our God-fearing Sovereign (Emperor, or, King, or, Queen, or, Prince) N., over enemies, and preserving thine estate by thy Cross.

To the Virgin at the Cross.

Having thy mediation, most pure one, and delivered by thy prayers from dangers, and preserved in all things by the Cross of thy Son, with reverence, as is meet, we all do magnify thee.

Condakion. Tone 4.

Thou that wast of thy own will raised upon the Cross, bestow thy bounties on the new estate called by thy name, O Christ our God. Rejoice in thy strength our God-fearing Sovereign (Emperor, or, King, or, Queen, or, Prince) N., granting him victory over his enemies; for he hath thine assistance, a shield of peace, a trophy that cannot be overcome.

Of the Recitation of the Psalter.

The Psalter is divided into 20 Kathisms, and each of these is subdivided into 3 parts, called Stases, according to Table I.

And the Kathisms are recited in the Daily Office according to Table II.

Note: At the conclusion of every Stasis the Reader saith,

Glory to the Father...
And the Choir singeth,
Both now, and ever...
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, glory to thee, O God, thrice.
Lord, have mercy, thrice.
Glory to the Father...
Then the Reader saith,
Both now, and ever...
And continueth reading, beginning the next Stasis.

Sun. | Mon. | Tue. | Wed. | Thu. | Fri. | Sat.
When there are only three Kathisms at Hours they are said at the 3rd (Terce), 6th (Sext), and 9th Hours (None); and when only two, at Terce and Sext.
Name of the Office. A. From the Monday of S. Thomas until the Octave of Exaltation, i.e., until Sept. 21. B. From Sept. 22 until Dec. 20, and from Jan. 15 until the Saturday before the Sunday of the Prodigal Son. C. In the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 6th Weeks of the Fast. D. In the 5th Week of the Fast. E. In Holy Passion Week.
At Nocturns. Kathism 17.
At Matins. 10, 11. 10, 11, 12. 19, 20, 1. 20, 1, 2. 14, 15, 16.
Hours. 2, 3, 4, 5. 3, 4, 5, 6. 19, 20.
At Vespers. 12. 18. 7 18.