Troparion of the Forefeast Tone 2
We lift up in prayer the lifegiving Cross/ which Thou in Thy goodness hast given us, unworthy as we are./ O Lord, save all who pray to Thee,/ and grant peace through the Mother of God, O only Lover of mankind.
Troparion of St. Cornelius Tone 4
O blessed Cornelius, thou wast distinguished in works of righteousness/ and received the enlightenment of godliness,/ and wast a fellow labourer with the Apostles,/ for thou didst share their work and preach Christ's incarnation to all./ With them pray that all who honour thee may be saved.
Kontakion of the Forefeast Tone 4
Thy precious Cross rises like the sun/ and mystically makes all pure and holy./ Let us prepare to welcome it with faith.
Kontakion of St. Cornelius Tone 4
O inspired Cornelius,/ the Church has received thee as a first-fruit of the Gentiles,/ and thou hast illumined her with thy works.
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