With rays of grace thou dost shine to the ends of the world,/ like a hyacinth in Christ's Church, O blessed Hyacinth;/ for thy confession of the Faith was radiant;/ and in thy contest thou didst follow Christ the Word./ Thou dost ever illumine those who honour thee.
By thy works thou didst seal thy life with immortality,/ O righteous Hierarch Anatolios,/and didst enlighten the world/ with the rays of the Sun of Righteousness;/ for thou didst preach Christ to be of two natures/ which are free of intermingling but one in hypostasis/ for the salvation of our souls.
Nephew of Patrick and missionary in Ireland,/ thou didst spread the Faith in many lands./ From Wales to Brittany, and thence to the Isle of Man,/ thou didst glorify Christ wherever thou didst tread./ Pray to Christ to save our souls.
Come O you faithful, plait a crown of unfading hyacinths today/ for the Martyr Hyacinth, and let us cry to him:/ Rejoice, O Hyacinth, glory of the martyrs.
Thou didst bear within thee The Third Dayspring of illumination,/ and wast a lamp of Orthodoxy, O initiate of Christ./ Thou didst dispel heretical darkness and lead us to the dawn of Faith./ Thou dost illuminate us, O Anatolios.