
The Eleventh Day of the Month of July


Troparion of St. Euphemia Tone 3

O Euphemia, thou didst gladden the Orthodox,/ and put the heretics to shame./ Thou didst confirm the Fathers' teaching at the Fourth Council./ O glorious Martyr,/ entreat Christ our God to grant us His great mercy.

Troparion of St. Olga Tone 1

Thou didst give wings to thy mind with the knowledge of God,/ and soar beyond creatures to God the Creator of all./ And when thou hadst found Him thou wast baptized and reborn./ Thou dost enjoy the Tree of Life, remaining eternally incorrupt, O ever glorious Olga.

Troparion of St. Drostan Tone 2

Abbot of Deer and disciple of Saint Colum Cille,/ who didst kindle Christ's fire in the hearts of thy monks,/ pray for us, O Drostan, to Christ our God,/ that our souls may be saved.

Kontakion of St. Euphemia Tone 6

Thou didst struggle in faith and suffering/ for Christ thy Bridegroom./ Now, through the Mother of God,/ pray that the Orthodox may overthrow heresies, O all-famed Euthemia/ who didst receive and guard the definition/ of the six hundred and thirty Godbearing Fathers.

Kontakion of St. Olga Tone 4

Today let us praise God the Benefactor of all/ Who has glorified the divinely-wise Olga./ And through her prayers may He grant to our souls the forgiveness of our sins.

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