
The Fourth Day of the Month of June


Troparion of Martha and Mary Tone 3

You fervently believed in Christ and His marvelous acts,/ O Martha and Mary, sisters of Lazarus./ You were adorned with radiant virtues/ and were found worthy to be numbered with the Saints;/ together with holy Lazarus pray to God for us.

Troparion of St. Metrophanes Tone 1

O good shepherd, thou didst proclaim the great mystery of the Trinity/ and manifest Christ's dispensation to all./ Thou didst put to flight the spiritual wolves who menaced your rational flock/ and didst save the lambs of Christ who cry:/ Glory to Him Who has strengthened thee; glory to Him who has exalted thee;/ glory to Him Who through thee has strengthened the Orthodox Faith.

Troparion of St. Petroc and his Companions Tone 2

O Petroc, Master Builder of the Faith in the West,/ who didst prefer the heavenly warfare to thy kingly heritage and military prowess:/ with thy companions thou didst travel through the West Country establishing churches/ and didst include the animals in thy loving care./ In thy monastic zeal thou didst recite the psalms in rivers:/ through thy prayer may the flow of Christian Faith/ ever increase in our land.

Kontakion of St. Metrophanes Tone 2

Thou didst proclaim the Faith of Christ by thy words,/ and by thy life thou didst increase Christ's flock to a multitude./ Now thou dost rejoice with the Angels,/ and art ceaselessly praying for us, O Metrophanes.

Mesyatseslov of Saints Lives (Russian)
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