
The Twenty-First Day of the Month of June


Troparion of St. Julian Tone 5

O inspired Julian,/ thy mother guided thee to become a glorious soldier of Christ./ Thou wast clad in spiritual armour;/ therefore thou didst enter the contest/ and destroy the enemy,/ and art interceding for us all.

Troparion of St. Mewan Tone 7

Holy disciple of St. Samson of Dol,/ thou didst persevere in thy resolve and enter a monastery in Brittany./ Thou didst press on in thy holy struggle,/ and establish thine own monastery./ O holy Mewan, pray for us to Christ our God/ that our souls may be saved.

Kontakion of St. Julian Tone 2

Today we all praise Julian/ the unconquerable holy warrior,/ the champion and vessel of truth to whom we cry:/ Intercede with Christ our God for us all.

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