O Eudokia, when godly fear entered thy heart,/ thou didst abandon the glory of the world,/ and hasten to God the Word./ Thou didst take His yoke on thy flesh,/ and shed thy blood in a contest surpassing nature./ O glorious Martyr, entreat Christ our God to grant us His great mercy.
Having worked miracles in thy youth, founded monasteries and converted the pagans/ who had sought to destroy thee, O Father David,/ Christ our God blessed thee to receive the episcopate at the place of His Resurrection./ Intercede for us, that our lives may be blessed and our souls may be saved.
He Who was pleased to raise thee from the depths of perdition to the summit of godliness/ has also made thee illustrious through thy contest./ He has granted thee the grace of healing,/ O righteous Martyr and equal to the Angels./ Beseech Him to save us, O Eudokia.
The living waters of godly discipline encompassed thee/ and the saving waters of faith flowed through thy teaching/ O Hierarch and Waterman David./ Symbolizing the baptism of Wales in thy life, thou art worthy of all praise,/ wherefore we keep festival in thy honour,/ glorifying thy eternal memory.