
The Eighth Day of the Month of February


Troparion of the Feast Tone 1

Rejoice, thou who art full of grace,/ Mother of God and Virgin,/ for from thee arose the Sun of Righteousness, Christ our God,/ to give light to those in darkness./ Rejoice thou also, righteous Elder, who didst take in thine arms the Redeemer of our souls,/ Who also gives us the grace of resurrection.

Troparion of the Prophet Zacharias Tone 4

By thy deeds, wise Zachariah,/ thou didst show that thou hadst righteously received thy name as a treasury of God's inspiration,/ for Angels were thy companions in life/ and thou wast a prophet of things to come./ And now, as thou canst, fulfill from on high our petitions.

Troparion of St. Theodore Tone 4

O trophy-bearer Theodore,/ by thy strategy thou wast a general of the heavenly King;/ armed with the weapons of faith/ thou didst annihilate hordes of demons and win the Athletes' contest./ With faith we call thee blessed.

Troparion of St. Oncho Tone 2

Thou didst teach us the value of relics, O Father Oncho,/ for thou didst spend thy earthly life collecting these precious aids to piety and devotion./ Pray to God for us, that in honouring what is precious to God,/ we may be found worthy of His great mercy.

Kontakion of the Feast Tone 1

Thou Who didst sanctify the Virgin's womb by Thy birth/ and bless Symeon's hands as was fitting/ hast now come to us and saved us, O Christ our God./ But grant peace in the midst of wars to Thy community,/ and strengthen the Church which Thou hast loved,/ O only Lover of mankind.

Kontakion of the Prophet Zacharias Tone 4

Enlightened by the brightness of the Spirit,/ O glorious Zachariah, like a lamp of many lights/ thou didst clearly describe beforehand the Saviour's condescension.

Kontakion of St. Theodore Tone 2

With the Word of God as a spear in thy hand,/ armed with faith and courage of soul,/ thou didst vanquish the enemy, Theodore glory of martyrs./ With them pray to Christ our God for us all.

Kontakion of St. Oncho Tone 4

Following thine example, most holy Oncho,/ we pray for strength to defend all precious and holy things,/ resisting to the end all attempts at desecration and sacrilege/ by the agents of the godless,/ that in all things glory may be given to Christ our God.

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