Troparion of St. Photina the Samaritan Woman Tone 3
Thou wast illumined by the Holy Spirit/ and refreshed by the streams of Christ the Saviour./ Having drunk the Water of Salvation/ thou didst give copiously to the thirsty./ O holy Great Martyr Photina,/ Equal-to-the Apostles,/ entreat Christ our God that our souls may be saved.
Troparion of St. Porphyrios Tone 4
Adorned with the royal purple of thy virtues,/ thou wast glorious as a Hierarch and didst shine forth resplendently, O wise Porphyrios;/ for thou wast excellent in word and deed/ and didst strengthen all with the grace of godliness./ As thou dost ever serve Christ, cease not to pray for the world.
Kontakion of St. Photina the Samaritan Woman Tone 3
Today the Photina who is the summit and glory of martyrs/ is ascending into heaven./ She invites all who are partakers of her graces/ to glorify God./ Wherefore let us all praise her with the fitting honours of faith.
Kontakion of St. Porphyrios Tone 2
Clothed in sacred virtue, thou wast adorned with the priestly vestment,/ O blessed and godly Porphyrios./ Thou art resplendent with miracles of healing/ and dost ever intercede for us all.
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