O Prophet Nahum, thou didst shine forth in the Law/ and proclaim the consolation of grace from of old in the Spirit./ Even so, by appearing unto men,/ God the Word gladdened mortal nature./ Intercede with the compassionate Trinity to grant us His great mercy.
From the wealth of God-like faith/ thou didst distribute thy riches to the poor, O Philaret;/ thy life was adorned with compassion/ and thou didst glorify the Giver of Mercy./ Beseech Him to have compassion and to be merciful to those who praise thee.
Illumined by the Spirit, thy pure heart was a vessel of illustrious prophecy./ For thou seest the far-off things as though they were present, O Prophet Nahum./ Wherefore we venerate thee.
Thou didst possess the spirit of Job in temptations,/ and compassionately distribute thy wealth to the poor./ Thou wast a living fountain of almsgiving/ and by thy manner of life thou dost gladden those who cry:/ O Philaret servant of Christ, rejoice.