Let us the faithful honour these two betrothed athletes, Galaction and modest Epistema./ Their ascetic labours blossomed in martyrdom: therefore we cry to them:/ Glory to Him Who has strengthened you; glory to Him Who has crowned you;/ glory to Him Who through you works healings for all.
By thy journeyings, O Hierarch Cuby,/ thou dost teach us the virtue of making pilgrimages./ Wherefore, O Prince of Ascetics and all-praised Wonderworker,/ we entreat thee to intercede for us/ that Christ our God will not find our lives to be utterly worthless/ and will show us great mercy.
Thou wast unsparing in thy missionary labours/ in Brittany and Cornwall, O Hierarch Kea./ As thou didst make the flame of the Orthodox Faith/ burn brightly in the face of defiant paganism,/ pray to God for us, that we devote our lives to confronting the paganism of our times/ for the glory of Christ's Kingdom and the salvation of men's souls.
You were numbered among the hosts of martyrs/ for you were illustrious in mighty contests,/ O Galaction with thy fellow sufferer Epistema./ Pray unceasingly to the One God for us all. 1-7
Rejoice, O Father Raphael, Adornment of the Holy Church! Thou art Champion of the true Faith, Seeker of the lost, Consolation of the oppressed, Father to orphans, and Friend of the poor, Peacemaker and Good Shepherd, Joy of all the Orthodox, Son of Antioch, Boast of America: Intercede with Christ God for us and for all who honor thee.
Today the memory of blessed Raphael hath shone on us; For having received Christ's call, he faithfully took up his cross and followed Him becoming a fisher of men. Let us cry aloud to him saying: Rejoice O Father Raphael!