
The Twenty-Fourth Day of the Month of November


Troparion of the Mother of God Tone 4

Today is the prelude of God's goodwill/ and the prophecy of the salvation of men./ The Virgin appears openly in the temple of God/ and foretells Christ to all./ So let us cry to her with loud voices:/ Rejoice, thou who art the fulfillment/ of the Creator's providence.

Troparion of St. Catherine

Tone 4

O wise one, thou with virtues, as with rays of the sun, hast shone on them that had not faith, and, as a most bright moon, hast driven away darkness from them that walk in the night of unbelief; and thou, God-chosen Virgin, blessed Katharine, art assured of royalty and invested with martyrdom. Thou, with desire, art risen unto Christ, thy glorious Spouse, into the heavenly bridechamber, and by him art crowned with a royal crown; and with Angels thou standest before him, praying for us who keep thine honoured memory.

Troparion of the Hieromartyrs Tone 3

You were shown forth as trumpeters of divine knowledge/ and revealers of the ordinances of the Faith,/ Clement thou fruitful vine of life /and Peter firm rock of the faithful./ Since you are seers of ineffable mysteries deliver us from every harm.

Troparion of St. Kenan Tone 1

As a witness to the steadfastness of the Faith of Christ,/ thou didst erect to His glory/ Ireland's first cathedral of stone, O Hierarch Kenan,/ where thou didst labour for the salvation of men's souls./ Wherefore, O Saint, pray that our labours may be blessed and bear fruit/ that many may be led into the Way of Salvation.

Troparion of St. Colman of Cloyne Tone 8

Leaving thy post as bard of Cashel and embracing the monastic life, O Father Colman,/ thou didst employ thy God-given poetic talents teaching our holy and saving faith./ Therefore O Saint, pray to God that He would bestow again the gift of words/ that the Faith may be taught in these islands for the salvation of many souls.

Kontakion of the Feast Tone 4

The most pure Temple of the Saviour,/ the most precious bridal chamber and Virgin,/ the sacred treasury of the glories of God,/ today enters into the house of the Lord,/ bringing with her the grace that is the Divine Spirit./ And the Angels of God sing of her:/ This is the heavenly tabernacle.
17th c. Greek icon at St. Catherine's Monastery, Mt. Sinai

Kontakion of St. Catherine

Tone 2

  • Ye honourable choir that love the Martyrs, arouse ye now divinely to extol the all-wise Katharine; for in the arena she proclaimed Christ, treading the serpent down, and overcame the reasonings of the Orators.

    Kontakion of the Hieromartyrs Tone 4

    Unshakable divine towers of the Church,/ God-inspired and mighty pillars of piety:/ we praise you, Clement and Peter, guard us all by your intercessions.

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