
The Seventeenth Day of the Month of November


17th c. Armory Russian icon by Simon Ushakov

Troparion of St. Nikon Tone 1

Thou wast zealous in obedience,/ O righteous Father Nikon./ In praise of thy Father thou didst erect a church of the Holy Trinity./ Wherefore we thy children lovingly cry:/ Glory to Him Who has strengthened thee; glory to Him Who has crowned thee;/ glory to Him Who through thee works healings for all.

Kontakion of St. Gregory the Wonderworker Tone 2

Thou didst receive power to work many miracles,/ O wise Gregory./ Thou didst terrify demons with fearful signs/ and dispel diseases from men./ And having obtained thy name from thy works/ thou art called a wonderworker.

Kontakion of St. Nikon Tone 4

Thou didst follow thy spiritual leader/ and labour, guided to Christ by him./ Thou wast a leader of monks/ and didst dwell with the righteous./ With them pray unceasingly to Christ our God for us all.

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