Troparion of St. Tabitha the Almsgiver Tone 1
With the flow of the many-streamed river of almsgiving/ thou didst water the dry earth of the needy and shower alms on the widows and poor;/ thou didst shine forth with the light of thy works/ and wast radiant with grace, O Tabitha./ Glory to Christ Who loves thee; glory to Christ Who has blessed thee;/ glory to Christ Whom thou didst follow as a true disciple and a spotless lamb.
Troparion of Ss Marcian and Martyrius Tone 3
In holy zeal you dispelled the error of Arius/ and proclaimed the Trinity in one essence./ Holy Martyrs Marcian and Martyrius,/ unshaken bulwarks of Orthodoxy./ Pray to Christ our God to grant us His great mercy.
Kontakion of St. Tabitha Tone 2
Thou didst serve the Savior in holiness/ by thy God-fearing works and deeds/ and wast a model of love as His disciple./ O Tabitha, we praise thy memory.
Kontakion of Ss Marcian and Martyrius Tone 4
You fought well from infancy, O wise Martyrs,/ and by preserving the Orthodox Faith inviolate/ you humbled the apostate Arius/ and followed your teacher Paul./ Therefore with him you have found life, as champions of the Trinity.
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