Troparion of St. Artemius Tone 5
O victorious Artemius, thou wast a noble athlete./ Now like a shining lamp/ thy miracles enlighten the world/ for the salvation of our souls.
Troparion of St. Gerasimus Tone 1
Let us praise divine Gerasimus the protector and champion of Orthodoxy,/ an angel in the flesh and a God-inspired wonderworker./ He received from God the gift of healing/ and grants cures to those who venerate him.
Kontakion of St. Artemius Tone 2
Let us come together to praise Artemius,/ great among martyrs and rich bestower of miracles./ He raised trophies of victory over the enemies/ and now intercedes with the Lord for us all.
Kontakion of St. Gerasimus Tone 3
Today the Island of Cephalonia/ calls upon multitudes of Orthodox/ to praise divine Gerasimus,/ boast of Orthodoxy and its defender and champion.
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