
The Nineteenth Day of the Month of October


mid 16th c. Russian icon, Annunciation Cathedral, Moscow Kremlin

Troparion of the Prophet Joel Tone 4

Thou wast revealed as a treasure of sacred virtues;/ God's Prophet by the grace of the Spirit./ Thou didst foretell the outpouring of the fountain of godliness from the House of the Lord/ for us who lovingly honour thee,/ O holy Prophet Joel.

Troparion of St. Varus the Martyr Tone 5

Thou didst follow in the steps of the martyrs/ and contend for the glory of Christ./ Thou wast tied to a beam and restored by the Tree of Life,/ and thine intercessions gladden our souls.

Troparion of St. Ethbin Tone 8

As a disciple of our Father Samson,/ thou wast radiant in thy asceticism, O Father Ethbin,/ and having been driven out of Tantac by the unruly Franks/ thou didst seek refuge in the remoteness of Erin's green desert./ Wherefore, O Saint, pray for us that we may not be swayed from our course,/ despite all difficulties, that our souls may be saved.

Kontakion of St. John of Kronstadt Tone 4

Thou wast chosen by God in infancy/ and in childhood received the gift of learning./ Thou wast called to the priesthood in a vision during sleep/ and didst become a wonderful shepherd of Christ's Church./ Pray to Christ our God/ that we may all be with thee in the Kingdom of heaven,/ O Father John, namesake of grace.

Kontakion of the Prophet Joel Tone 1

Thou didst behold God's glory/ and receive knowledge of things to come./ For the Holy Spirit was poured out on all flesh/ that believed on Him Who appeared on earth and made Thee wonderful, O holy Prophet Joel.

Kontakion of St. Varus Tone 4

Thou hast followed Christ and drunk His chalice;/ thou didst receive the crown of martyrdom, O holy Varus./ Thou art rejoicing with the Angels: pray unceasingly for our souls.

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