
The Eighteenth Day of the Month of October


Troparion of St. Luke Tone 3

Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke,/ intercede with our merciful God,/ that He may grant to our souls/ the forgiveness of our sins.

Troparion of St. Gwen Tone 4

Faithfulness was thy virtue, O pious Gwen,/ for no greater sacrifice than life itself can be made for our saving faith./ Wherefore, holy Martyr, pray to God for us/ that we too may be faithful, even unto death,/ that our souls may be saved.

Troparion of St. Wenna Tone 4

O Brychan's jewel and holy daughter, most pious Wenna,/ thou didst deify the heathen Saxons, thereby winning a martyr's crown./ Being, therefore, numbered among the saints,/ intercede for us before the Throne of Grace,/ that we may be granted great mercy.

Troparion of Ss Brothen and Gwendolen Tone 1

As in your native Wales you won souls for Christ by your witness,/ O Righteous Brothen and Gwendolen,/ so now in heaven intercede for us/ that our souls may be saved.

Troparion of St. Monon Tone 4

Thou hast revealed to us the treasures of solitude, O Father Monon,/ and, fearing nothing, thou didst rebuke the lawless men for their ungodliness./ Wherefore, pray to God for us that we may have the courage to confront evil,/ even though like thee we thereby receive the crown of martyrdom,/ that we may be found worthy of eternal salvation.

Kontakion of St. Luke Tone 2

Let us praise holy Luke, the star of the Church,/ herald of piety and proclaimer of mysteries;/ for the Word Who alone knows the secrets of hearts/ has chosen him with Paul/ as a teacher of the nations.

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