
The Seventeenth Day of the Month of October


Troparion of the Prophet Hosea Tone 3

Thou wast a mirror of the Comforter, O Prophet Hosea,/ and hast received the light of grace./ Thou dost shine on the world with the knowledge of things to come./ Intercede with Christ our God/ to grant us His great mercy.

Troparion of St. Andrew Tone 4

Thou wast trained in asceticism on the mountain/ and didst then destroy the hosts of evil spirits with the weapon of the Cross./ Thou didst courageously destroy Copronymus with the sword of faith./ As monk and martyr thou wast crowned by God,/ O righteous and glorious Andrew.

Troparion of St. Colman of Kilroot Tone 1

Thou hast shown thyself to be a teacher of the Faith,/ guide of monastics and bright star of the Church, O Hierarch Colman./ Wherefore we cry to thee to intercede with Christ our God/ that He will save our souls.

Troparion of St. Louthiern Tone 1

Both in Ireland and in Cornwall thou didst win many souls for Christ/ by preaching and witness, O Father Louthiern./ Wherefore as we seek to emulate thy holy example, O Saint,/ beseech Christ our God that he both bless us and grant us His great mercy.

Kontakion of the Prophet Hosea Tone 8

O Seer enlightened by God, thou wast found worthy of the gift of prophecy/ and didst proclaim the promise of grace./ Thou art a dwelling-place of glory;/ save from all misfortune those who cry to thee:/ Rejoice, Hosea, vessel of prophecy.

Kontakion of St. Andrew Tone 3

The Church is celebrating the glorious feast/ of thine illustrious memory/ and is inviting all the faithful./ She rejoices to hold the treasure of thy much-afflicted body,/ O Andrew, light of Orthodoxy. 11 - 17


    Troparion Tone 8

    Glorious art Thou, O Christ our God/ Who hast established our holy fathers as stars on earth./ Through them Thou dost guide us to the True Faith./ O Most Merciful One, glory to Thee.

    Kontakion Tone 8

    The preaching of the Apostles and the doctrine of the Fathers confirmed the one faith in the Church./ In the garment of truth woven from theology on high she rightly divides and glorifies true piety.

    Another Kontakion

    Tone 2

    The Son Who shone from the Father/ was ineffably born in two natures of a woman./ We do not deny the image of His form/ but depict it piously and revere it./ For this cause the Church, holding the true Faith,/ kisses the icon of Christ's Incarnation.

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