When Thou wast baptized in the Jordan, O Lord,/ the worship of the Trinity made its appearance./ For the voice of the Father bore witness to Thee/ when He called Thee His beloved Son./ And the Spirit in the form of a dove/ confirmed the truth of the word./ O Christ our God, Who hast appeared and hast enlightened the world,/ glory to Thee!
Love for Christ illumined thy mind,/ and thou didst shine in asceticism like a radiant lamp, O Dominica./ Hence the Master revealed thee/ as a lightbearing guide of monastics in life and word./ Intercede with Him, O Godbearer, that all may be saved.
Godbearing Father George,/ thou didst cultivate the word of grace/ and gather the splendid fruits of righteousness,/ having chosen the way of godliness./ Wherefore thou dost partake of the glory of Christ:/ intercede with Him unceasingly/ that He have mercy on our souls.
Turning thy back on the transitory glamour of the world, O Mother Ergnad,/ thou wast tonsured by the Hierarch Patrick./ By fulfilling thy obedience thou dost teach us the virtue of humility./ Wherefore, O righteous one, pray that we may be given grace/ to accept spiritual guidance for the salvation of our souls.
Thou hast appeared today to the world,/ and Thy light, O Lord, has been signed upon us/ who with full knowledge sing to Thee./ Thou hast come, Thou hast appeared./ O Unapproachable light.
Thou didst gather a choir of virgins by thy holy works and wise teachings./ Thou didst lead them to the bridal chamber wherein is the tree of life./ By thy prayers grant life to my deadened soul,/ God-inspired Mother Dominica.
Thou hast appeared as a brilliant light/ and hast illumined with divine rays those who cry to thee, O George:/ Pray for us to Christ our God/ Who appeared in the waters/ and enlightened men on earth.
Adornment of Ireland and joy of monastics, O Mother Ergnad/ thou didst trample on the fiery passions which war against the soul./ O conquerer of them all and champion of purity,/ we praise thee as is thy due, and in thine honour we sing: Alleluia.