
The Sixth Day of the Month of January


Troparion of the Theophany Tone 1

When Thou wast baptized in the Jordan, O Lord,/ the worship of the Trinity made its appearance./ For the voice of the Father bore witness to Thee/ when He called Thee His beloved Son./ And the Spirit in the form of a dove/ confirmed the truth of the word./ O Christ our God, Who hast appeared and hast enlightened the world,/ glory to Thee!

Troparion of St. Schotin Tone 4

O disciple of Dewi Sant,/ flower of the wilderness and teacher of the young,/ holy Schotin,/ in thy life thou didst serve Christ alone./ Wherefore, O Saint, intercede for us,/ that following thee in all piety and godly quiet,/ we may attain eternal salvation.

Kontakion of the Theophany Tone 4

Thou hast appeared today to the world,/ and Thy light, O Lord, has been signed upon us/ who with full knowledge sing to Thee./ Thou hast come, Thou hast appeared,/ O Unapproachable Light.

Kontakion of St. Schotin Tone 1

Praising thee and glorifying thy memory, O holy Schotin,/ we make our prayer to Christ our God,/ that He will grant us grace to emulate thy example,/ serving His holy Church and striving for the advancement of His kingdom.

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