The river Jordan was once turned back by Elisha's mantle when Elijah was taken up,/ and the waters were divided hither and thither./ The watery path became dry for him as a type of baptism/ whereby we cross the flowing stream of life./ Christ has appeared in the Jordan to sanctify the waters.
Arrayed in the robes of the Priesthood,/ thou dost put the enemy to flight by thy contest, O inspired Hierarch Theopemptos./ Wherefore thou didst bring glorious Theonas/ to the knowledge of the Truth when he turned to the Lord./ Pray together with him for those who honour thy contest.
Thou didst dazzle us with a jewel, a treasure,/ a pearl of great price, O righteous Father Ruman,/ in the God-pleasing life and asceticism of the desert./ Thy selfless devotion, love of animals/ and patience in the face of calumny are our guiding lights./ Wherefore, O Saint, pray that the unprofitable servants who hymn thee/ be granted great mercy.
The Lord cried to John in the running waters of Jordan:/ Be not afraid to baptize Me,/ for I have come to save Adam, the first-formed man.
As priest of the Mysteries/ and God-like minister of grace/ thou didst guide Theonas in martyrdom/ and bring him to the Faith, O Theopemptos./ Together with him thou didst cry out in the stadium:/ Christ is the strength of the Martyrs.
Today we keep festival in thy honour, holy Ruman,/ for caring nothing for thyself/ thou didst face danger, false accusation and misdirected piety/ for the love of Him Who is the Creator of all things.