Make ready, O Zebulon, and prepare thyself, Nephthali./ River Jordan, stop flowing and leap for joy at the Lord's coming for Baptism./ Rejoice, O Adam, with our first mother;/ hide not yourself as in Paradise of old./ For seeing us naked He has appeared,/ to clothe us with our first garment./ Christ has appeared, to renew the whole of creation.
Troparion of St. Seraphim of Sarov Tone 4
Thou didst love Christ from thy youth, O blessed one,/ and longing to work for Him alone/ thou didst struggle in the wilderness with constant prayer and labour./ With penitent heart and great love for Christ/ thou wast favoured by the Mother of God./ Wherefore we cry to thee:/ Save us by thy prayers, O Seraphim our righteous Father.
Kontakion of the Forefeast Tone 4
The Lord cried to John in the running waters of Jordan:/ Be not afraid to baptize Me,/ for I have come to save Adam, the first-formed man.
Kontakion of St. Seraphim of Sarov Tone 2
Having left the beauty of the world and what is corrupt in it, O Saint,/ thou didst settle in Sarov Monastery./ And having lived there an angelic life,/ thou wast for many the way to salvation./ Wherefore Christ has glorified thee, O Father Seraphim,/ and has enriched thee with the gift of healing and miracles./ And so we cry to thee:/ Rejoice, O Seraphim, our righteous Father.