
The Twenty-First Day of the Month of January


Troparion of St. Maximos the Confessor Tone 3

Through thee the Spirit poured forth/ streams of teaching for the Church;/ thou didst expound God the Word's self emptying,/ and shine forth in thy struggles as a true Confessor of the Faith;/ holy Father Maximos, pray to Christ our God to grant us His great mercy.

Troparion of St. Neophytos Tone 5

Thou wast filled with divine grace/ from thine infancy,/ and thy youthful soul was a dwelling-place of the Trinity./ Thou didst work wondrous miracles,/ and wast steadfast in contest,/ O prize-winning Neophytos./ Pray unceasingly that our souls may be saved.
17th c. Greek icon at Dionysiou Monastery, Mt. Athos

Kontakion of St. Maximos the Confessor Tone 8

O faithful, let us acclaim the lover of the Trinity,/ great Maximos who taught the God-inspired Faith,/ that Christ is to be glorified in two natures, wills and energies:/ and let us cry to him: Rejoice, O herald of the Faith.

Kontakion of St. Neophytos Tone 4

O Great Martyr Neophytos, thou didst shine forth from the mountain/ and as an athlete glorify Christ in the stadium./ Wherefore thou didst receive the unfading crown.

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