
The Eighteenth Day of the Month of January


Prophetologion: Readings for Vespers of Ss. Athanasios and Cyril, Patriarchs of Alexandria.

The Reading is from Deuteronomy. [ Dt 1:8-11,15-17b]
  • The Reading is from Deuteronomy. [ Dt 10:14-18,20-21]
  • The Reading is from the Wisdom of Solomon. [ Wis 3:1-9]

  • Troparion of St. Athanasios and Cyril Tone 3

    Thou didst shine with words of Orthodoxy and quench all heresy,/ and become victorious trophy-bearers./ You enriched all things with piety and greatly adorned the Church,/ and worthily found Christ our God;/ by your prayers He grants mercy to all.

    Kontakion of St. Athanasios and Cyril Tone 4

    Great Hierarchs and champions of Christ's Church,/ preserve all who sing: O compassionate Lord,/ save those who with faith honour Thee.

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