When Thou wast baptized in the Jordan, O Lord,/ the worship of the Trinity made its appearance./ For the voice of the Father bore witness to Thee/ when He called Thee His beloved Son./ And the Spirit in the form of a dove/ confirmed the truth of the word./ O Christ our God, Who hast appeared and hast enlightened the world,/ glory to Thee!
Thou didst shine forth in God-given virtues,/ O righteous Theodosios,/ and wast an illustrious model of the monastic life./ Thou wast seen as a God-like light and leader,/ the emulator of Angels/ and servant of the Trinity./ Pray to God unceasingly to have mercy on our souls.
Thou wast foolish on earth for the sake of Christ and didst hate the beauty of this world wholeheartedly./ By thirsting and fasting and by lying on the earth thou didst wither the flesh and the play of the passions./ Thou didst never shun heat, frost, rain nor snow, nor other hardships of climate and weather./ Like gold in the crucible thou didst purify thy soul, O holy and Godbearing Father Michael./ Thou dost now stand in heaven before the throne of the Trinity./ Boldly pray to Christ our God that our souls may be saved.
O daughters of King Laoghaire and first-fruits of Patrick's mission,/ most pious Ethenia and Fidelmia,/ you were blessed to receive the monastic veil from Ireland's Enlightener./ Weeping and lamenting we call upon your charity./ Pray to Christ our God/ that He will raise up a new Patrick in our day,/ that we may be led into the Way of Salvation.
Thou hast appeared today to the world,/ and Thy light, O Lord, has been signed upon us/ who with full knowledge sing to Thee./ Thou hast come, Thou hast appeared,/ O Unapproachable Light.
Thou wast planted in the courts of the Lord, and didst blossom with holy virtues;/ thou didst increase thy children in the desert/ and irrigate it with the rain of thy tears, O Shepherd of God's divine sheep folds./ Wherefore we cry: O Father Theodosios, rejoice.
In the power of the Holy Spirit thou wast like the ancient Prophets:/ for thou didst utter unknown secrets that would come to pass in the year of God's judgments./ Thou hast wrought miracles in Christ and astonished the people./ Thou hast granted victory to those who cry:/ Glory to God Who glorifies His Saints.
Having been tonsured, O most pure and righteous virgins Ethenia and Fidelmia,/ you were found worthy to tarry in this vale of tears/ and to receive the Body and Blood of Christ, just once,/ before going to your eternal reward./ We chant your praises and implore Christ our God/ that, in The Eleventh Day of Judgment,/ He will not find us wanting.