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1 . 神聖的偉大的殉教者聖人 PROCOPIUS

Procopius was born in Jerusalem of a father who was a Christian and a mother who was a pagan. At first, his name was Neanias. Following the death of his father, the mother raised her son completely in the spirit of Roman idolatry. When Neanias matured, Emperor Diocletian saw him and, at once, took a liking to him and brought him to his palace for military service. When this nefarious emperor began to persecute Christians, he ordered Neanias to go to Alexandria with a garrison of soldiers and there to exterminate the Christians. But, on the road, something happened to Neanias similar to that which happened to Saul [Paul]. In the third hour of the night there was a strong earthquake and, at that moment, the Lord appeared to him and a voice was heard: "Neanias, where are you going and against whom are you rising up?" In great fear, Neanias asked: "Who are You Lord? I am unable to recognize You." At that moment, a glowing cross as if of crystal appeared in the air and from the cross there came a voice saying: "I am Jesus, the crucified Son of God." And further, the Lord said to him: "By this sign that you saw, conquer your enemies and My peace will be with you." That experience completely turned him around and changed the life of Commander Neanias. He issued an order to make the same kind of cross which he saw and instead of going against the Christians he, with his soldiers, turned against the Agarians who were attacking Jerusalem. He entered Jerusalem as a victor and declared to his mother that he is a Christian. Being brought before the court, Neanias removed his commander's belt and sword and tossed them before the judge thereby showing that he is only a soldier of Christ the King. After great tortures he was cast into prison where the Lord Christ, again, appeared to him, baptized him and gave him the name Procopius. One day twelve women appeared before his prison window and said to him: "We too are the servants of Christ." Accused of this they were thrown into the same prison where St. Procopius taught them the Faith of Christ and particularly about how they will receive the martyr's wreath. For that reason in the marriage ritual of the betrothed, St. Procopius is mentioned along with the God-crowned Emperor Constantine and Empress Helena. After this, those twelve women were brutally tortured. Witnessing their suffering and bravery, the mother of Procopius also believed in Christ and all thirteen were slain. When St. Procopius was led to the scaffold, he raised his hands toward the east and prayed to God for all the poor and misfortunate, orphans and widows and especially for the Holy Church that it may grow and spread and that Orthodoxy shine to the end of time. And to Procopius there was a reply from heaven that his prayers were heard after which he joyfully laid his head under the sword and went to his Lord in eternal joy. St. Procopius honorably suffered in Caesarea in Palestine and was crowned with the glorious wreath of immortality on July 8, 303 A.D.
Procopius 在是一克裡斯琴和是異教徙的一位母親的一位父親的耶路撒冷出生。最初, 他的名字是 Neanias 。跟隨他的父親的死亡, 母親完全在[羅爾]瑪聖像崇拜的神撫養了她的兒子。當 Neanias 成熟了時, 皇帝 Diocletian 看見了他並且, 馬上, 帶了一喜歡到他並且為兵役把他帶了到他的宮殿。當這個惡毒的皇帝開始了迫害合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教時,他命令了 Neanias 與戰士的一個守備隊去亞力山大大帝並且在那裡消除合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教。但是, 在道路上,一些東西發生了在發生了在 Saul 身上的到那類似的 Neanias 身上 [ 葩。韋勒保羅 ] 。在晚上的第 3 個小時有強壯的地震並且, 在那片刻,主在他看來了並且一個聲音被聽見︰“ Neanias , 你正在去哪裡並且你對誰正在起床起來?”在大害怕, Neanias 問了︰“誰是你主?我是不能的認出你。”在那片刻,一個發光的十字好像在空氣並且從十字被出現了在那裡的水晶來了說的一個聲音︰“我是伊伊穌。斯耶穌, 上帝的把釘在十字架上的兒子。”並且更深, 主向他說︰“由你看見了的這個跡象,征服你的敵人並且我的和平將與你一起。”那經驗完全轉過去了他並且改變了司令 Neanias 的生活。他發出了一份訂單他看見了的十字並且而不是反對合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教使同樣客氣他, 與他的戰士一起,對 Agarians 轉了誰正在攻擊耶路撒冷。他作為一個勝利者進入了耶路撒冷並且聲明了他是一克裡斯琴到他的母親。在法庭前被帶, Neanias 移開了他的司令的帶和劍並且從而在法官前扔了他們顯示出他僅僅是合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的一位戰士國王。在大折磨以後他被扔進監獄主合[利爾]斯托。斯基督, 再, 在他看來了, 給某人施洗禮他並且給了他名字 Procopius 。一天 12 女人在他的監獄窗戶前出現了並且向他說︰“我們也是合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的仆人。”控告了這他們被扔進聖 Procopius 教了他們合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的費思的一樣的監獄並且特別地關於怎麼他們將收到殉教者的花環。為在婚姻儀式的那個原因訂親, 聖 Procopius 與使上帝圓滿的皇帝康斯坦丁和女皇海倫娜一起被提及。在這以後,那些 12 個女人粗魯地被折磨。他們見証受苦並且勇敢, Procopius 的母親也相信了合[利爾]斯托。斯基督和 13 被殺死的所有。當聖 Procopius 被導致時支架, 他朝東方舉手了並且為所有的窮人和 misfortunate 向上帝祈禱了,孤兒們和寡婦並且特別為它可以種養並且傳播的神聖的教會和那個正統說法時間照耀到最後。並且到 Procopius 從他的禱告他喜悅地在哪個以後在劍下面放了頭並且在永久的快樂去了他的主被聽見的天堂有一個答複。聖 Procopius 值得尊敬地在巴勒斯坦在 Caesarea 受苦了並且在 7 月 8 日與不朽的光榮的花環被使圓滿, 303 A.D 。


2 . 聖人 PROCOPIUS , 為合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的笨蛋

Procopius was a miracle-worker of Ustiug who died in the year 1303 A.D. Procopius was of Varangian (Norse) descent and a merchant by profession. Coming to Novgorod on business, he was awed by the beauty of Orthodoxy and embraced the Orthodox Faith. Desiring to be a perfect Christian he distributed his estate to the poor and began to practice all the other virtues. He pretended insanity so that men would not praise him and discerned the hearts and destinies of men as well as natural events which, afterwards, indeed occurred. By his tearful prayer before the icon of the Birth-giver of God, Procopius averted a terrible hailstorm over the town of Ustiug and thus brought the sinful town to repentance. His body was found dead on the street completely covered with snow. A church was built over his miracle-working relics.
Procopius 是 Ustiug 的一奇跡工人在一年 1303 死了 A.D Procopius 有瓦蘭金人 ( 挪威人 ) 由職業的降下和一個商人。因事來到諾夫哥主啊, 他是由正統說法的美麗的 awed 並且擁抱了正教信仰。需要是他散布了的一完美的克裡斯琴他的到窮人的房地產並且開始了練習所有的另外的優點。他假裝了神錯亂以便人將不贊揚他並且象自然的事件一樣認出了人的心和命運, 以後, 確實發生了。由他的在上帝的出生送禮者的聖像前的流淚的禱告, Procopius 在 Ustiug 的鎮上避免了可怕的下得很大的冰雹並且這樣把有罪的鎮帶了到悔悟。他的身體完全在街上被覺得死了被雪蓋住了。一個教會在他的工作奇跡遺物上被造。



Theophilus was born in Macedonia in the village of Ziki. He was a very educated man and a great ascetic. By order of Patriarch Niphon of Constantinople, he traveled to Alexandria to inquire whether it is true or not that Patriarch Joachim moved a mountain and that he drank poison without harmful effects being forced to do this by the Jews and Muslims. Convinced of the truthfulness of these miracles, Theophilus returned to Holy Mt. Athos where he lived a life of asceticism, at first in Vatopedi, then in Iveron and finally in the cell of St. Basil near Karyes. They offered the Archbishopric of Thessalonica to this holy man, but he refused. Through profound silence and meditation he succeeded to purify his mind of all passionate thoughts and became a pure vessel of the Holy Spirit in which Christ dwelled. Before his death, he ordered Isaac his disciple not to bury him when he dies but to tie a rope around his legs, drag him and then toss him into the river. With great fear, the disciple carried this out. However, the Divine Providence of God revealed the remains of St. Theophilus and when they translated his body to his cell, it began to emit miraculous myrrh. He entered into rest on July 8, 1548.
Theophilus 在 Ziki 的村莊裡在馬其頓出生。他是一個很被教育了的人並且一大禁欲。奉土耳其都市的主教皇捏愛人之命,他旅行了到亞力山大大帝詢問它是否是真實的主教皇 Joachim 移動了一座山並且他沒有有害的效果喝了毒物,這正在被強迫由猶太人和伊斯蘭教徒做這。使相信了這些奇跡的真實, Theophilus 回到了他生活了的神聖的Athos山禁欲主義的生活, 最初在 Vatopedi ,然後在 Iveron 並且最後在在 Karyes 附近的聖巴西略的房間。他們把 Thessalonica 的大主教的職位提供了給這個神聖的人,但是他拒絕了。通過深刻的沉默和沉思他成功了淨化他的所有的熱情的想法的頭腦並且成為了在此合[利爾]斯托。斯基督被居住了的聖神的一個純容器。在他的死亡前, 他訂了伊薩阿。克以撒他的不埋葬他的門徙當他死時但是在他的腿附近系住繩,拖他並且然後扔他進河。與大害怕,門徙執行了這。然而, 上帝的神聖的普羅維登斯揭示了聖 Theophilus 的遺體並且當他們遷座了他的身體到他的房間時,它開始了射出奇跡的沒藥。他在 1548 年 7 月 8 日進入了休息。




When it is the will of the Omniscient God,

Persecutors become His servants,

Haters, wonderful apostles
帽子嗯, 奇妙的宗徒

Pagans, zealots for the Faith.
異教徙, 為費思的熱心者。

By God's will, Saul became Paul
由上帝的愿望, Saul 成為了葩。韋勒保羅

Neanias Saint Procopius
Neanias 聖人 Procopius

Procopius, against Christ went,
Procopius , 對合[利爾]斯托。斯基督去了,

As a Christian, to his mother came.

Tortures prepare and himself received tortures,

All of a sudden, the truth he recognized
突然, 他認出了的真相

Before the Son of God, bowed down,

The earthly king, ceased to serve
現世的國王, 停止了服務

To the heavenly King, a servant became.

The King of Heaven to him a gift bestowed

The gift of might, the afflicted to help
禮品可能, 所折磨了幫助

As at that time, so it is today:

By Procopius, the afflicted are comforted
由 Procopius ,所折磨被安慰

For today as one time, he helps.



St. Anthony teaches: "Be fearful that you do not become famous because of some work that you do. If they begin to praise you because of your work, do not rejoice in that and do not find satisfaction in that but keep your works in secret as much as you can and do not allow anyone to speak about them." How much more peace and joy would there be among men on earth if a part of mankind would take these holy words to heart! Even though St. Theophilus lived as a simple monk secluded on Holy Mt. Athos, he was famous in all the patriarchates of the east, as much for his learning as for his good works and ascetical life of mortification. It happened at one time that Theoleptus, the Patriarch of Constantinople, visited Thessalonica. At that time, the arch-episcopal throne of Thessalonica was vacant. The Christians of Thessalonica unanimously implored the patriarch to appoint Theophilus as their archbishop. The patriarch, a compatriot and friend of Theophilus, wrote a personal letter to him in which he invited him to accept the arch-episcopal throne. Fearing the glory of men and not being able to refuse the patriarch, Theophilus immediately received the "great angelic habit" [The Great Schema] and informed the patriarch of this adding: "If God be willing, we will see each other in the Kingdom of Heaven." Such were the spiritual giants, whom the Church calls saints, afraid of vanity and the glory of mankind.
聖安當教︰“可怕你不因為你做的一些工作變得著名。如果他們開始因為你的工作贊揚你,別在那高興並且不發現滿足在那但是象你能不允許任何人關於他們說話一樣,把你的工作放在秘密很多。”多少更多的和平和快樂如果人類的部分將花這些神聖的詞到心,將有在在地球上的人之中的﹗盡管聖 Theophilus 作為在神聖的Athos山上被隔開了的一個簡單的修道士生活了, 他在東方的所有的 Patriarch 的職位是著名的, 作為為他至於他的禁欲的好工作和苦行的生活學習的大部分。同時發生了 Theoleptus , 土耳其都市的主教皇, 訪問的 Thessalonica 。在那時間, Thessalonica 的彎拱主教的王位是空缺的。Thessalonica 的合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教一致地懇求了主教皇作為他們的大主教指定 Theophilus 。Theophilus 的主教皇,一個同胞和朋友, 他在哪個邀請了他接受彎拱主教的王位寫了一封個人的信他在哪個邀請了他接受彎拱主教的王位。害怕人的光榮並且不能拒絕主教皇, Theophilus 很快地收到了“大的天神的習慣” [ 大綱要 ] 並且通知了這增加的主教皇︰“如果上帝愿意, 我們將在天堂的王國看見對方。”如此的是神的巨人, 教會把誰稱為聖人, 擔心人類的虛榮和光榮。



To contemplate the miraculous changing of bitter water into sweet water (Exodus 15):
為了沉思,奇跡痛苦的水變化進糖果流水 ( 離開 15 ) ︰

1. How the thirsty Israelites in Marah came upon bitter water and were unable to drink it and the people began to murmur against Moses;
1 . 在 Marah 的渴的猶太人怎麼在痛苦的水之上來了並且對它和人民開始了對摩西低聲說的飲料不能;

2. How God commanded Moses to place wood in the water and the water became sweet;
2 . 上帝怎麼命令了摩西把木頭放在水和水裡,變得了香甜;

3. How this wood foreshadowed the Cross of Christ by which the bitterness of our life is transformed into sweetness;
3 . 這根木頭怎麼預示了我們的生活的痛苦其轉變成甜蜜的合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的十字;

4. How my entire being is but bitter water until I bring Christ Crucified into myself.
4 . 我的全部怎麼樣,是但是痛苦的水直到我帶被把釘在十字架上了進我自己的合[利爾]斯托。斯基督



About the Living Stone


"To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men but chosen of God and precious, You also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable by Jesus Christ" (1 Peter 2: 4-5).
“到誰來, 作為到一塊生活石頭, 確實人否認了但是上帝選擇並且寶貴, 你另外, 作為活潑的石頭,被積聚一幢神的房子,在由伊伊穌。斯耶穌合[利爾]斯托。斯基督可接受的神的犧牲上面提供的神聖的神職“ ( 1 Peter 2 ︰4-5 ) 。

Brethren, what does this stone signify if not stability? Brethren, what does the stone teach us, if not stability? The living stone signifies immortality. The apostle calls Christ the Lord the Living Stone because He is immortal and the giver of immortality. The apostle even calls Christians living stones as partakers of the immortality of Christ.
兄弟們, 這塊石頭意味著甚麼如果不穩定性?兄弟們, 石頭教我們甚麼, 如果不穩定性?生活的石頭意味著不朽。宗徒把合[利爾]斯托。斯基督稱為主生活的石頭因為他是不朽的並且不朽的送禮者。宗徒甚至作為合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的不朽的同等買主把合[利爾]斯托。斯基督教稱為生活石頭。

Brethren, what do unbelievers think concerning what happens to man at the end of time? They think that, in the end, the same thing happens to man as to a stone: man dies, becomes senseless and is transformed into dust. But a stone is already dead, senseless and, under certain conditions, is transformed into dust. So, both the unbelievers and the believers compare man with a stone; the unbelievers because of the deadness and the senselessness of the stone and the believers because of the durability and the stability of the stone. For the first [unbelievers], the stone is the symbol of death and for the other[unbelievers], the stone is the symbol of immortality.
兄弟們, 不輕信的人有關在時間的結束發生在人身上的認為甚麼?他們認為那, 最後, 一樣的事情至於一塊石頭發生在人身上︰人死,變得無意義並且被轉變成塵土。但是一塊石頭已經是死了的, 無意義並且, 在某個條件下面,被轉變成塵土。因此,不輕信的人和信徒把人與一塊石頭作比較;因為因為石頭的耐久性和穩定性的石頭和信徒的死和無意義的不輕信的人。為第一 [ 不輕信的人 ], 石頭是死亡並且為其它的標志 [ 不輕信的人 ], 石頭是不朽的標志。

In truth, without Christ, mankind has been and is always as a dead stone. But Christ is like a living stone. Adhere to Him only and you will become as living stones. In building a home, the builder chooses only those stones, which are chiseled out and prepared to easily lay along side the other stones in the wall. The builder rejects the unchiseled, the unprepared, the unpolished and the fragile stones. Building a home, or a temple of His Immortal Kingdom, Christ chooses men as the builder chooses stones, with one characteristic, namely alive, spiritually alive. The Lord rejects spiritually dead men as a rotten building and accepts only those who are alive, who resemble Him and who fall in place along side other living stones and they [the other living stones] are angels, prophets, apostles and saints in general. Brethren, let us endeavor to be a holy material for a holy house of the Kingdom of Christ which He builds day and night that He, by the end of time, finishes it completely.
實際上, 沒有合[利爾]斯托。斯基督,人類總是作為一塊死了的石頭並且是。但是合[利爾]斯托。斯基督象一塊生活石頭一樣。僅僅遵守他並且你將作為生活石頭成為。在造一個家, 建築者僅僅選擇那些石頭, 它外面是 chiseled 並且準備了容易在牆中沿著方面放另外的石頭。建築者拒絕 unchiseled , 無準備, 粗糙並且易碎的石頭。大樓一個家,或他的不朽的王國的堂, 當建築者選擇石頭,合[利爾]斯托。斯基督選擇人, 與特征的, 也就是活著, 在神上地活著。主作為一座腐爛的大樓拒絕在神上地死了的人並且僅僅接受那些是活著的, 誰相似於他並且誰沿著方面在地方掉落另外的生活石頭和他們 [ 另外的生活石頭 ] 是天神, 先知,宗徒和聖人總的來說。兄弟們, 讓我們努力為他造白天和晚上的合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的王國的一幢神聖的房子是神聖的材料他, 在時間底,完全完成它。

O Lord Jesus, the builder of the Kingdom of Heaven, enliven us with Your Holy Spirit and build us also as living stones in the home of Your eternal glory.
哦!主啊伊伊穌。斯耶穌, 天堂的王國的建築者, 使活潑我們與你的聖神並且也在你的永久的光榮的家作為生活石頭造我們。

To You be glory and thanks always. Amen