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1 . 司祭EUTYCHES殉教者

Eutyches was one of the lesser apostles and was born in Sebastopol. He was a disciple and imitator of the Apostle John the Theologian and the Apostle Paul. Even though he is not numbered among the seventy apostles, nevertheless, he is called an apostle because he was a disciple of the great apostles and, because in his evangelical service, he displayed true apostolic zeal. Consecrated a missionary bishop, St. Eutyches traveled much, having, an angel as his companion. In prison, he received heavenly bread from an angel. When his body was scrapped with a serrated iron rod, blood flowed from him with unusual fragrant myrrh. He was thrown into a fire and before wild beasts and finally beheaded with a sword in Sebastopol.
Eutyches 是更少些的宗徒之一並且在 Sebastopol 出生。他是宗徒伊望。約翰的門徙和模仿者神學家和宗徒葩。韋勒保羅。盡管他沒在 70 個宗徒之中被標記, 不過, 因為他是大宗徒的門徙,他被稱為一個宗徒並且, 因為在他的福音的服務,他顯示了真實的宗徒的熱情。奉獻了一個傳司祭主教, 聖 Eutyches 旅行了很多,, 作為他的同伴的一個天神。在監獄,他從一個天神收到了天國的面包。當他的身體是與重量的單位率鐵杆的碎片希伯萊語的第十七個字母時,血與不平常的芳香的沒藥從他流動了。他被扔進火並且在野生的野獸前並且最後在 Sebastopol 與一把劍斬了。


2 . 神聖的殉教者梭織離子

By descent, Tation was from Mantinaeas near Claudioupolis in Bithnyia. He suffered at the time of Diocletian. After great tortures he was buried alive and thus gave up his holy soul to God.
由降下,梭織離子從在在 Bithnyia 的 Claudioupolis 附近的 Mantinaeas 。他在 Diocletian 的時間受苦了。在他活並且這樣被埋葬的大折磨以後放棄了他的神聖的靈魂到上帝。


3 . 神聖的女性的SYRA殉教者

Syra was a kinswoman of St. Mary Golinduc (July 12). She was a Persian from the town of Hirhaselevkosa and the daughter of a eminent fire-worshipping pagan priest. Reared in paganism, the virgin Syra learned of Christ from poor Christian women and her heart became inflamed with love for the Lord. During an illness and while she was yet unbaptized, Syra sought dust from the church of a Christian priest but the priest refused for she was yet unbaptized. Then, with great faith, she touched the vestments of the priest and was healed. That miraculous healing confirmed her even more in the Faith of Christ. But her soul-less father handed her over to harsh tortures during which she received courage and comfort from heavenly visions. She was strangled with a rope by force and then drowned in the year 558 A.D. during the time of the Persian Emperor Chozroesi I at the age of eighteen. And so this holy virgin gloriously finished her earthly journey and took up habitation in the heavenly angelic habitation.
Syra 是聖瑪利亞•戈林杜克的一個女親戚 (7 月 12 日 ) 。她是從 Hirhaselevkosa 的鎮和一個著名的做禮拜火異教徙司祭的女兒的一個波斯人。在異教高聳了, 童女 Syra 從心成為了的克裡斯琴女人和她為主與愛煽動了的窮人聽說了合[利爾]斯托。斯基督。在病期間並且當她是還未受洗禮的時, Syra 從一個克裡斯琴司祭但是因為她是還未受洗禮的,被拒絕了的司祭的教會尋求了塵土。然後, 與大信念,她摸了司祭的外衣並且被愈合。那奇跡愈合在合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的費思証實了她的甚至更多。但是她的卑鄙的父親在到她在其期間從天國的視覺收到了勇氣和安逸的嚴厲的折磨上傳遞了她。她被力量與繩扼死並且然後在波斯人的時間期間在一年淹死了 558 A.D 皇帝 Chozroesi 我在 18 歲時。並且因此這個神聖的童女光榮地完成了她的現世的旅行並且在天國的天神的居住收起了居住。



Arsenius was born in Moscow of noble birth. As a youth he received monasticism in the monastery of St. Sergius of Radonez. As an exemplary monk, Arsenius was elected abbot but he yearned for prayerful solitude and withdrew to the forest of Komel where, he lived a life of asceticism until his death, struggling bravely with great temptations of the demons. He rested in the Lord in the year 1550 A.D.
Arsenius 在高貴的出生的莫斯科出生。作為一個少年他在 Radonez 的聖 Sergius 的修道院收到了修道生活。作為一個作為模范的修道士, Arsenius 被選修道院院長但是他渴望了虔誠的孤獨並且撤退了到 Komel 的森林, 他生活了禁欲主義的生活直到他的死亡,勇敢與魔鬼的大誘惑斗爭。他在一年在主休息了 1550 A.D 。


5 . 聖人額我略•利姆尼奧泰斯 ( 湖)

Gregory was a confessor and a great ascetic of Olympus. He died at the age of ninety-five at the time of the Iconoclasts, 716 A.D. *
額我略是一個懺悔者並且一大禁欲天堂。他在反對崇拜聖像者的時間在 95 歲時死了, 716 A.D *

* In the great Greek Synaxarion, St. Dionysius, the Archbishop of Aegina who died in 1624 A.D. is also mentioned and from whose relics numerous miracles were manifested.
* 在大的希臘的 Synaxarion , 聖 狄奧尼修斯, Aegina 的大主教在 1624 死了 A.D 也被提及並且從其遺物眾多的奇跡被表明。




As young as the dew but, in wisdom, old
年輕象露水一樣但是, 在智慧,舊

Rich in faith, hope and meekness,

Syra the Persian, a model Christian,
Syra 波斯人, 一模型克裡斯琴,

To God prayed, at night before dawn;

By prayers, Syra, her soul rejoiced,
由禱告, Syra , 她的靈魂高興了,

By prayers she, her soul enriched,
由禱告她, 她的靈魂富裕了,

At the father's hearth, in darkness and sorrow,

In grief and blood of a combatant field,

By prayers, Syra her heart rejoiced.
由禱告,她的心高興了的 Syra 。

Of the peace of Christ, joyful and full.

Against Syra, kingdom and pagan priests were,
對 Syra ,王國和異教徙司祭是,

And for Syra, Christ and the honorably clergy.
並且為 Syra ,合[利爾]斯托。斯基督並且值得尊敬地牧師。

In the dungeon dark, at prayer vigilant,

In a wondrous light, Syra glowed.
在一盞令人驚奇的燈, Syra 發光了。

That is the light of Paradise, darkened by sin.
是天堂的光, 由罪惡遮暗了。

And returned to the faithful, by the Cross of Christ.
並且回到忠誠, 由合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的十字。

Whoever the Cross takes upon himself, that light receives,
十字在他自己之上拿無論誰, 那盞燈收到,

From the light of the soul, the face also glows:

Syra, as a true star shown,
Syra , 作為一顆真實的星顯示出,

And through death, to the bosom of Christ hurried.



If you were to ask many people why they do not go to Church to pray, they will generally answer you: I have no time, I have to work! Just look at those people who only work and do not go to Church, placing their trust only in their work and compare them with those who divide their time between work and prayer and you will quickly be convinced that the latter are more well off and, what is more important, they are more satisfied. It is said about two neighboring tailors how unequal they were according to their work and prayer and according to their wealth and satisfaction. One of them had a large family and the other was a bachelor. The first had the habit of going to church every morning for prayer and the bachelor never went to church. Not only did the first work less but was even less a skillful master than the other. He had enough of everything and the other lacked everything. The first one asked the other how is it that he has everything although he works less? The one who prays to God [Bogomoljac a devout person] responded that he attends church every day and, along the way, finds lost gold and he invited his neighbor, the bachelor, to go with him to prayer and they will share the discovered gold. Both neighbors began to attend church regularly and soon both became equal in abundance as well as in satisfaction. Naturally, they found no gold along the way but the blessing of God multiplies the abundance of true devout men. Those who: "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness" (St. Matthew 6:31), God adds and multiplies all that is necessary for their physical life.
如果你將問許多人他們為甚麼不去教會祈禱,他們將通常回答你︰我沒有時間, 我必須工作﹗就看僅僅工作並且不去教會的那些人, 僅僅把他們的信任放在他們的工作並且把他們與后者是更過得很好的在工作和禱告和你之間劃分他們的時間的人,將快速被確信的那些作比較並且,甚麼是更重要的, 他們是滿足的更多。它被說他們根據他們的工作和禱告並且根據他們的財富和滿足怎麼樣不相等的大約 2 附近的裁縫。他們之一有了一個大家庭和其它是一個學士。因為禱告和學士從來沒去教會,第一有了每天早上去教會的習慣。少些不僅做了第一個工作但是是甚至少些的一位熟練的主人比其它。他有了任何事情的足夠並且其它缺乏了任何事情。第一一個問盡管他少些工作,他有任何事情的其它怎麼是它嗎?一個向上帝祈禱 [ Bogomoljac 一個虔誠的人 ] 反應他每天出席教會並且, 沿著方法, 發現失去黃金和他邀請了他的鄰居, 學士, 帶他去到禱告並且他們將分享發現的黃金。兩位鄰居開始了定期並且不久出席教會都象在滿足一樣在豐富變得了相等。自然地, 他們沒沿著方法發現黃金但是上帝的福氣乘許多真實的虔誠的人。那些︰“首先尋求上帝和他的正直的王國” ( 聖瑪特婓馬太 6:31 ), 上帝增加並且乘所有的為他們的物理的生活是必要的。



To contemplate the providence of God which protected David from falling into the hands of Saul (1 Samuel 23 1 Kings 23):
為了沉思,阻止了達微。德大衛的上帝的遠見 Saul 落入手中 ( 1 塞繆爾 23 1 國王 23 ) ︰

1. How Saul came to besiege the city of Keliah [Celia] where David was but God revealed this to David and David fled beforehand;
1 . Saul 怎麼來圍攻 Keliah 的城市 [ 西利亞 ] 達微。德大衛在哪兒但是上帝揭示了這到達微。德大衛達微。德大衛,預先逃跑了;

2. How Saul almost captured David in Maon but word came to Saul that the Philistines had attacked the land;
2 . Saul 怎麼幾乎在 Maon 但是詞捕獲了達微。德大衛,來到了敵人攻擊了土地的 Saul ;

3. How the Lord always watches over the righteous and how He confounds the plans of the unrighteous.
3 . 主怎麼總是看守正直並且他怎麼毀滅計劃不義。



About the character of Christ as foretold Isaiah


"He shall not cry nor lift up nor cause His voice to be heard in the street. A bruised reed shall He not break and the smoking flax shall He not quench: He shall bring forth judgment unto truth" (Isaiah 42:2-3).
“他將不哭在上面也不提起也不引起他的聲音在街上被聽見。他將不打破並且吸煙的一根□傷的蘆葦亞麻纖維他將不熄滅︰他將向前到真相帶判斷“ ( 艾賽爾 42:2-3 ) 。

Who had more right than the Lord, the Son of God, to raise His voice at the lawless ones in His vineyard on earth? Who had a greater right to reprimand sinners who scorn God and God's law? O sweet meekness, unseen among men! O pure mountain water which flows down from the heights and silently washes the impurity of the habitations of men! Many pagans think that they would believe in Christ if they could hear from Him, not kind words, but thundering words. But let the pagans say which is better, thunderous words with shouting and roaring which pass without effect as smoke is chased by the wind or kind words which have the effect of thunder? Can a legion of thunders expel a legion of demons from a man possessed? But a legion of thunders struck above Gadara but the legion of demons in the man possessed did not even feel that. Neither did our Lord Jesus shout at the demons but rather quietly told them to come out and they obediently came forth. Brethren, it is not a matter of shouting or criticizing but rather of power.
誰更恰好比主有了, 上帝的兒子, 在他的在地球上的葡萄園在不法的點提起他的聲音?誰有更大的權利責備藐視上帝和上帝的法律的罪人?O 糖果溫柔, 幽冥在人之中﹗純山澆其在從高度下面流動並且靜靜地洗人的居住的雜質的 O ﹗許多異教徙認為如果他們能聽到他的消息,他們將相信合[利爾]斯托。斯基督,不客氣的詞,但是打雷的詞。但是讓異教徙說哪個是好一些的, 與呼喊並且咆哮的雷聲般的詞當煙被風或有雷聲的效果的客氣的詞追,哪個沒有效果過去?雷聲的一個軍團能從擁有的一個人驅逐魔鬼的一個軍團嗎?但是雷聲的一個軍團在擁有的人在魔鬼的 Gadara 但是軍團上面打了不甚至確實感到了那。也不在魔鬼做了吾主伊伊穌。斯耶穌呼喊但是相當安靜地告訴了他們出現並且他們順從地向前來了。兄弟們, 它不是呼喊或批評的一件事但是相反力量。

"A bruised reed shall He not break and the smoking flax shall He not quench." This refers to the Old Testament whose spirit the Pharisees had completely bruised and overloaded with their Sabbatical formalities and which only smoked but did not give any light to men because of their blunted understanding and the stony hearts of men. The Lord will not break the bruised reed neither will He completely quench the almost extinguished fire of that law which He gave. Still, this pertains to sinful men. Men subdued by sin He will not put an end to nor sinners in whom the divine light has turned into smoke will He quench but He will straighten the reed and rekindle the divine fire in men. For because of sinners, He came into the world. He will proclaim judgment softly and gently but with the power which truth itself alone conveys. He will behave gently and humbly and with compassion and with mercy similar to a physician - but far more sublimely and cordially than a physician when He enters a house of a madman.
“他將不打破並且吸煙的一根□傷的蘆葦亞麻纖維他將不熄滅。”這參考神君子完全與他們的安息日的正式手續□傷了並且過載並且哪個僅僅吸煙了但是沒把任何燈給人的舊約因為他們的理解的 blunted 和人的多石的心。主將不也不打破□傷的蘆葦他將完全熄滅他給了的那條法律的幾乎撲滅的火。仍然, 這從屬到有罪的人。人由他也將不結束的罪惡抑製了神聖的光在其變成了煙的罪人他將熄滅但是他將弄直蘆葦並且重新燃起在人的神聖的火。為因為罪人,他進入了世界。他將輕柔地並且輕輕地但是與自己獨自傳送哪個真相的力量宣告判斷。他將輕輕地並且謙遜地並且同情地並且與到一位醫生類似的仁慈表現 - 但是更多高尚地並且誠懇地比一位醫生當他進入一個瘋子的一幢房子時。

O gentle and serene Lord, fill us with Your All-wondrous meekness and serenity.
O 輕輕並且平靜的主, 用你的都令人驚奇的溫柔和安詳填滿我們。

To Thee be glory and praise forever. Amen.