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1 . 神聖的殉教者安德魯, STRATELATES [ 論壇司令]

Andrew was an officer, a tribune, in the Roman army during the reign of Emperor Maximian. He was a Syrian by birth and served in Syria. When the Persians menaced the Roman Empire with there military, Andrew was entrusted with the army to battle against the enemy. During this occasion, Andrew was promoted as a commander - Stratelates. Secretly a Christian, even though he was not baptized, Andrew trusted in the living God and, of the many soldiers, he chose only the best and entered into battle. He said to his soldiers before the battle that if they would call upon the help of the one, true God, Christ the Lord, their enemies will scatter as dust before them. Truly, all the soldiers filled with enthusiasm at Andrew and his faith invoked Christ for assistance and made an assault. The Persian army was utterly destroyed. When the victorious Andrew returned to Antioch some, who were envious, accused Andrew of being a Christian and the imperial deputy summoned him to court. Andrew openly confessed his unwavering faith in Christ. After bitter tortures, the deputy threw Andrew into prison and wrote to the emperor in Rome. Knowing Andrew's respect among the people and in the army, the emperor ordered the deputy to free Andrew to freedom and to seek another opportunity and another reason (not his faith) and then to kill him. Through God's revelation, Andrew learned of the emperor's command and, taking with him his faithful soldiers, 2593 in number, departed with them to Tarsus in Cilicia and there, all were baptized by Bishop Peter. Persecuted even there by the imperial authorities, Andrew with his detachment withdrew farther into the Armenian mountain Tavros. Here, in a ravine while they were at prayer, the Roman army caught up with them and all to the last one were beheaded. Not one of them even wanted to defend themselves but all were desirous of a martyr's death for Christ. On this spot, where a stream of the martyr's blood flowed, a spring of healing water erupted which cured many from every disease. Bishop Peter came secretly with his people and, on the same spot, honorably buried the bodies of the martyrs. Dying honorably, they were all crowned with the wreath of glory and took up habitation in the Kingdom of Christ our Lord.
安德魯是一個官員, 一個論壇, 在在皇帝 Maximian 的朝代期間的[羅爾]瑪軍隊。他是一敘利亞由出生並且在敘利亞服務了。當波斯人與在那裡威脅了[羅爾]瑪帝國時軍事, 安德魯與軍隊一起被委托對敵人斗爭。在這個場合期間,安德魯作為一位司令被支持 - Stratelates 。秘密地一克裡斯琴, 盡管他沒被給某人施洗禮, 安德魯在生活的上帝信任了並且, 許多戰士,他僅僅選擇了最好和進入的戰斗。如果他們將在一個的幫助之上調用,他在戰斗前向他的戰士說那, 真實的上帝, 合[利爾]斯托。斯基督主, 他們的敵人將在他們前作為塵土散布。真正, 在安德魯和他的信念充滿了熱情的所有的戰士為幫助調用了合[利爾]斯托。斯基督並且做了襲擊。波斯的軍隊完全被消滅。當勝利的安德魯回到了安提阿一些時, 是羨慕的, 是一克裡斯琴和帝國的代理人的被告的安德魯召集了他到場。安德魯公開地在合[利爾]斯托。斯基督承認了他的不動搖的信念。在痛苦的折磨以後,代理人把安德魯扔了進監獄並且在[羅爾]瑪寫了到皇帝。知道的安德魯的在人民之中並且在軍隊的方面, 皇帝命令了代理人釋放安德魯到自由並且尋求另外的機會和另外一個原因 ( 不他的信念 ) 並且然後殺死他。通過上帝的展現, 安德魯聽說了皇帝的命令並且, 與他一起帶他的忠誠的戰士, 2593 數字在裡面, 在 Cilicia 與他們一起分離了到跗骨並且在那裡, 都被主教撇。特爾彼得給某人施洗禮。由帝國的當局迫害了甚至在那裡, 與他的分開的安德魯更遠撤退了進亞美尼亞人Tavros山。這裡, 在一條溝壑當他們在禱告時,[羅爾]瑪軍隊趕上了他們和所有到最後被斬。不他們之一甚至想要保衛自己但是都為合[利爾]斯托。斯基督渴望一位殉教者的死亡。在這個點上, 殉教者的血的流在此流動了, 從每疾病治好了許多的水爆發了的愈合的一個彈簧。主教撇。特爾彼得秘密地與他的人一起來了並且, 在一樣的點上,值得尊敬地埋葬了殉教者的正文。值得尊敬地死, 他們都與光榮的花環被使圓滿並且在合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的王國在居住上面拿了吾主。



Theophanes was born in Ioannia and, as a young man, left all and went to Mt. Athos where he was tonsured a monk in the community of Dochiariu. He was an example to all the monks in fasting, prayer, all-night vigils and depriving himself of all that was unnecessary. In time, and because of this, he was elected as abbot. Later, because of some misunderstanding with the monks, he left Mt. Athos and, with his nephew, went to Berea [Beroea] in Macedonia where he established a monastery in honor of the All-holy Theotokos. When this monastery blossomed with the spiritual life, Theophanes entrusted his nephew to govern it and he went to Naousa where he established another monastery in honor of the Holy Archangels. Theophanes died peacefully in the fifteenth century. His miracle-working relics, even now, repose in Naousa and manifest the great power of God.
Theophanes 在 Ioannia 出生並且, 作為一個年輕的人,都離開了並且去了他是噸肯定的Athos山在 Dochiariu 的社區的一個修道士。他是到在齋戒的所有的修道士的一個例子, 禱告, 通宵的守夜並且所有這些剝奪他自己是不必要的。及時,並且因為這, 他作為修道院院長被選。后來, 因為與修道士的一些誤解, 他離開了Athos山並且, 與他的外甥,去了 Berea [ Beroea ] 都神聖的 Theotokos 在他建立了一個修道院在的馬其頓尊敬。甚麼時候與神的生活的這修道院 blossomed , Theophanes 委托了他的外甥管理它並且他去了他在神聖的天神長的榮譽建立了另外的修道院的 Naousa 。Theophanes 和平地在第 15 個世紀死了。他的工作奇跡遺物, 甚至現在, 在 Naousa 的修養並且表明上帝的大力量。


3 . 神聖的殉教者提摩斐。提摩太,統帥更和 THECLA

All three were martyred for Christ during the reign of the wicked Emperor Diocletian. Timothy was burned alive and Agapius and Thecla were thrown before wild beasts.
都 3 是為在居心不良的皇帝 Diocletian 的朝代期間的合[利爾]斯托。斯基督的市場年。提摩斐。提摩太活被燒並且統帥更和 Thecla 在野生的野獸前被扔。



神聖的殉教者安德魯, STRATELATES [ 論壇]

The nature's song in the midst of Mt. Tavros

Echoed without a loud human response.

Until one day, the mountain shook,

Some new echo, through her was carried;
一些新回響, 通過她被帶;

And the mountain, its eternal echo halted
並且山, 它的永久的回響停住了

In order to hear the new, which it had not in ages, heard.
以便聽見新, 它在年齡沒有了它, 聽見。

There, the end of the brave detachment of Andrew was,
在那裡, 安德魯的勇敢的分開的結束是,

There, the wolves, the innocent lambs slaughtered;
在那裡, 狼, 無罪的羔羊屠殺了;

Andrew, from the Persians, the Empire of Rome saved,
安德魯, 從波斯人,[羅爾]瑪的帝國保存了,

And now, against Andrew, the Roman army roar,
並且現在, 對安德魯,[羅爾]瑪軍隊咆哮,

With two-thousand companions, Andrew to the earth knelt,
與 2 -- 千個同伴, 到地球的安德魯下跪了,

To his companions, good advice he spoke:

Now is the pleasant hour, now is the day of salvation,
現在是愉快的小時, 現在是救助的日子,

From the earthly life, our separation.

On our knees humbly before God, let us kneel,

And for much good, let us warmly give thanks,

And mostly brethren, for a martyr's death
並且主要兄弟們, 為一位殉教者的死亡

Without anger and shouting against the murderous hand.

Thus, Andrew spoke. To their knees they fell,
這樣, 安德魯說話了。到他們的膝他們掉落了,

Two-thousand men, began to pray;
2 -- 千個人, 開始了祈禱;

Of the bitter pursuers, swords flashing
痛苦的 pursuers ,閃光的劍

Atop the mountain, choirs of angels shone,
在頂上山, 天神的唱詩班照耀了,

The doors of Paradise, in heaven opened
天堂的門, 在天堂開了

For Andrew holy, the glorious Stratelates
為神聖的安德魯,光榮的 Stratelates

And his army, who evil overcame
並且他的軍隊, 魔鬼克服了

And for their Christ, shed honorable blood.



When an unexpected misfortune happens to us who are innocent, we should not immediately grieve but rather we should try to see in this the Providence of God, Who, through that misfortune, is preparing something new and beneficial for us. One day, unexpected news came to Blessed Theophanes, the abbot of Dochiariu, that the Turks had seized his sister's son, forced him to embrace Islam and took him to Constantinople. Theophanes immediately traveled to Constantinople and, with the help of God, succeeded to find his nephew and to secretly bring him out of Constantinople and brought him to his monastery on Mt. Athos. There, he again, received his nephew into the Christian Faith and, after that, also tonsured him a monk. However, the brethren began to complain against their abbot and his nephew for fear of the Turks, for they were afraid that the Turks would find out and come and destroy the monastery. Not knowing what to do, St. Theophanes took his nephew and, with him, secretly withdrew not only from Dochiariu but also from the Holy Mountain and came to Berea. The later activities of Theophanes in Berea and in Naousa proved how much that misfortune was beneficial to the Church. That which Theophanes could never succeed to achieve on the Holy Mountain, he achieved in these other places to which he had fled from that misfortune. Namely: he founded two new monasteries, where, in time, many monks were saved and where countless men found comfort for themselves. In addition to this, his holy relics among the Christian people became a source of healing for the strengthening of faith among many unbelievers and those of little faith. Thus, God wisely directs the destiny of men through unexpected misfortunes, which momentarily seem to men that they are going to their final destruction.
當意外的不幸發生在我們身上時是無罪的, 我們應該不很快地悲傷但是相當我們應該試著在這看見上帝的普羅維登斯,, 通過那不幸,正在準備為我們新並且有益的一些東西。有天, 意外的新聞來到了有福氣的 Theophanes , Dochiariu 的修道院院長, 土耳其人抓住了他的姐妹的兒子, 強迫了他到擁抱回教並且帶了他去土耳其都市。Theophanes 很快地旅行了到土耳其都市並且, 在上帝的幫助下,成功了發現他的外甥並且秘密地從土耳其都市帶他並且在Athos山上把他帶了到他的修道院。在那裡, 他再, 收到了他的外甥進克裡斯琴•法斯並且, 在那以後,另外噸肯定他一個修道士。然而, 兄弟們開始了以免土耳其人對他們的修道院院長和他的外甥抱怨, 因為他們害怕了土耳其人將發現並且來並且破壞修道院。不知道做甚麼, 聖 Theophanes 拿了他的外甥並且, 與他一起,秘密地從 Dochiariu 而且從神聖的山撤退了並且來到了 Berea 。在 Berea 並且在 Naousa 的 Theophanes 的以後的活動証明了那不幸對教會多少有益。那 Theophanes 從來不能接替它在神聖的山上完成, 他在他從那不幸逃跑了到其的這些另外的地方完成了。也就是︰他成立了 2 個新修道院, 在此, 及時, 許多修道士被保存並且發現的無數的人在哪兒為自己安慰。除了這,他的在克裡斯琴人之中的神聖的遺物成為了為在小信念的許多不輕信的人和那些之中信念加強愈合的來源。這樣, 上帝明智地通過意外的不幸指導人的命運, 它一時對人好象他們將去他們的最後的破壞。



To contemplate the wondrous Providence of God in the life of David (1 Samuel 16 1 Kings 16):
沉思在達微。德大衛的生活的上帝的令人驚奇的普羅維登斯 ( 1 塞繆爾 16 1 國王 16 ) ︰

1. How the Spirit of God withdrew from Saul because of Saul's sin;
1 . 上帝的神怎麼因為 Saul 的罪惡從 Saul 撤退了;

2. How an evil spirit assaulted Saul so that he sought a harpist in order to comfort him;
2 . 邪惡的神怎麼襲擊了 Saul 以便他尋求了一個彈豎琴者以便安慰他;

3. How the servants of the king precisely found David and brought him to the king so as to calm him with the harp.
3 . 國王的仆人怎麼精確發現了達微。德大衛並且把他帶了到國王以便與豎琴使他平靜。



About the power of the Lord and the weakness of idols


"Behold, the Lord rideth upon a light cloud and shall come into Egypt: And the idols of Egypt shall be moved at His presence" (Isaiah 19:1).
“看到, 在一盞燈之上的主 rideth 遮蔽並且將進入埃及︰並且埃及的聖像將在他的存在被移動“ ( 艾賽爾 19:1 ) 。

Fleeing from King Herod, the Pharaoh of Jerusalem, the Lord came to Egypt. The true Israel is not reckoned according to the place but rather according to the spirit and deeds. At the time of the birth of the Lord, greater evil [Herod] reigned in Jerusalem than ever reigned in the Egypt of the Pharaohs as it often happens when believers fall away from the Faith, they become worse than the unbelievers who never knew the true Faith. Such is the case in our days with the rulers in Russia who apostatized from Christ. At that time, Egypt was a kinder and more hospitable place for the Savior of the world than was Jerusalem. Compare the words of the prophet with the words of the angel in a dream to the Righteous Joseph: "Arise, and take the young Child and His mother and flee into Egypt" (St Matthew 2:13) and immediately you will be convinced that the words of Isaiah do not refer to anyone other than Christ the Lord. You will be convinced of this even more when you hear the words of the other prophet who speaks: "Out of Egypt I called My son" (Hosea 11: 1).
從國王希臘王逃跑, 耶路撒冷的法老, 主來到了埃及。真實的伊斯[拉爾]。伊利以色列沒根據地方被計算但是相反根據神和行為。在主的出生的時間,更大的魔鬼 [ 希臘王 ] 比平常在耶路撒冷統治了當信徒們甚麼時候掉落離開費思,經常發生,在法老的埃及統治了,他們變得比不輕信的人更壞從來不知道真實的費思。如此的是在我們的與從合[利爾]斯托。斯基督變節了的在俄國的統治者一起的天的盒子。在那時間,埃及是為世界的救世主的一個更客氣並且更好客的地方比是耶路撒冷。在一個夢把先知的詞到正直的約瑟夫作比較與天神的詞︰“產生,並且帶年輕的孩子和他的母親並且逃跑進埃及” ( 瑪特婓馬太街 2:13 ) 並且很快地你將被確信艾賽爾的詞不除合[利爾]斯托。斯基督以外提交主給任何人。當你聽見另外的先知的詞時,你將甚至更被使相信這說話︰“從埃及我打電話給了我的兒子” ( 馬拉基亞瑪拉基 11 ︰1 ) 。

What does "a light cloud" upon which He [the Lord] will come to Egypt signify? This signifies the body of the Lord in which He will clothe His divinity, for the body of man is as a dense cloud in which the soul resides. Therefore, that is the prophetic vision of the Incarnate Lord. Some interpreters also think that "a light cloud" signifies the Most-pure Mother of God who, by long fasting and prayer and other mortifications made her body as light as a cloud. Especially "light was that cloud" the body of the Birth-giver of God because of the absence of passions, which burden the human body.
“一盞燈在哪個之上遮蔽甚麼”他 [ 主 ] 將來到埃及意味著?這意味著他將在其給神性穿衣服的主的正文, 因為人的正文作為靈魂在其住的稠密的雲。因此, 是預言的視覺賦予主。一些遷座也認為“輕雲”意味著誰的上帝的大多數純的母親, 旁邊長的齋戒和禱告和另外的禁欲象雲一樣使她的正文輕。“特別光是遮蔽”因為熱情的缺席的上帝的出生送禮者的正文, 哪個負擔人正文。

O, All-merciful Lord, Who desires salvation for all mankind and does not look to see who is a Jew and who is an Egyptian, save and have mercy on us for we continuously hope in Your Name.
喔!阿爾 - 默西富爾•主啊, 為所有的人類需要救助並且不看看誰是一個猶太人並且誰是一個埃及人, 節省並且因為我們連續地在你的名字希望,在我們上有仁慈。

To Thee be glory and praise forever. Amen.