
The Apology

Quintus S.F. Tertulliano
Trans. by TU Shihua

Script: Traditional Chinese
Publisher: Logos and Pneuma Press
Date: 1999
Format/Pages: Softcover, 217 pp
ISBN: 962-8322-16-8
Availability: out of stock
Price: $12.88


A defense of Christianity against the unreasoning and unreasonable criticism of the unbelievers. It was composed in the summer or autumn of 197, and addressed to the provincial governors of the Roman Empire. It seems likely that it was written after the Ad Nationes and perhaps Adversus Judaeos, which it draws upon.

OFASC Theological Review

Tertullian is not accepted as a Church Father by the Orthodox Church as he later fell into the heresy of the Montanists. Read with discretion. Translated and published by non-Orthodox.