Русский | English Translation by Katherine Ilachinski (Aug 2009)

On April, 19, 1946 there was a meeting of the public of Harbin, devoted to sending-off parts of Red Army leaving Manchuria led by marshal R.J.Malinovsky. The Harbin newspaper "Russian word" wrote that with especial force and sincerity at this assembly have sounded the words of Father L. Viktorov. He in particular has said: "One recollects the eve of our Orthodox holiday [Transfiguration of our Lord]. In the sky one could see planes of Red Army. What an unforgettable moment it was! Believers as for Pascha welcomed native compatriots with all day bell ringing. […] What can one tell you at the moment of separation? Only to express heartfelt gratitude. You, valorous fighters and commanders, have glorified our Native Land to such height that she never had. Pass to the native land our deep bow (to the ground) from us. Long live in centuries glorified by you Fatherland!"[19.]

Meanwhile, in diocese of Harbin there were occurring changes. Metropolitan Nestor became its manager, with the title of Ekzarh of East Asia. In affairs of the diocese and Exarchate he needed an active assistant - vicar bishop. Knowing the widowed archpriest Father L. Viktorov since times of civil war and entirely trusting him, Bishop Nestor has stopped his choice on him. Father L. Viktorov had to be consecrated to Bishop.

Consecration to bishop

In item 3 of the Decree of the most holy Patriarch Alexy of Moscow and All Russia from June 11, 1946 # 664 was declared: " the candidate submitted by Archbishop Nestor archpriest Leonid Viktorov, after becoming a monk to become vikary of Ekzarh with a title of Bishop of Qiqihar […] and that naming him and consecration to bishop to be conducted in Harbin " [20.]

Consecration to bishop and religious rites before it to it was made in the following order.

On September 14, 1946 on Saturday during the Night Vigil service in Skorbjashchensky church of "House of Mercy" Metropolitan Nestor has made Cathedral archpriest Father L. Viktorov a monk. Next day during the Divine Liturgy the new monk Nikandr was elevated to a rank of archimandrite.

On Saturday on September, 21, on day of celebrating of the Nativity of Most Holy Theotokos, in the Saint-Nikolas Cathedral has taken place the naming of archimandrite Nikandr to bishop of Qiqihar, the vicar of diocese of Harbin. The first "many years" to archimandrite Nikandr, "elected, authorized and named to Bishop of Qiqihar", has been proclaimed by Cathedral protodeacon Father Nikolas Ovchinkin.

Before "many years" Archimandrite Nikandr has made a long sermon. Here are some excerpts from it: "Fear and trembling came to me…" (Psalm 54, 6). Yes, the fear reaching trembling also filled and fills my soul when I only think of what responsible service in Christ Church Lord God calls me. […] I am bowing under God's hands(decision), I bow to you wise in the Lord archpriests, I ask for your saint prayers and blessing, that our Lord Jesus Christ grants me, unworthy, to serve and labor to the rest of my days in Christ's Church as a bishop, so that in hour of last reckoning, similarly to the evangelical slave, to hear a pardoning voice of Heavenly Judge: "Good and Merciful servant, in small (deeds) you were faithful, above many I shall put you, come and partake in joy of your Lord God (Mathew 25, 21)" [21].

[19] Russian word. Harbin, April 19, 1946, № 90 (122).
[20] The decree of the Most holy Patriarch Alexy of Moscow and All Russia from June 11, 1946 № 664 // "Heavenly Bread ". Harbin, 1946. - № 9, 10. - page 33.
[21] Heavenly Bread. Harbin, 1946. - № 9, 10. - pages 52-53.