Русский | English Translation by Katherine Ilachinski (Aug 2009)

High pedagogical prestige of HSML in Harbin was recognized. At the same time, in certain circles there was a questioning attitude. So, archbishop Mefody in 1927 wrote: "the Union does not conduct propagation of any certain creed, but its ideology is the same equivalence of all creeds and full religious or confessional indifference. The youth, entering in ideological dialogue with HSML, submits to some extent to ideology of the Union and not raise in itself rudiments of confessional indifference: using the blessings ofthe Union, by virtue of the simple delicacy, they put itself in the obligation to do some concessions to ideology of the Union" [18]. Therefore Bishop Mefody also has appointed to high school of HSML Father Leonid, acute and eloquent teacher of Divine Law, in the hope that he can support and strengthen there truly Orthodox atmosphere.

Years of the Japanese occupation of Manchuria (1932-1945) were especially disturbing for its inhabitants. During this period to keep independence of Church of worldly elements, the clergy had to maneuver, in a literal sense, between emigrant organizations and groupings of various orientations. All of them have consisted of believing people andeveryone aspired to draw clergy to their side.

There is an episode with pagan goddess Amaterasu, statue of which the Japanese authority unsuccessfully tried to install for worship in Orthodox churches of Harbin! Resistance to this demanded from bishops inhabitants of Harbin and from the dean Father L. Viktorov a lot of stability, endurances and extremely strong nerves.

Rector of the Cathedral
Fr. L. Viktorov
(1940 Photo)

There was enough worry enough at the moment of withdrawal of diocese of Harbin from the jurisdiction of the Outside of Russia Synod and its entering to the jurisdiction of the Moscow Patriarchy. This intention has been declared by summer of 1945, before the official announcement of the war of USSR with Japan. The Japanese administration, due to a background of the military-political failures, was especially inflamed by this courageous act of Russian clergy. Certainly, in this business their initiators - archbishop Nestor and ruling metropolitan Melety subjected themselves to the greatest risk. But also the rector of the Cathedral, archpriest L. Viktorov could be very much harmed, when in a church headed by him during divine services they began to pray for the most holy Patriarch of Moscow.

Arrival to Manchuria of Soviet armies has been perceived by Father Leonid in two ways. Across Harbin has swept the wave of arrests, and he as a former kappelevets (belonging to the army of), could be afraid of reprisals. At the same time, as the Russian person, he could not hide deep admiration of heroes-winners and did not want to conceal the patriotic feelings which have seized him. A similar position was held then by overwhelming majority of inhabitants of Harbin. In sermons Father Leonid and in his meetings outside of church walls the patriotic theme has begun to sound more and more.

[18] Heavenly Bread. Harbin, 1927. - №. 4.