After the "Ice campaign" priest L. Viktorov recedes with army through Transbaikal and to the beginning of 1921 he appears in the Far East. Here he, without leaving duties of the military priest, he is under spiritual care of Bishop Michael of Vladivostok and is consecrated to a rank of archpriest.
In 1920 Father L. Viktorov became a widower. On March 28, 1921, being in settlement Razdolnoe {Spacious} (little to the south of Nikolsk-Ussuriisk), he has received the telegram from Tomsk with the message that his wife Maria Arsenevna "has died of typhus last year" [8]. Father Leonid did not have any news from her for a long time. Now, having realized his loss, he made the following record on the fatal cable form: "Last hope is gone … God's will be done" [9.]
Since May of 1921 on the Far East it became especially restless: first successful performance against the red of not numerous former kappelevtsev, then - coming to power of Interim Priamur government of S.D.Merkulov. At last, since August 10, 1922, governor of Priamur Zemskogo district - last stronghold of White Russia - becomes general M.K.Diterihs [10]. Loyal to him armies have received the name of Zemskoj Priamur Army, and archpriest Leonid Viktorov has been appointed their Main military priest.
During these intense days there could have been the acquaintance of Father L. Viktorova - the future Bishop Nikandr of Harbin and Manchurian - with all his three predecessors on the faculty of Harbin. On September 22, 1922 the meeting of bishops was held in Nikolsk-Ussuriisk discussing convocation of Far East Local Church Council [11].In this discussion have taken part appointed to provisional faculty of Harbin archbishop Methodius of Orenburg and Turgaisky, and also bishops Melety (of Transbailkal and Nerchinsky) and Nestor (of Kamchatka and Peter and Paul's) which subsequently became ruling metropolitans in Harbin.
As bishops, among other, discussed a question of participation in the Council of military clergy, it is difficult to assume, that archpriest L. Victorov - the Main military priest - has not been invited to this meeting.
However, Far East Local Council could not have taken place at the planned time (since October 22, 1922). At the end of October Zemskaja Army has been compelled to stop resistance and to withdraw to the territory of China and Korea. In the farewell decree from October 17 general M.K.Diterihs wrote: "Forces of Zemskoj Priamur Army are broken. Twelve heavy days of struggle by only the staff of immortal heroes of Siberia and the Ice Campaign, without increase, without cartridges, have solved destiny of Zemskogo Priamur area. Soon it will disappear. It will as a body - die. But only as a body. In the spiritual respect… it will never die in the future history of revival of Great Sacred Russia"[12.]
Instead of projected council sessions, in October of 1922 Father Leonid had to take care of destinies of flock and the clergy subordinate to him. In the official report to Right Reverend Methodius, archbishop of Harbin and Manchuria, sent in the beginning of 1923 Father Leonid wrote: "While leaving Vladivostok I informed military clergy about those heavy prospects which in foreign land awaited each one of us and raised the question of freedom of a choice for each priest. Some part of clergy after that has remained in city of Vladivostok, some has declared desire to follow with parts of the Army abroad and divide the general destiny.
[9] In the same place.
[10] Hvalin A.Return to monarchy in Russia. Priamur Zemsky Council of 1922 - M., 1993. - pages 43, 45, 52.
[11] In the same place page 93.
[12] Quatation in Fomin S. " Doctor of souls and a bodies ". The foreword to the book: by Metropolitan Nestor. My Kamchatka. - Trinity - Sergiev Monastery. 1995. - pages 20-21.